I have the script. I have tried Indiegogo (7) times. No success. I at least know by now if I do that again I have to post a video. I have read the book "Bankroll" by Tom Malloy--"How to finance your independent film". I realize this will be the most challenging part of getting my screenplay produced...
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Al- I am saving it . It's my get into movies last resort I have tried everything else my Uncle Hy Anzell(IMDB)was great with you can you give me a letter of introduction card. P.S. Yes I have met him...
Expand commentAl- I am saving it . It's my get into movies last resort I have tried everything else my Uncle Hy Anzell(IMDB)was great with you can you give me a letter of introduction card. P.S. Yes I have met him and yes He knows who I am and yes I want to wait till Moskowitz & Lupowitz is ready(my 5th script) and then and only then might I try. But it is a very tricky subject. I got my cousin Gary Craig to contend with who might put up some road blocks. "Don't ask" Family oi vay Show Business family Oi Oi Vay. Well that's the story. I think I might go with my Moses short script before HSM , It is very Mel Brooks funny and it is a short with only (4) interior scenes and half the actors. Because let me tell you something: As killer a script HSM is its going toibe a monster, NYC exterior shots, Period picture, extras a whole big deal. Who knows maybe I will win PAGE or Nicholl and let someone else produce it. Because let me tell you something. When it comes to ideas for movies I have endless ideas .Endless. There are stacks of paper I throw on memo pads and scrap paper. I only started writing HSM in August 2014, I now have (12) scripts on my celtx program in the genres of Comedy, Sports Comedy, Action/Adventure, Sci Fi, Documentary Animation and (1) TV sit com(Yeech! Boob Tube) and one TV drama pilot. I wish my father the musician/composer was still alive. All the time he was alive I only did advertising copy writing and than went into telemarketing for Carnegie Hall.(started in 1998. Always was the black sheep of my family around the Thanksgiving table. Surrounded by my Uncles, Aunts, cousins all actors, Musicians and Composers.They would call me Mr. Madison Avenue. Even as a teenager my Father and my Uncle tried to get me into show business but I refused. Make a buck make a buck. Who knew at the ripe young age of 62 I would finally find my voice , my passion. It is the most fun I have with my clothes on. I love telling stories making up stories. The joy I get when someone laughs at what I write you cannot put a price on then again if it is in Macy's window you got to hey lets face it we want to sell some tickets here. Sometimes when I sit down at the keyboard and start pounding away I never know where it is going to lead. I however do have enough sense to make sure the (2) screenplays I have posted on my Profile page have US copyrights. You know C.Y.A. Oh well I guess I went off on the deep end with Woody Allen. I guess he was probably the final element that got me to screenwriting. Did I ever tell you the story of that chance meeting I had with him? No well maybe some other time. Oh well what the heck So I am walking along East 81 street one day towards Central Park when I see him up ahead with his wife (this was July 2014). So I don't want to be a paparazzi and I was still quite happy working at Carnegie Hall at my telemarketing job. So than I thought you know I could walk up along side him and just thank him for all the great roles he gave my Uncle Hy Anzell(IMDB) over the years. So that's what I did. It started a short 2 minute conversation which ended with: "Well if you ever get into the business let me know" . A month later on August 16th to be exact at 3 AM in the morning no less I am sitting in the Hot N' Crusty Bagel Shop over on Lexington Avenue and 85th street just practicing my Spanish and hanging out with my Mexican friends when I hear a Madonna song on the Radio. It triggers a memory of a news event I was part of back in 1985. And then I thought of my encounter with Woody. The next thing I know I am in the CVS buying a $1.19 memo pad of 80 pages and a couple of pens. (10) memo pads ,847 pages later(they were small memo pads) I had a script called "HOPE SAVES MANHATTAN" I wrote every solitary word in that Bagel shop in the wee hours of the morning over the next several weeks. The guys started a nickname for me "Senor Hollywood". Anyway that is how I started this Journey. And you're right Al sooner or later there will be another conversation with the Woodman. But it has got to be timed just right and I am only going to get one shot. I think when M&L is done. Because when My Uncle Hy Anzell(IMDB) was alive he always wanted Woody to make a film about Moskowitz & Lupowitz our families legendary Show Business restaurant. But Woody would always say sure but show me a script Hy. Hy never did. But I can and I have about 40 more pages to go. And I am not taking any chances with my cousin Gary. It is copyrighted. Let him try He never was an Anzelowitz and never will be. You see My father and my two Uncles Hy and Bob never let my Aunt Bunny (Gary's Mom) to be involved in the restaurant and I remember all the fights that Gary, Phillip, Andre and my sister Lois all heard. I think that is why Gary has such a resentment towards me entering the family Business. Because since Uncle Hy died he is now the family show business success. He does not want another Anzelowitz to come in and ruin his glory. Thanks for reading AL. sorry I rambled on.
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For one thing when you're asking for money never give a range. Know exactly what you can make it for and stick with that budget. It makes it look like you don't know what you're doing when you don't have an exact budget. Investors are thinking, "Well which is it $100,000 or $250,000."
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Steven- thanks for sharing your story. It's actually nice to know that someone besides me rambles on once in a while! ha ha. I totally agree with your strategy of keeping powder dry till you're ready.