A short film based on a stage and screenplay by Layon Gray. "Riding the stallion Aristides, Oliver Lewis, an African American won the inaugural Kentucky Derb...
A promo for Layon Gray's award winning play about the Tuskegee Airmen
in January 2012, an old reel was found in a thrift store. it revealed women in the 1940's talking about their loved ones who have travelled to Tuskegee Alabama to be come pilots. We know them today as the Tuskegee Airmen. A motion picture written and directed by award winner Layon Gray.
A scene from Layon Gray's award winning play about an African-American female baseball team in 1945 Chicago. Soon to be a major motion picture. For more information about this project send an email to layongray@gmail.com, or log on to www.thelayongrayexperience.com.