Patricia K. Meyer's Lounge Discussions

Russel Bongueno
Story Analyst Test

Concept/Originality *****

Structure/Plot/Pacing ****

Character development ***

Budget/Commercial Prospect ***

Formating ***

Dialogue/Language (English) *

Analyst' Mark: Pass

Wrong or right?

Patricia K. Meyer

Keep writing. Practice, practice, practice. And maybe have an English language coach work with you and edit your work so you can see what's going wrong. Wishing you success!

Russel Bongueno

Thanks for your advices Patricia.

Jessica Ross
Write myself or hire a screenwriter?

There is a story of a murder in 1930 about a cab driver that was murdered. My great grandfather and his wife found the driver on their way home from church and my great grandfather was suspected of murdering him until they caught the correct killer. Story takes place in Atlantic Canada. True story w...

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Patricia K. Meyer

If you do not have screenwriting experience, you should hire an experienced screewriter. But as Jeff warned, you will have to pay her adequately. Adapting a true crime story, my expertise, by the way,...

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Talece Brown

Oh my. This is my "put water in the well moment". Film actor. Lots and lots of TV. Film. Voice work reading lots of scripts. Had a vision of movie. Had money. Had financing. Hired producers and writer...

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Talece Brown

Oh. And vet Everyone!!!!!!

Talece Brown

Dan G. Well there goes Devil in the White City.

Shhh. Don't tell anyone. We as actors look for real parts in great stories that reflect our experience of life. We'll voice an animated raccoon. But baby we don't want to play one. ✌

Talece Brown

Ah. Vetting is easy. Follow the money. Soup to nuts. Budget to profit margin.

Jon Finger
Introducing Myself

My introduction to my love of production was Video Game Cinematics. Blizzard ignited my interest but since then companies like Epic Games, Blur, PlasticWax, and the Live Action Campaigns for Halo have been fuel to my fire. It wasn't until The Matrix showed me the Game Cinematic style could work for...

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Matt Hurd

Props to you for knowing and pursuing your passion! All these movies you're mentioning are proof that blockbusters can be spectacles with heart & humor. All the best in your endeavors!

Harper J

Yes! You don't want to be on your death bed thinking about what could have been!

David Ikechukwu Akam

Mr.Jon i think i would be needing you skills soon...what do you think?

Patricia K. Meyer

Great reel! I'm not writing scripts or pilots in your genre, but I applaud your SFX and visuals! Go for it!! Wishing you success...

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