Lee Trawick

Lee Trawick


Jacksonville, Florida

Member Since:
December 2016
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Lee

My name is Lee Trawick,
I went to college at North Florida Community College. Where I played college baseball before being signed to a free agent contract by the Cincinnati Reds.
After baseball, I joined the United States Army. (Great job in the world!)
After having to leave the Army due to an injury, I went to Fire college at Chipola Fire college. I was a firefighter/EMT for two years before my Army injury showed up on a yearly physical.
Once I left the fire house, I took a college professor advice and went into modeling. While modeling in NYC for three years I got into some acting and stand up comedy. Stand up comedy is where my writing began. I have published one book so far and currently finishing up my second book.



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