I am a Finnish writer and digital entrepreneur. I am also a mother*3, ex-marketing & communication director and ex- awarded advertising agency creative.
Whatever I have done for living, I have always been writing beside. I have several almost-ready scripts for books, tv-series and movies at my desk...
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Tervetuloa ja mukava tavata toinen suomalainen. Me olemme todella harvinainen kansa täällä. Welcome and nice to meet another native Finn. We are a rare breed indeed here.
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Kiitos Juhani! Samoin, hauskaa että en ole ainoa. Voidaankin jutella täällä vähän niinkuin salakielellä. Thank you Juhani, it is nice that there are other countrymen also here!
i also have unfinished material lol. i'm an African writer and i am looking to score in hollywood particularly write for the CW network
Great to meet you Katja. We seem to be at the same stage in our writing journeys. I have a few scripts posted on site but am still looking for that all important Literary Manager. Good fortune to you. David