Katja Ankila's Lounge Discussions

Katja Ankila
Hi, nice to meet you!

I am a Finnish writer and digital entrepreneur. I am also a mother*3, ex-marketing & communication director and ex- awarded advertising agency creative.

Whatever I have done for living, I have always been writing beside. I have several almost-ready scripts for books, tv-series and movies at my desk...

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Juhani Nurmi

Tervetuloa ja mukava tavata toinen suomalainen. Me olemme todella harvinainen kansa täällä. Welcome and nice to meet another native Finn. We are a rare breed indeed here.

Katja Ankila

Kiitos Juhani! Samoin, hauskaa että en ole ainoa. Voidaankin jutella täällä vähän niinkuin salakielellä. Thank you Juhani, it is nice that there are other countrymen also here!

Sipho Marvin Makwili

i also have unfinished material lol. i'm an African writer and i am looking to score in hollywood particularly write for the CW network

David B. McEwan

Great to meet you Katja. We seem to be at the same stage in our writing journeys. I have a few scripts posted on site but am still looking for that all important Literary Manager. Good fortune to you. David

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