Abby LaVal Clark's Lounge Discussions

Just wanted to say hello

Hello everyone, I am new to the screenwriting scene but very excited to get my work out there. I'm 39 and most of my professional career has been in the fitness and sports industry until recently moving over to SEO marketing and website specialization. I have always had an active imagination and wha...

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Sarah Gabrielle Baron

Wow, three already, with good feedback and placing in contests! my goodness! You're in a great place here with Stage32. Start pitching! If you're looking for writer's community, think of joining the writer's room. Maybe I'll 'see' you there!

James Welday

Welcome, Robert! Pleased to meet you.

Alicia Sekhri


Debbie Croysdale

@Barry heh heh, yep Welcome to the Hotel California. Check out any time but never leave!

Monica Mansy

Welcome aboard, Robert! Congrats on writing three scripts; that's amazing! Stage 32 is a great place to grow in the craft and meet other creatives. I would definitely jump in the lounges (just like yo...

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Mista Martel
If you had the opportunity to write an episode for a current tv series, what it would it be?

That would be Star Trek: Discovery for me. I've always in enjoyed the Star Trek Franchise. Deep Space Nine being my favorite.

Bill Albert

Dr. Who.

John Ellis

DS9 was the best since TOS - IMO. I don't think I could write a worthy Ep of most any current show, but I'd love just to be in the Yellowstone room! Or Ted Lasso, or The Morning Show.

Jess Waters

Gentleman Jack, Lovecraft Country, or Russian Doll

Annaluisa De Socchieri

9-1-1 Lone Star. I want to dream big

Lee Krempel

Barry or Fargo.

Hello there!

My name is Milan Seratlic, I'm from Toronto, Canada, and I just finished a 2-year course of Video Production at Durham College. I joined Stage32 a couple of months ago at the advice of one of my professors when I told her that I plan on becoming a narrative filmmaker, but I've been only recently abl...

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Abby LaVal Clark

I have co-written scripts with writers in your situation. Some of the most fun I have had writing. It's great to bounce ideas. Maybe a co-writer could help.

John Ellis

Find TV/film sets in your area and work as either a paid or unpaid PA. You'll get to know people and get a lot of hands-on experience.

Dawn Prato

Always happy to see another Canadian :) Welcome to the site!

Evelyne Gauthier

Welcome, fellow Canadian! :)

Darren A Crofts
The Swimmer - update / remake

Hi all - I am new to this site and am trying to find my way around - I'v written a script for a remake / update of The Swimmer and am trying to garner some interest in it - any thoughts / suggestions / ideas would be welcome - many thanks and best wishes all

Darren A Crofts

maybe the copyright owners can be found - maybe this is a chance to get the ball rolling?

Darren A Crofts

I'd like to take this as far as I can - see where it leads me - I think I have an interesting idea for a remake and the time may be right

Darren A Crofts

T=Many thanks Dan - that was what I was thinking - you just never know how these things turn out - and I;ve got to start somewhere - so here I am

Abby LaVal Clark

Your unique creativity is more powerful than years of experience.

Darren A Crofts

Thanks Abby - not entirely sure it is unique - but I am hoping I might find out

Shanika Freeman
Feedback on 5 minute play

Hello everyone, I recently finished a 5 minute play and I would love to get feedback. It tackled class and racism. I think my biggest weakness right now is the dialogue and pacing. I feel that it may be a bit on the nose and preachy at times and that's something I really want to work on. If anyone w...

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David E. Gates

Malcolm, he said his play "tackled class and racism". Try telling anyone of colour that their campaign to root out racism is "riding a dead horse" and that they are "small minded" and I'm sure you'll receive short shrift.

Pandora Scooter

Hi Shankika - I'm a POC playwright/writer/script doctor with 30 years experience. I'd be happy to take a look at your play. Send it on over my way.

Isaac Gesser

You can send it My way if you want. I always love a story tackling any type of intolerance or bullying. In any case, you have my support. These issues should never be considered a "dead horse!"

David Odimegwu


David Odimegwu

I understand your pains Shanika Freeman most writer tends to have issues creating dialogue. but over the years, i have come to notice and a conclusion that most writers don't pay attention to the code...

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Diane Liberman
Adapting screeplay to novel

is anyone else adapting their screenplay into a novel? I am doing that with my family screenplay, creating juvenile fiction for self-publishing.

Jerrod D. Brito

I was thinking about doing that with the first feature screenplay I ever wrote. It was TERRIBLE and was written long before I started to get a handle on structure, but in hindsight, I think it would m...

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Lisa Clemens

I haven't taken a script and turned it into a novel, however one of the prizes for a screenwriting competition was to have a screenplay published and sold on Amazon. (Shameless plug) I hope you'll che...

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Abby LaVal Clark

I am looking for a writer to adapt 3 screenplays into novel please message me if you can do that or know of someone who does. Thank you

Lisa Clemens

Abby are these screenplays you have rights to and/or written by you?

Shara Maude

Usually I end up going the other way and writing screenplays based on my novels.

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"
Where are you at?

It's the end of May and heading into the second half of 2018. Where are you at with your screenwriting goals?

I'll get the ball rolling. I've written two comedies, and I'm about to write a new drama script. I've got a few scripts being shopped, recently won a film festival and am in talks with a net...

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Natalie Farst

Working on a 10 episode drama, working on a 1/2 hour comedy and piecing together some other ideas

Anthony Moore

Just completed an Action/Thriller and submitted it to several contests. Working on my next idea while waiting for the feedback.

B.V Jottsonne

Went to see a bunch of pretty good films in a short period of time Beast, Zama, Sollers Point. Subscribe to IMDB (on to-do list). Seeing my own themes in Zama made me want to treat my characters a little more kindly and pull a few punches (and knives). The audience can only take so much.

Anne Devina Reeve

How do promote my novel to a film

Lisa Clemens

I've been writing since 2009 (challenged by a friend in the industry when he needed a screenwriting partner) and while I have one that was produced which he worked on, (DELIRIUM) we have yet to get on...

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