Jennifer Blanchard's Lounge Discussions

Jennifer Blanchard
What Are the Best Screenplays to Read?

I’m a forever student of Story and am looking for recommendations for screenplays I should read? What are your favorites? Thanks!

Kaye Bewley

I have a copy of the 'Alien' script - I can't seem to find anything better presented and written than that one - and I've read a lot of them. It's so visually descriptive you can actually see the film unfolding before your eyes.

All the best, Kaye

Tracy Lea Carnes

The script for Witness starring Harrison Ford used to be the textbook perfect 3 act structure. Of course Pulp Fiction totally blew the three act structure out of the water.

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

Jennifer- You read other screenplays to improve your craft. Why not find the top 10 greatest films of all time? I would start with 'CASABLANCA'. "Here's looking at you kid".

Tracy Lea Carnes

I would not read older scripts to pattern after. Read what's working now. Trends change. What was acceptable in the 30s or 40s doesn't always work for today. Read scripts that performed well, were cri...

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Jenny Masterton

I think the scripts of films you enjoy the most.

Heather McCluskey
Genre tips

Hey there little red writing hoods, I've been asked to write a drama feature based on a true story. The project already has funding and a production company behind it, but I mostly write sci-fi /action, not drama. I have no problem changing up genres, just asking for any quick tips, tricks and advic...

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Martina Cook

Thanks David Trotti for the clarification and explanation, good to learn :)

Craig D Griffiths

Depends on what you mean by drama. Everything I write could be called a drama. Things like action etc tend to be plot driven drama. Then on the flip side there are my character driven dramas.

I think y...

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Jennifer Blanchard

Will this be like a romantic drama? If so I highly recommend the book Romancing the Beat which has a ton of great advice about structuring romance stories.

Chad Stroman

Look for the relationships that have the greatest change/impact to the narrative. It sounds like it's a story about someone who has died. I don't know if this is a biopic or just "slice of life" about...

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Heather McCluskey

Thanks everyone, yeah it's not a romance,it's based on a true story of an epic event in the life of someone who recently deceased. It has a law suit in it dealing with some pretty big production compa...

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Steven Harris Anzelowitz
What characteristic is most important to you in your screenplay?

There are many elements that make up a successful screenplay. Story, Structure, Character Development. What do you look to achieve when you're done and send in your $35 to for your copyright? On your marks. Get set. SHARE!

Raymond Zachariasse

I'm happy when I am happy. I am very picky about my own work, so when I write something and later on reread to discover it's actually good, I am satisfied. As for action vs dialogs. I love dialogs, bu...

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Anthony Moore

Copyright has gone up to $55 this year.

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

Anthony- Phew! Glad I finished my (3) copyrighted scripts on time at the old rate of $35. Now that it has gone to $55 I better just give up screenwriting and go back to being a telemarketer at Carnegi...

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Jenny Masterton

I don't think it's one, you have to get all of them right to some degree IMO

Robert J. Verlander

For me having a multi -layered protagonist with flaws to over come. Followed very closely by all the other elements. If your story is brilliant but your Protagonist is flat and shallow then it will ge...

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Rose Drabble

I'm considering setting up a blog on my website. The posts will be written from the perspective of a Script Consultant / Script Reader. What topics would you like to see covered? Feel free to leave your suggestions and requests below!

Martina Cook

Hi Rose! As you work in the UK, I’d like to know the differences between UK and US markets, if there are any, and how to find contacts in the UK to sell your script...thanks! :)

Rose Drabble

Agreed Matthew J. Kaplan! I use software such as Final Draft and Scrivener as they have templates and it makes formatting screenplays simple. If you don't have access to that kind of software I advise...

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Rose Drabble

Matthew J. Kaplan Another great topic! I personally enjoy the journey and each of the twists and turning points along the way, but I suppose there are people out there that are obsessed with endings....

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Rose Drabble

Thank you for all the suggestions! Where is the best place to post a link to blog posts on Stage 32? I know that self promotion isn't allowed so wondered if I have to do this on my wall or whether it's OK to post them to the screenwriting lounge?

Matthew J. Kaplan

Rose, I'm looking forward to reading your blog - I'm not sure where to post it here, but I just followed you on social media and will look for blog updates there. All the best!

Jennifer Blanchard
Getting Representation

I’ve been avoiding this for years in my book publishing career because I have attitude about traditional publishers and how they do things (plus I already had a platform and an audience so why get traditional representation?) but I know that to succeed as a Hollywood screenwriter, I’m gonna need rep...

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Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Hello Jennifer:

Traditional wisdom with screenwriters is that they need an agent or manager to further their careers. However, unless you have a top selling novel or a screenplay that has some buzz wit...

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Doug Nelson

There are a number of Literary Agents in the Hollywood market area that handle both book publishing AND screenwriters (my long term Agent does both.)

Laila Doncaster

Interesting Q&A - thanks to you both

Jennifer Blanchard

Wow—thanks everyone! This was a really good thread. Thanks for all the suggestions.

Raymond Zachariasse

I tried IMDbpro, but it didn' work. You don't get much extra for the money, unless you like to make lists and count having your photos on the IMDb as a pro. I think here on stage32 you can find more.

Novel to Screenplay

I'm writing the screenplay of my novel(s) The Library/ The Library:Augustus and was wondering whether I should write one long screen play covering both books or two separate ones. These are Middle Grade Genre novels so around the 40K words each, so combined they are about the length of a book aimed...

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Shawn Speake

I appreciate confident creatives who believe mastery is easy and anyone can play in the NBA and the NFL at the same time. I believe that's naive. Don't see anyone doin' it in the big leagues, but I'm always open to enlightenment. Have a great weekend. I'm DJing for three days!

Rutger Oosterhoff

Read "Jaws" the book and the screenplay and see how hey completely differ.

Jennifer Blanchard

I just did this with one of my novels (the screenplay turned out way better) and for me doing this transition, the most important thing to keep in mind is: You now have to tell this story VISUALLY—thi...

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Chad Stroman

Approaching this from a different angle....

Congrats on your decision to start screenwriting! It's a very, very big decision.

I think what people are hinting at above is that many people make a decisio...

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Raymond Zachariasse

I did the same. I write both, but they are both totally different. So I am constantly changing my books. Some tihings work in books, but not in a screenplay. So as long as you know both mediums are different, you are fine.

Jennifer Blanchard
I'm Jennifer Blanchard--Nice to "Meet" You!

I'm a multi-passionate screenwriter living in Austin, TX. I've been following RB on Instagram for awhile now and I love his vibe and energy. So I decided to see what Stage 32 is all about!!

Already today I've submitted my script to the Stage 32 feature contest and I'm looking forward to getting notes...

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Rods Bobavich

Welcome. I'm one of the few non-filmies in here. I'm a Music Producer in MIssouri.

Find me on Twitter @theBobavich if you wanna talk more about the singing music side of things. Otherwise welcome. This is a great community.

Richard "RB" Botto

Great to have you here now, Jennifer! Appreciate those kind sentiments as well! Looking forward to seeing you around and to your contributions!

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