Robert J Gilman's Lounge Discussions

Jon Bonnell
Setting meetings at AFM

Hey everyone, I'm setting up meetings with film makers at AFM for my company (  Please reach out if you are planning on attending and want to either A) are interested in possible representation for your film or B) are just looking at discussion and consulting about a...

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Conrad Weaver

Hey Jon, I'm making a decision this week on coming to AFM, would love to connect.

Jon Bonnell

If you'll be there, drop me a line and we'll schedule some meeting time.

Robert J Gilman

Hey Jon, I'll be there, it'd be great to meet up. I'll shoot you an email and reference Stage 32. Kind regards, Robert Gilman

Herb P Grinker

WOW, well bout Time Risk!!!...Excellent article...Thank You for sharing Wayne...very educational!! Just makes it that much most recent script 'time risk breakdown'-- 1st Draft;...

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Herb P Grinker

You might be right Dene, but I guess it really comes down to perspective right? I have been a plumber, and I'm a GC (general contractor) by trade for more than 20yrs. Though I have not 'made it' yet (...

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Dan MaxXx

Terry Rossio has always been a Champion for Writers, Pros and Amateurs. He's giving you a play by play on survival.

Erik Grossman

Ya know Dene, yes and no. If you're a no namer, yeah you're treated like shit. One writer from TALES FROM THE SCRIPT said in the totem pole of Hollywood, writers are the bit you shove in the dirt. But...

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Matt Hurd

Seconding Erik's thoughts here. The production process for features unfortunately can leave the original writer in the dust pretty easily, but in TV it's very different. There are many different level...

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Alyssa Stevenson
Thoughts on The Atlantic Theatre School or other NYC Short courses?

Hey Everyone! I am an Actress from Sydney, Australia. I am looking into doing the 6 week Summer Intensive at the Atlantic Theatre School, and wondering if anyone here has completed it or has previously studied at the school and can give me any recommendations or advice. Is there any other short cour...

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Robert J Gilman

I've completed it. It's the most intense 6 week education I have experienced and I have taken a few intensives. It's a semi-Meisner based approach to acting and by that I mean it's not a pure Meisner...

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Alyssa Stevenson

Hi Robert! Thank you so much for your detailed response. This helped greatly! Unfortunately, I am unable to study in NYC as I do not have the funds to support myself for three years. Is there any other short courses you would recommend? Thanks, Alyssa

Georgia Hilton
Director looking for her next project...

Hi, I'm a Director/Producer and , if required, I can also provide my production/post company assets and personnel. Here's a low budget project that we're just finishing up. This was shot and posted for $60K - My IMDB PAGE:

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Robert J Gilman

Nice work on "Subconscious" - Congrats!

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

Great trailer for SubconsciouS ... I would definitely go to see it. Good work Georgia.

Monserrate Pagan Jr

Not to sound insulting but I saw your movie page and have never even heard of any of these film. Do not misunderstand me, I watched many of your trailers and these things are dam good. I want to see a...

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Georgia Hilton

Subconscious has not been delivered yet. It's due to the distributors in AUG. It will be released thur a Lions Gate company in the US and Canada.

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

Monserrate... please proof read your comments before you send it in. I always have typos... unless I proof read.

Robert J Gilman
Super 16

Hoping I could get some feedback on shooting a feature on Super 16mm. The story mostly takes place on a train and ext will be almost all green screen so relatively, lot of Vfx. Story must have an organic, earthy tone, can not be polished or slick. Also any experience with benefits or drawbacks of de...

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Rene Bueno

Agree, investors should have little to say about that, these are creative decisions...

Andrew Sobkovich

Of course investors main concern is ROI. The statement was merely taking the thought that money rules to its logical conclusion. We all know the working reality is quite different. As a working DP, my...

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Royce Allen Dudley

I have DP'd over a dozen super 16 features. In 2014, I think it's the wrong choice... for economy, for ROI, for a number of reasons. I love the format above all, even 35mm ... but I also wear a produc...

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Glenn Roland

This Director and/or Director of Photography/Cinematographer would rather shoot projects on 35mm, 16mm or Super 16 motion picture film. I have used the Aaton Super 16 camera on productions and it was...

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Tressa Sanders

I thought it was just me Glenn. When I switched to film I was like "What do you mean all I need is a light meter?!"... And then I shot my first movie on 16mm film and couldn't believe the magic. :-)

Robert J Gilman

We are in the process of putting our project on Slated .com and I am looking to the Stage 32 community who might also be members of Slated for endorsements to qualify for verification. I am looking forward to starting a discussion.

Robert J Gilman
Producer/Writer - - raised in New England, live in Los Angeles for 31 years, vegan for 10 years. Kind regards....

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Jamie K.

Hi Robert, I am looking for someone to Produce my documentary, entitled, Rape of the Wild. It's about Dog,Cat/Animal FUR/PRODUCTS imports into Canada. Would you be interested?

Lori Romero
Nicholl Fellowship

My screenplay Consider Icarus advanced into the Quarterfinal Round in the Nicholl Fellowship!! Out of a record 7,197 screenplays, 368 advanced!! Anyone else?

Pierre Langenegger

Congrats, Lori. That is such fantastic news for such a prestigious comp. All the best luck for the coming rounds.

MJ Gavin

Hey congrats albeit belated... And you dance with tornados too! Would you mind sharing a piece of the script so I could read what award winning writing looks like? Congrats again!

Lori Romero

Yeah - I'm planning on it - just haven't had time!!

Autumn Burgess

That's awesome!!!

Doug Davidson

Congrats, Lori!

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