Mario Farwell

Mario Farwell

Actor, Playwright, Screenwriter, Stage Director and Theatrical Producer

Saint Louis, Missouri

Member Since:
August 2012
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> 2 weeks ago
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About Mario

Mario Farwell is a native of St. Louis Missouri. He attended the University of MO at Kansas City and received a B.A in Theater. While in Kansas City, he founded The Black and Avant-Garde Theatre. After graduating college, he moved to New York City and lived there for eighteen years. His plays and musicals have been produced off-off Broadway in NYC, San Diego, CA, Minneapolis, MN, and St. Louis, MO. Mario Farwell is the founder and current president of St. Louis Writers’ Group in St. Louis, MO. The group’s mission is the development of local scriptwriters’ works.
Mario has been writing plays, musicals, and screenplays for over thirty years. His insight into the complexity of the human psyche began at an early age. As a young boy, he would spend hours at his mother’s beauty shop. There he carefully observed the many eccentric characters that patronized the shop. He soaked in all the wonderful gossip and stories that the neighborhood women would spin. His play The Seamstress of St. Francis Street was strongly influenced by this experience. The Seamstress of St. Francis Street was fully staged by First Run Theatre in August 2007. The play also won the inaugural E. Desmond Lee Playwriting Competition, and the award-winning play was turned into a feature film. The Seamstress of St. Francis Street was produced 2010 in Ghana, Africa by the University of Ghana at Legon.
His plays have won The Emerging Playwright Awards at Urban Stages in NYC, been included in the Summer Play Festival at Jungle Theatre in Minneapolis, MN, won Best Play at Scripteaser in San Diego, CA, and nine of his plays have been selected for production at First Run Theatre in St. Louis, MO.
Mario’s full-length plays include Last Days of Café Café, Life Among the Trees, The Healing of Joey Padowaski, The Seamstress of St. Francis Street, You Know I Can’t Eat Buffalo Meat When There’s a Terrorist on the Loose, Apollo's Way, and Icarus Wings. He has written numerous one-acts: I AM GOAT, Service With a Smile, Beans, Naughty Boy, Naughty Girl, The Body Exchange and Don’t Hate Me ‘Cause I’m Beautiful are a few of his short plays. He has also written a screenplay entitled, The Eyes of Forever. He is currently working on completing two musicals, the first Joan of Arc a musical drama based on the life of Joan of Arc and the second musical entitled Starfest is a sci-fi adventure infused with Afro-American culture and music. You can see samples of Mario’s work on .



  • Eyes of Forever

    Eyes of Forever Thriller Jeremy Parks, a private detective, is hired to investigate the thief of sensitive musical data by Infinity Records. He becomes in entangled in a web of music piracy, industrial espionage and discovers the reason for his own wife's sudden death.

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