Embark on a sensory adventure with "Haus of Lacye," a mixed-media spectacle that showcases the mesmerizing talent behind three captivating artistic branches. Witness the spellbinding art of storytelling through writing and screenwriting, where immersive narratives come to life. Explore the whimsical and enthralling universe of Dr. Apples, where arts and entertainment collide to create a visual feast. Finally, indulge in the mystical allure of LAB Shaman, a luxurious metaphysical perfume store...
In this episode of Talk About Apples, Dr. Apples knew he had a work on astral projection in traveling back into his physical body the same way he left. He couldn’t remember much from mini experiences. Soon, the process become a second nature to him. By the age of 14 he became agile. Think he had mastered the technique. He describes his experiences with his mother, Miss BaRule.
Knowing there was more to this third dimension, Dr. Apples grew up alone. He is okay with this arrangement. The void of not having to a common date of these issues gave him the freedom to explore his mind rather than socialize with the simples.
Thankfully Dr. Apples was able to leave Eugene's home but not before nearly ingesting the grotesque and disgusting "dessert" they had prepared for him. He relayed everything to his mother in a near panic. Upon hearing everything (well, almost everything) his mother decided to not push him to socialize any more. Dr. Apples knew that what the "Simples" thought and did couldn't be all there is to all of existence but he needed more proof. His mother still made him go to school which he viewed as...
In an effort to challenge his (often properly assumed) preconceived notions about the "simples", Dr. Apples sought out to befriend some of the local children. He saw them as boring and plain, always the complainers but never the problem solvers. That's when he met a boy named Eugene. He was a little different from the rest of the kids but Dr. Apples knew he'd never be able to discuss with him the intricacies of most interesting topics. One day Eugene invited Dr. Apples over for dessert and...
After amassing 74 different dolls each one acquired during each passing birthday, Dr. Apples grew frustrated of only having clues to the whereabouts of his mother but no answers. But first, to understand where we are going it's important to understand where we came from. We learn of Dr. Apples' childhood, where he grew up, what he liked, his relationship with his mother, and much more. His mother was a remarkable woman unto her own right. She was frequently found conjuring spells and brewing...
This is the story of Dr. Apples. His tale doesn't start here but that's not important. What is important is viewing things in a new perspective and living a life without limitations, just as Dr. Apples does. His mother has gone missing, but will he be able to find her and what will he find along the way? If a little bit of madness, humor, mystery, fantasy, magic and intrigue interests you this is a must listen!
On his 16th birthday, Dr. Apples®’ mother was kidnapped by fairies and replaced with a doll. Each year, on his birthday, Dr. Apples® receives a doll which has his mother's essence.