Lynda A Levy
9234 robin drive West Hollywood
cell 310 413-9901
Email: lyndaalevy@
Garry Marshall optioned MOTHER U. (My Mother’s More Neurotic than Yours) twice
(Mother U) My Mother’s more Neurotic than Yours -2018 Screencraft family film
Mother U.(My Mother’s More Neurotic than Yours) – semi-finalist -- Austin Heart of Film – comedy-romcom
The Fireman & the Lady – finalist -- Acclaim Film & TV – romcom
Balls – winner -- Hollywood Screenwriting Institute – romcom
Under Construction in Nantucke t(now called ISLAND BLUES, "Chicks With Tools" ) – semi-finalist Scriptapalooza –original dramady pilot
Space Princess(movie) semi-finalist in write
* not on scripts, but still writing - I was also a semi-finalist in a songwriting contest with 26,000 entries, then 3 songs were also semi-finalists with 21,000 entries
Romantic Comedy, Family, Kids film and TV, Science Fiction, Fantasy, TV dramedy pilot – I have completed screenplays/teleplays in all of the above
Unique traits: I also write the lyrics for songs - have almost 70 on my website and have been a semi-finalist in a few contests with over 24,000 entries
THE LAST FUTURE Budget: $5M - $10M | Sci-fi A group of children, led by a boy with the ability to see the future, embark on an intergalactic adventure to rescue one of their own from alien captors, and successfully meet up with the grandfather of the boy who can see the future - and their joint powers save the universe.
(Mother U) My Mother’s more Neurotic than Yours -2018 Screencraft family film Mother U.(My Mother’s
Mother U.(My Mother’s More Neurotic than Yours) – semi-finalist -- Austin Heart of Film – comedy-rom
The Fireman & the Lady – finalist -- Acclaim Film & TV – romcom
Balls – winner -- Hollywood Screenwriting Institute – romcom
Under Construction in Nantucket – semi-finalist Scriptapalooza –original dramady pilot
Space Princess(movie) semi-finalist in write
Penn State University Park