Hi everyone, my name is Flavia, I was born in 1987, I'm an italian filmaker, camera operator and video editor. These jobs are my dream and my life, my passion. Also, I'm a writer. I graduated in Cinema and specialized in Direction.
Hi everyone, my name is Flavia, I was born in 1987, I'm an italian filmaker, camera operator and video editor. These jobs are my dream and my life, my passion. Also, I'm a writer. I graduated in Cinema and specialized in Direction.
Hi All, I had an acting workshop called Casting for TV yesterday, and it really surprised me how DIFFERENT it is to casting for stage -- have any of you had this experience? What are your thoughts on different audition techniques for a variety of formats?
As an actor for both stage and film, I don't see the difference. People say that it is completely different, yet I only see a difference in the scope. On stage, your audience is fixed, and you have to...
Expand commentAs an actor for both stage and film, I don't see the difference. People say that it is completely different, yet I only see a difference in the scope. On stage, your audience is fixed, and you have to adjust your performance depending on the size and closeness of the audience. In TV/Film, the audience (or camera) can move and pan, and you still have to adjust your performance depending on where and how close that camera is. In regards to building character, working with other actors, taking direction, and creating believable performances, I find them both the same. It is only in certain technical aspects that any difference exists.
Jeff "It is only in certain technical aspects that any difference exists." well that's a pretty big aspect! There are things you can get away with on stage that you can't get away with on camera and v...
Expand commentJeff "It is only in certain technical aspects that any difference exists." well that's a pretty big aspect! There are things you can get away with on stage that you can't get away with on camera and vice versa. You're operating at a whole different sweet spot in terms of range, how big or small you can go.
In film, you can just "be". If you just "be" on stage, that's not enough. Doesn't mean don't be truthful, but from that truth you do then put on a performance and elevate what you're doing to fill the room and be technically heard by the last row.
I disagree. In my experience, it has only been to extend the awareness of the scope of the performance. When performing on stage to a small theatre, where the audience is close and intimate, you reduc...
Expand commentI disagree. In my experience, it has only been to extend the awareness of the scope of the performance. When performing on stage to a small theatre, where the audience is close and intimate, you reduce the performance because there is no need to physicalise your expressions, as you would do in a large theatre with a very distance audience. In film, you can push that intimacy and closeness even further. Being aware of you scope as an actor in with film and theatre is the important consideration from a technical stand point. Beyond that, there is little if any difference. I still create characters in the same way, I still develop a reaction to my co-actors in the same way, that doesn't change. For me at least, wrapping my head around the difference between theatre a film is not that hard. Maybe this is just something I experience. I don't know.
whatever works, bro! I think as actors we have our own way of approaching things and i hear what you're saying. For me, I need to segregate the two mediums (media?) as they feel substantially different as I tackle them. You get my drift.
That I totally get. Everyone has their own groove. I guess my biggest concern is that the differences are often over stated, and many young actors I have worked with have often expressed a deep reluct...
Expand commentThat I totally get. Everyone has their own groove. I guess my biggest concern is that the differences are often over stated, and many young actors I have worked with have often expressed a deep reluctance to try the other side because of this perceived great divide. I try to show them the differences are not that extreme.
You remind me of Jim Garner....
Played that role good, looked like the stone cold revenge killer you were supposed to be. Good work
Hey Rick , nice to see you here ;)
What a great reel!
You are a force...
Amazing work!
So hey, I have been seriously busy with Uni work and I have not really had the time to edit anything. But I finally got around to it, I wanted to make some time to actually get some editing done because its the only thing that calms me and get's my brain working fully. Plus I love it! Anyway, Here i...
Expand postSo hey, I have been seriously busy with Uni work and I have not really had the time to edit anything. But I finally got around to it, I wanted to make some time to actually get some editing done because its the only thing that calms me and get's my brain working fully. Plus I love it! Anyway, Here is my new video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1f2sgaAraY I would love any feedback you guys may have. I'm not trained in anyway, just so you guys know incase you think "wow this is bad for a professional" lol But yeah, I got this together in a couple of hours and I really need to learn how to work at getting background noise out when it comes to voice-overs without making their voices really low sounding and "tinny". So if anyone has any tips that would be perfect. In other news. Thanks to this site, I managed to get a request to do someone an acting reel! Now, this is the first time I have ever been asked to do anything like this so it was a major leap. I put the finishing touches on it tomorrow (After a looong day at the Uni Library blah) and then once the actor has put it up I will share it here. He did request how he exactly wanted so there wasn't much creative freedom with it which I am not complaining about but I put a little montage at the end of the stuff he did just to give it a bit of a POW. Hopefully he will like it and it won't look too amateur edited. I will keep you updated. Hopefully there will be more original projects lined up for me along the way other then just me editing shows, but for now I keep doing it as practice and for the love of editing even if nothing comes from it! It's an amazing creative realise for sure!
Elisha, this is great for a trailer or music video. This you can do easily it seems. If this is what you want to do I think you're solid. As an editor I would be more interested in scenes. How do you...
Expand commentElisha, this is great for a trailer or music video. This you can do easily it seems. If this is what you want to do I think you're solid. As an editor I would be more interested in scenes. How do you put together narrative scenes. What's your pacing like in dialogue? Do you let scenes breathe or is it just quick edits like a trailer? If you can get ahold of original footage that you can edit would be great. The performances you show here have been chosen for you. Choosing between different takes of a performance is the first start of an edit.
Hey! Thanks for the advice! I would give anything to get hold of original footage but for now all I can do is the trailer kind, but I do love doing that! It's hard living in a city where movies and su...
Expand commentHey! Thanks for the advice! I would give anything to get hold of original footage but for now all I can do is the trailer kind, but I do love doing that! It's hard living in a city where movies and such are not a big thing. My dream is to move to LA or somewhere in America where they do actually have jobs for people in the film industry. But yeah, money is an issue and also VISA. Thanks for the advice again :)
Great video, Elisha, congratulations :)
I really liked it!
Nice Title!
I see a lot of people advising other to make their films. Telling writers to produce and direct and so on. Now, I wonder since when did producing, cinematography or directing became so easy that everybody can do it? Does a heart surgeon operates a brain? No. It is quite disrespectful I believe. Opinions?
Ken you are so right!
I started by playing a brass instrument, and 15 years into that, the necessity arose where I needed to write some music (which I had received training, sort of, in school, several years prior) for me...
Expand commentI started by playing a brass instrument, and 15 years into that, the necessity arose where I needed to write some music (which I had received training, sort of, in school, several years prior) for me to record in some Dutch studios..the first arrangements were good...I kept them simple, and built from there...a bit more complex harmonically, and with the Mancini book "Sounds And Scores", I was able to greatly enhance my soundscape by introducing new instruments into my scores....arranging ultimately gave birth to songwriting and composing in 1968...I decided that I liked to write songs and I got progressively better at it! The film thing began out of a necessity, once again, to write a film score! I ran in to John Williams at Paramount one day...a little chit chat and he casually mentioned that he had 10 films on his drawing board...I had none! That was the same day I started working on my first screenplay! We have a dozen! If you're curious, its on my Stage32 page... I felt that my chances of 'nabbing' an assignment with 'competitors' like Williams and the Newman's was somewhere between slim and none..... Along this new path, we made a documentary film of and with the great Cuban-American ex-patriot genius trumpeter Arturo Sandoval! Eventually, I will produce, direct and act(I was in the original "Inlaws", and the follow-up to "Napolelon Dynamite" by the same people) (and probably sing too) in one of our plays... Its just the way my life has been going....
Agreed! I get scripts frequently that aren't even formatted properly. Waste of time...
I think people are getting better at everything because the ease of which there is to do so. Making a film is no longer a foreign thing like it was in the past which is evident by how young people are...
Expand commentI think people are getting better at everything because the ease of which there is to do so. Making a film is no longer a foreign thing like it was in the past which is evident by how young people are when they start creating. While yes, I agree, that it is ideal to work with people who are amazing at their aspect of film making, having and understand of all of it helps the whole process... and with the quality of cameras, attachable mics, and simple lighting set ups it would be hard for someone to do the whole thing on their own, but far from impossible. @Rick Borgia: yes, because a great story isn't great if its not 'properly formatted'.
it's called talent and being inspired... Don't be hating..lol ..If you can't do or see something, don't worry about who can and why.
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Welcome to Stage 32,
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Welcome Flavia