My Better call Saul appearance
My Better call Saul appearance
Watching a Korean vampire series set in then Joseon dynasty, one of the bad guys put his foot up on the table. You can clearly see his black Timberland boots. In another scene the protagonist slides his bad ass swordsman spin and slide and you can tell he bought expensive dress boots at the Designer...
Expand postWatching a Korean vampire series set in then Joseon dynasty, one of the bad guys put his foot up on the table. You can clearly see his black Timberland boots. In another scene the protagonist slides his bad ass swordsman spin and slide and you can tell he bought expensive dress boots at the Designer Club in Jung-gu.
As a filmmaker with budget that screams at you, do you shoot these scenes over or leave them as is and hope the fans call it trivia?
No money for wardrobe person or they thought, "We can do this...", and it shows.
Yeah JD IS right. If you cannot afford wardrobe people ....look the era up yourself on google and even go jumble sale for gear...there is no excuse for shit wardrobe. Its not rocket science and it need not cost much.
Which series is this? I would leave it in for some online buzz lol.
Is it The Scholar Who Walks The Night?
On another note, K-dramas are turned out a dime a dozen and are so popular that I would imagine no one cares about discrepancies, short of having jet aircraft or cell phones 200+ years ago lol
Yep, it was The Scholar Who Walks The Night. K-dramas are not quite at the Run Run Shaw production assembly lines. Shaw was pumping out a movie a day.
But I can hear a producer crying " You wanna re-shoot for a shoe?"
My name is Nicholas I am from Ireland and have produced two feature documentary films, the latter of which is entitled 'This Is Nicholas - Living With Autism'. Both production received editing awards.
'This Is Nicholas' tells the story of a mot...
Expand postMy name is Nicholas I am from Ireland and have produced two feature documentary films, the latter of which is entitled 'This Is Nicholas - Living With Autism'. Both production received editing awards.
'This Is Nicholas' tells the story of a mother's determination to see her son with Autism but also depression overcome challenges. This production screened in 28 Irish and two U.K. cinemas.
I had tried to get screenings in America but was fortunate that the head office of an American cinema informed me that they just accept films that are eighty minutes or longer, which is good to know.
I am now getting to work on my first feature film project project. Why? Someone informed me in my local town in Nenagh, County Tipperary Ireland that a movie would get more audiences. Certainly when watching a movie on the big screen, it in nice to get carried away into someone else's world on screen.
Perseverance, determination and ambition is the only thing that has brought me places, not giving up.
Email and Social media
Great job and congrats!!!!!
Appreciate this thanks!
Hi Everyone in Stage 32 Land,
I've been a member of the Stage 32 community since September 2015. It seems a long time ago and probably goes back to when RB was writing his screenplays with a quill pen!
Lesson to learn here - It takes a village to raise a writer!
I'm an optioned writer and I've recently...
Expand postHi Everyone in Stage 32 Land,
I've been a member of the Stage 32 community since September 2015. It seems a long time ago and probably goes back to when RB was writing his screenplays with a quill pen!
Lesson to learn here - It takes a village to raise a writer!
I'm an optioned writer and I've recently been working with a designer to help develop the branding for a new project, before it goes onto a website for Execs in the Film and TV industries. I think it will help promote the project, because sometimes words about words just feel a little too dry.
Anyway, the designer wants to go beyond this and work on the 'branding of Geoff', and yes I've listened to the recent Scriptnotes podcast where Craig Mazin gave a thumbs down to the branding of people. But you know what, I disagree. Yes I know he's just won an Emmy. I think if you're new to this business, people need all the help you can give them, to attract their attention. And, you know what, it's been great to work with someone who actually gets what you're trying to do. There is just so much creative juice flowing and it's great to move along with it.
I have a friend, yes another friend, with whom I share all my scripts, followed usually by intense discussion. He said to me once that 'you seem to find the gory scenes really easy to write!' He's right, I do and as we've discussed the style and focus of the stories we tried to come up with a word, yes just one, for the proverbial nutshell. He said to me that it's not quite horror, but creepy, which for him summed me up as well, due to my aforementioned ease with gore! But that's not exactly a word full of hard-edged insight, is it? As a descriptor it's a bit 'soft'. How about this one to end with, that sums up both me and the current script up? CREEP. What would Blumhouse make of that?
Now here's an aside, just like Shakespeare used to write. In 1980's Chicago, a style of music was born called 'House'. As with all contemporaneous cultural phenomena things moved quickly and a little while later DEEP HOUSE was born, which in true creative manner took the existing form and added something to it, what some have called a deep muted bassline. It's the bassline reference that attracted my attention. Higher tones in music are uni-directional, basslines are omni-directional, they spread across a room and get to you wherever you're sat. At the right frequency they can disturb the listener (e.g. black noise). And so with this aside comes a revelation, that I'm going to call what I'm writing, wait for it...DEEP CREEP.
My writing always has a bassline, an element of disturbia. I achieve this by taking a genre, like horror and stretching it beyond the trope, or concept of say the lonely haunted (Blum)house and situate it in a wider social, political or cultural setting: terrorism, trafficking or political conspiracy. I'm not one that gravitates towards the generic. If it's already been done, I don't want to do it. I want to leave my mark with my own footprints and not by borrowing someone else's shoes. I like my stories to go beyond a given genre with its predictable forms and I believe by doing this we can create surprising, shocking and yes even gory twists and turns.
Thanks for reading. If you're here for the first time, WELCOME. When we've finished with the design stage for this project, you'll find some artwork along with the Loglines on my Stage 32 Profile. Welcome to my world of DEEP CREEP! Have a great weekend.
Thanks Scott. Here am I just trying to do something a little different, and you get this kind of abuse. I hope this isn’t what Stage 32 is becoming, a bullying ground against those who are trying to m...
Expand commentThanks Scott. Here am I just trying to do something a little different, and you get this kind of abuse. I hope this isn’t what Stage 32 is becoming, a bullying ground against those who are trying to make it in this business. Surely we need encouragement not this sort of stuff. Totally strange if you ask me.
I always chuckle a little in these instances if I'm on the receiving end of it. The venom and vitriol that gets spewed from behind a keyboard and I try to imagine them saying these things face to face...
Expand commentI always chuckle a little in these instances if I'm on the receiving end of it. The venom and vitriol that gets spewed from behind a keyboard and I try to imagine them saying these things face to face. Never in a million years would that happen. This business is difficult enough on it's own without having to deal with this, for lack of a better term, crap. I'm very new to this website but if this is what is to bet expected here, I'm sure there are better alternatives. Hopefully Mr. Bigshot has better things to do with his day.
Thanks for a nice introduction Geoff. I like off-beat and original. Have a wonderful day.
Thank you Juin! Thank goodness the spirit of Stage 32 is still alive and well in people like you. Have a great day.
Scott, yes, vitriol and venom. I did try and temper that with humour, but that just seems to have made things worse.
I have to say that this is the first time this has happened to me. (Other than the...
Expand commentScott, yes, vitriol and venom. I did try and temper that with humour, but that just seems to have made things worse.
I have to say that this is the first time this has happened to me. (Other than the guy who was banned from the site because of his desire to threaten people with guns!) RB’s ethos Richard "RB" Botto seems to win through and he wants us to pay it forward. If you’re successful, then help others. But today, it was just about ‘I’m successful’ and you’re an idiot kinda scenario. So thank you for your help today.
Hi! I'm an Los Angeles based actress. I've got a busy couple of months with the wacky comedy feature film Man Camp of which I have the female lead hitting the festival circuit- Heartland, Austin, & Denver for starters!
All the best with the project ☺️
Congrats!! Let me know the date in Denver, would love to check it out!
Good luck with your project
The key art for Break Even is now ready with a spring 2020 release planned. Feeling super proud. You can check out the journey I've been on via the Stage 32 blog by starting with this post;
I know it's tough trying to break in but keep true to your voice, be patient, and persevere.
Nice! Congrats!!
You're an inspiration to all, CJ.
Thanks guys. Keep fighting the good fight.
Hello I am Brenda McCray and I’m glad to be here. My nickname is SmokeyB I mostly go by.
Welcome SmokeyB!
Welcome Smokey B! Just sent you a network request and message!
Hello there Smokey!!
Hey! I'm looking for Voice Actors to collaborate with for an independent project I'm developing. What would be the best way to connect?
There seems to be many different sites and I'm getting a bit lost in what the best resource is.
Or if you're a voice actor on here, please reach out!
I'm looking for all ages!
What is the project you're developing?
Hi! I'm a voice actor. You can hashtag on Twitter to find people. Linkedin and Facebook have voice actor groups. You can find people there. There are P2P sites. VOPlanet is a good one.
Check out my demos at Let me know if you would be able to work with such voice. Thanks...
Expand commentCheck out my demos at Let me know if you would be able to work with such voice. Thanks
Let's hear more!
Hi Danny! I hope you found what you needed. If you are still looking, I have new demos this year that you can download here: Or bookmark my website for future. Thanks.
Expand commentHi Danny! I hope you found what you needed. If you are still looking, I have new demos this year that you can download here: Or bookmark my website for future. Thanks.
Good morning all! My name is Scott Sands from beautiful Denver, CO. New in progress.
Hi Scott, hi Maurice I am a newcomer myself. Are there tutorials videos that explain this site. I am new. I want to make as many short films as I can this year.
Nice Maurice. Just write a bad guy role for me!
My favorite bad guy role of all time is Eddie Dane in Millers Crossing. I tend to gravitate more toward those types of characters.
Welcome aboard, Scott!
Thank you, Sir!
COOL! “Better Call Saul” is one of the groundbreakers in streaming.
Very cool! Congrats!
Congrats Sean!