Carolyn Cobb Martin

Carolyn Cobb Martin


Austin, Texas

Member Since:
March 2020
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Carolyn

arolyn is a writer of “emotion pictures.” Growing up Carolyn had two great loves, movies and psychology. After high school, Carolyn received two B.S. degrees, education and psychology. After 5 years of teaching, she earned a master’s in Counseling Psychology. While working with clients for many years as a psychotherapist specializing in sexual assault/PTSD, infidelity, and coping with ADHD in marriage, Carolyn took an idea from her work and turned it into a book. Her unpublished book, “The Secret Life of a Butterfly,” set her on a path to rediscover her love of movies. Halfway through her “practice script,” an adaptation of her book, her husband, Randy, a technical writer and computer programmer, got the creative writing bug. They spent a few years working on their first script together, learning the craft of script writing. Carolyn and Randy started working with a manager and had a script optioned. And then a family crisis hit and Carolyn and Randy set writing aside until three years ago when they began writing full time. Carolyn and Randy mostly write in the drama and comedy genres. Their scripts include Mates, Screaming Angels, Holier Than Thou, The Secret Life of a Butterfly.






    MATES Comedy Based on Actual Events When a Navy ship transports women and children to Greece, a skirt-chasing sailor and a hot-headed feminist are caught in a “hookup.” To keep the sailor from going to jail they must convince the Captain they are in love and want to get married.

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