My name is Federico Vicino. I am 32 years old and hail from Queens, New York. I am a versatile screenwriter, with four completed screenplays that touch upon distinct themes; a dark political comedy, a Hitchcockesque thriller, a mental health drama, and a crime noir.
My mental health drama, The Days After, won the Best Script Category at the 2020 Los Angeles Motion Picture Festival, Finalist at the 2019 Filmmatic Drama Screenplay Awards, Semifinalist at the 2019 Creative Screenwriting Unique Voices Screenplay Competition, Semifinalist at the 2019 Awareness Festival, and Selected at the 2019 All Genre Screenplay Contest (script published and on sale at Amazon).
Zelos, a psychological thriller, placed Second Round at the 2018 Austin Film Festival (Top 20% of all screenplays submitted), Semifinalist at the 2019 Your Script Produced! Competition, and Selected at the 2019 All Genre Screenplay Contest (also published and on sale at Amazon).
Karl Reagan: The Capitalist-Communist is my dark political mockumentary that was a Finalist at the 2019 Los Angeles Comedy Film & Screenplay Festival.
My neo noir piece, Mob Twist, placed Second Round at the 2019 Austin Film Festival.
My goal is to establish myself as a reputable screenwriter in this business. This does not mean that I am looking to be a distinguished writer from an economic point of view. While the money might be the proverbial “cherry on top,” what drives me is the chance to create stories that will transcend, impact and be enjoyed by audiences from many different spectrums. And I have many stories that I want to share. From an egotistical point of view, I relish the opportunity to one day see my name in the closing credits of something that I created or assisted in creating.
Finally, I hope to one day be an inspiration to an aspiring screenwriter through my innovative and compelling work, just like my role models who galvanized my passion to become a writer. In order to achieve these goals, I am willing to take on different assignments, even if it challenges me and takes me out of my comfort zone. I have always written feature-length scripts, but I do not hesitate at any opportunity that might arise, whether it be writing a pilot or a podcast. This will hone the skills I need to elevate in this business.
Apart from screenwriting, I am a School Social Worker in Brooklyn. I have worked extensively in mental health and I have a plethora of experience witnessing human struggle and endurance. I am also an avid soccer lover.
Boundless Budget: $100K - $1M | Thriller ⋄ Drama Eight nomadic cult members journey to a remote location to fulfill the prophecy of ending their lives to reach immortality. One has a change of heart. Now she must find a way to escape isolation for a chance of survival.
All Hallows' Night Budget: $1M - $5M | Thriller ⋄ Horror Three ghoulish couples get together for a dinner party on the year’s most frightening night. While the guests partake in traditional celebrations, the unraveling of secrets and revelation of truths become more terrifying than the holiday itself.
The Days After Budget: $1M - $5M | Drama With no lust for life, two members of an adult mental health program struggle for the will to live. They try to find resilience at their darkest hour.
My Brother's Keeper Budget: $1M - $5M | Thriller ⋄ Drama An affluent man’s biggest wish is for his stepbrother to perish. He becomes progressively paranoid to cover his tracks after not saving him from death.
Mob Twist Budget: $5M - $10M | Film-noir ⋄ Crime New York City’s most infamous crime kingpin is double-crossed and murdered by one of his eight closest associates. The twists and turns that lead up to the revelation of who plotted this vengeful act leaves this mafia network in shambles.
Top 50 Roadmap’s JumpStart Competition
Best Script at Los Angeles Motion Picture Festival
Finalist at the Filmmatic Drama Screenplay Awards
Finalist at the Los Angeles Comedy Film & Screenplay Festival
Semifinalist at the Awareness Festival
2X Offical Selection at the All Genre Screenplay Contest
Semifinalist at the Your Script Produced! Competition
Semifinalist at the Creative Screenwriting Unique Voices Competition
Second Round at Austin Film Festival
Second Round at Austin Film Festival