I'd like to register for your free presentation on the 24 Jan. How do I do that? Thanks Ian Robinson
I'd like to register for your free presentation on the 24 Jan. How do I do that? Thanks Ian Robinson
Hi Dominique
Thanks. How are you?
I'm sending you a two-page synopsis (below) I'd like to make a movie/TV series. I've sent it to Vince Gilligan, who made "Better Call Saul", "Breaking Bad" and more. I sent it to him yesterday.
I had a massive stroke unexpected more than ten years ago, on my entire ri...
Expand postHi Dominique
Thanks. How are you?
I'm sending you a two-page synopsis (below) I'd like to make a movie/TV series. I've sent it to Vince Gilligan, who made "Better Call Saul", "Breaking Bad" and more. I sent it to him yesterday.
I had a massive stroke unexpected more than ten years ago, on my entire right hand side. Now, I'm fine...
Will you look at the synopsis, please?
This is set in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. It's called “Rough Diamonds”, it's set in the seventies. It’s fiction.
I worked in the ad industry for many years as a Creative Director then an Account Director. I have a couple of creative awards to my name and my teams'. I worked for Seychelles as a Marketing Director. I worked also as a restaurant and bar manager; and a racing driver and a Chef; amongst other things.
This is 'Rough Diamond' on Smashwords in full... http://bit.ly/2nwmGf5
You'll find it free: FN74L
Genre: Drama/AdventureFormat:
Feature Logline: Half-brothers, ripped apart by fiery accident, get reunited long after, following hell-to-pay action.
After my grandfather’s death, my mother discovered three uncut diamonds in the bottom of his cupboard. Also, we lived at the coal-mine. I went very deep underground at age eight.
The fiction is set in the 1970’s in a mining village named Scallyclare, in KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. It’s centred on three, uncut diamonds and three bracelets which have the youngsters’ names on: Jako, Mike and Kate-Emily.
Anton Retief: A gambler and a crook, suspected of causing the deaths of many men.
Shirley Retief: An attractive woman. Has an affair and Mike is born - no one else knows.
Jako Retief: Jako, eldest brother, likes danger. Jako is tough but wouldn’t hurt a fly. Rugged.
Mike Retief: Different father - best kept secret. Mike likes the finer things in life. Intelligent. Loses memory since fiery truck crash. Forced to change his name to Stuart...
Jan van Wyk: Big, strong - likes to bend 6-inch nails with his bare hands. A gentle giant.
Popsy van Wyk: Drunk as they come, even first thing in the morning. Pregnant with child Madelaine as well. Cooks Jan a roast breakfast with all the trimmings, at the start of the day.
Madelaine Roderick née van Wyk: Ugly in the face and she’s mean as all hell, but she has a body to die for. A schemer who plots to get the diamonds by blackmail.
James Roderick: Murder was committed on fiery Madelaine, by her weak husband: James. So, he goes to jail, and suffers terribly and commits suicide.
Bafozi, Gungu, Edward, Goodwill: They all live in Swaziland and all are from the same family. Shares squalid quarters with some of the rest of the group of Swazi’s.
Chris Ndlovu: Gift that maybe can see the future. Doomed to study at a “black” school.
Liz Sampson: The fiery, obstinate Aussie who moved to Botswana, and she finds peace on her game farm. Has a daughter with Jako, who they name in memory of the late Kate-Emily. Jako sees tragically Liz devoured by lions.
Kate-Emily (the second): Has a fiery temperament already, takes no nonsense from anyone.
Victor Stainton: A good looking man who attracts women. Has an affair with Shirley Retief.
Jeanette Stainton: A real stuck-up bitch. She and Victor are from the UK.
The children's grandparents gave three uncut diamonds to the children - Jako, Mike and Kate-Emily. They give them each also a bracelet with their names engraved. The diamonds and the bracelets are central to the story.
The diamonds are known only to the children, not their parents. Jako is the first-born from the parents. The wife has an affair and Mike is born. Kate-Emily is born the last to her natural folks.
A tragic mine accident leaves 23 dead. The father, Anton, is suspected.
On a nearby mountain, while the children are young, tragedy strikes them as a boyfriend is accidentally killed. Jako shows the three uncut diamonds and leaves them there for "safekeeping". They frantically hurry back down to break the tragic news to the boy's parents.
There's some funny, sexual business between young Jako and ugly-as-hell Madelaine in the tree house. She’s the next door neighbour. She’ll play a big part re the diamonds and the bracelets..
Later - Jako, Mike and Kate-Emily - they're separated in their teens as a result of a tragic truck accident. They’re on their way to Eshowe to escape the father's increasing gambling debts and suspected misdemeanours. The one brother, Mike, falls off the truck while taking a pee and bangs his head and loses his memory. Jako and Kate-Emily also survive but she’s unconscious. A raging inferno destroys what evidence that remains. The parents and driver are burnt to a crisp. The two don't realize the other brother survives the accident.
Jako and Kate-Emily, end up in an orphanage, and he turns to crime to support his sister (he has no option) who was badly hurt in the accident. She dies within days.
Mike (with a new name - Stuart) was adopted by a rich sugar cane farmer, as his background was a mystery. They have beautiful, twin sisters the same age as Stuart.
Jako is on the run from the orphanage - he ends up in the north, where he catches a small fishing boat, headed by a mean-as-hell Captain Gregory. They set sail, but the weather turned foul. Jako is the only one to escape with his life and he was washed ashore in four meter, thundering breakers just south of Mozambique (it’s just north of KwaZulu-Natal)
Chris moves to Eshowe to look after his ailing Grandmother. On all the borders, there's a terrorist war raging against South Africa. They get into a serious situation with the terrorists and they manage to escape. Jako gives the bracelet to Chris to save him from the terrorists and worms.
Leaving Chris in SA, Jako makes it to a game reserve in Botswana owned by Liz, an Aussie, and Jako falls in love with her. They have a girl, they gave her the name of the dead girl (for sentimental reasons) - Kate- Emily. Then disaster strikes. The family goes for a game drive - Liz is devoured by lions.
Stuart, grown up and has studied law. He’s a good-looking young man, and is in quandary to choose between the good looking daughters.
Jako is blackmailed to hand over the diamonds to Madelaine and she ends up being murdered. Jako and his friend, Chris, are charged with murder. But, the diamonds are on the mountain.
Jako commandeers a horse to collect the diamonds, but as he's grown up, he is stuck in the cave for days. Chris doesn’t know he was stuck. Days passed and he lost enough weight to escape (there are no mobile/cell).
Meanwhile, Chris tackles the guilty party at the scene of the crime and gets blood from the guilty party over Jako’s bracelet. He turns the bracelet over to Stuart. Chris, later Jako, gets jailed. Stuart takes the case, and Jako doesn't realize it's him because he's grown a beard. He shaves the beard off, and eventually Jako recognizes him.
Madelaine's husband, James, is guilty of murdering Madelaine. He was weak, and he was raped by the men with whom he shared the cell. Severely depressed, he commits suicide. Just before, he admits to the murder of Madelaine, and requests that Jako and his friend, Chris, are freed.
The uncut diamonds are lost in a fire in the township. But, a 10 year old, black girl, discovers them, setting up a follow on story.
Thank you for reading, and I hope to hear from you soon.
Kind regards, Ian Robinson
Mob +27823577643
Hello Ian , hope all is well my friend, listen if you are still looking for any assistance with producing or anything else, contact Conflict Studios in Tampa, Florida, Antonio Sabato Jr. , Is the CEO, there a different kind of studio. .
Hello Sandra,
Hope is all well your side, too.
I will, thanks.
Hello... I'm a writer, and an ex-racing driver, a Chef, an ex ad-industry director, worked in Seychelles as a Marketing Director for the 115 islands, and lots more. I've written Rough Diamonds. It is dark, gritty, dirty and filthy. It's a killer read... By I Robinson Fiction. Soon to be coming to th...
Expand postHello... I'm a writer, and an ex-racing driver, a Chef, an ex ad-industry director, worked in Seychelles as a Marketing Director for the 115 islands, and lots more. I've written Rough Diamonds. It is dark, gritty, dirty and filthy. It's a killer read... By I Robinson Fiction. Soon to be coming to the big screen... (I hope...) It's set in a coal mine in1970 in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. I look forward to meet you.
oooh Ian. Sounds amazing! Are you looking for producers? Have you checked out the amazing pitch opportunities under Script Services? If you have any questions, contact director of script services Jaso...
Expand commentoooh Ian. Sounds amazing! Are you looking for producers? Have you checked out the amazing pitch opportunities under Script Services? If you have any questions, contact director of script services Jason Mirch at j.mirch@stage32.com I'm totally interested now! Also, I am sick of northern Canada. Can I come work with you in paradise? lol
Hi guys. Just introducing myself. My name is Mark. I run London-based film production company Belloq Productions and write and direct films. I have been making films for over 10 years now and it's probably about time I joined Stage 32! :) Hope to work with some of you talented individuals in the near future!
Hello Mark and welcome to the group
Great to meet you !!
Hi Mark, great to have you here.
Hi, folks. Just looking to chat up any authors who are pursuing book-to-movie processes. I'm getting my toes wet. Anybody else out there with the same game plan? I'm multi-published with an agent and manager. I'm also a writer advocate and teacher of sorts. -- Chris
I think as a novelist it would difficult for me to produce a screenplay treatment let alone an actually screenplay. I'm too rooted in thinking in words, being in love with the written word. It seems t...
Expand commentI think as a novelist it would difficult for me to produce a screenplay treatment let alone an actually screenplay. I'm too rooted in thinking in words, being in love with the written word. It seems to me you need to think more visually for a screenplay. I wrote a one-act play once; it never got any traction so I rewrote it as a short-story with more success. I would simply like to get one of my books optioned and let someone with more experience and talent in writing screenplays develop the movie. That's why I'm thinking of approaching one of the companies Daisy mentioned earlier.
Hi Chris Good to read you. I'm an author who's written two books. I have the same plan.
Hello Chris, good for you! I'm currently planning the sixth book in my memoir series and would love to follow the same process. Honestly, though, I don't know where to start.
Hey, even in Italy you can check out what we have going on at www.TimHollisWeirdWorld.com!
Hi Ian. Thank you for connecting
I love your post on your profile - the one with leaves and only the eye..The colour of the eyes go well with the colour of the leaves.
Yes, it's All about alignment! Thank you for the keen eye!
Your profile is quite interesting! I thank you for this connection. Are you seeking a screenwriter for your novel project?
I'm an author who writes fiction and nonfiction. I live in South Africa, but I'm in northern Italy since the virus began - over three months I'm an ex racing driver, a Chef, I worked in advertising, I was in the Seychelles for about a year, and I play (badly) six instruments.
I had a mother who discovered three, uncut diamonds in my late grandfather's cupboard. That's what the story is about.
Hello, I would like to introduce myself: I am Theresa San-Nicolas.
I am an actress, model, philanthropist, and business owner.
For photos, commercial and film reals, please check out my website at
You can also find me on Social Media,
Instagram: Theresa_San_Nic...
Expand postHello, I would like to introduce myself: I am Theresa San-Nicolas.
I am an actress, model, philanthropist, and business owner.
For photos, commercial and film reals, please check out my website at
You can also find me on Social Media,
Instagram: Theresa_San_Nicolas,
Twitter: @TheresaSN13 and on
Facebook: Theresa San-Nicolas, https://www.facebook.com/theresasannicolas.
For my philanthropy work please log onto,
I was born in Cleveland Ohio. My mother is German and my father is Chamorran from the island of Guam. My father was in the US Army, therefore I am an army brat.
I am fluent in English and German.
I have resided and traveled to several US states and International countries to include Hawaii, California, New York, Germany, Italy, England, Guam and Japan.
I currently live in Los Angeles California.
I love being an Actress, Model, owning and operating Miracle Meals Foundation since 1995, Owning and operating, Quantum Processing System, brokering a variety of business opportunities and being the best human I can be.
I am always seeking new opportunities to experience, learn and grow.
Thank you and stay safe.
Welcome. Great to meet you.
Welcome Theresa and love your website.
Welcome :)
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