Mark Goldberg: Director of photography, documentary filmmaker and camera operator in New York City, New York.

Cynthia Garbutt
The 2010s in cinema

Cinematography of the 2010s via


Karen "Kay" Ross

Ooo, fun! Thanks for sharing! Are you using this for inspiration? What's up next for you?

Cynthia Garbutt

Not for inspiration really, I've had a love affair with film and photography since childhood. My grand uncle was a portrait photographer with his own studio and I worked as one, for 2 years. But, my p...

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Mark Goldberg

The Master, what an incredible performance by both of them!

Leya Kokoravec
Doing a camera fly trough an object like a fence

Hi everyone.

Well we've been developing a new project lately and we had an idea to do an interesting shot that I've seen before but Vital and I were never able to figure out how it was done. 

We were thinking of having the camera go from a close up to a wide shot showing the whole scene but the camera...

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Leya Kokoravec

Thanks guys.

We were actually looking a that probe lens. But I think a CGI shot will be the way to go, because it will be the easiest and simplest to do.

Tony S.

In "On Directing Film," Mamet adds an anecdote about a class he led. He put a scenario of a character walking a corridor in front of the class and asked how they would shoot it.

A wide range of angles...

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Leya Kokoravec

Oh yeah Tony S. . Now that I think of it I've seen it done that way. A peace of fence cut away and stuck to the front of the camera and then it gets attached onto the remainder of the fence while the...

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Richard "RB" Botto

Hi Mark. I'm RB, Founder and CEO of Stage 32. As a screenwriter, producer, actor and filmmaker, I know first-hand the challenges all creatives face finding work, landing representation, launching projects, securing funding and simply making the connections that will make a difference in their careers. That's why I created Stage 32. Since our launch in September of 2011, the community has grown to 1,000,000+ members representing every country on the planet making Stage 32 the social network uniquely populated with the most creative people on Earth.

This is a network for you, built by you. Like m...

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Amanda Toney

Hello Mark -

Welcome to the community! I'm Amanda Toney, the Managing Director at Stage 32. Since 2013 I've been proud to oversee Stage 32's Next Level Education, which provides you the most up-to-date tools necessary to become a better creative.

Over the years Stage 32 has worked with over 500 industry executives and professionals to teach online webinars, classes and intensive labs exclusively for you - our Stage 32 community. We bring you instructors who have worked directly on some of your favorite films, TV shows or theater productions to teach you in-the-trenches information that you won...

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Mark's network

Sebastian DiGirolomo
Federico Aletta
Federico Alerta
Richard "RB" Botto
Amanda Toney
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