A father of twins, an entrepreneur, and an amateur musician. Restless by nature, he never stops trying to face new creative challenges, which drove him to write two novels: “La chica que colgaba del árbol” (a fast-paced thriller set in the Catalan town of Viladrau) and “El último obstáculo” (a sequel to the first novel). In 2021 he landed in the audiovi- sual world as a screenwriter. In an eagerness to shoot his first piece, he presented an idea to Deliris Films, which ended up becoming the script of the short film Feliz Aniver- sario (“Happy Anniversary”). The short film had a great reception: it was selected in ten international festivals and won the award for the most terrifying short film at the Terro- ríficamente Cortos Festival in Palencia. In 2022 he has written, produced, and directed the short film El Refugio (“The Shelter”), which represents a qualitative leap in terms of the complexities of filming and production.
With a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in Business Administration and Management from ESADE, he began his professional career as a business consultant, and in 2006 he created the corporate event production company Abstract Event Planners.
The Shelter Budget: $0 - $100K | Horror Never underestimate the risks. John and Lucia wanted to escape the routine and took shelter in the forest, although the woods didn't have the same plans in store for them.