Sharon Samson

Sharon Samson


Ayr, United Kingdom

Member Since:
February 2021
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Sharon

My name is Sharon but everyone calls me Shaz. I'm a full-time Pharmacy Technician from sunny Scotland who grew up in Spain with a passion for film.
I began a love affair with writing at an early age and although, it's broken my heart and I've fallen in and out of love, it's fair to say writing is my greatest love.
I mainly write Comedy, but love to dive into darker, grittier material. I believe in writing how you feel and adore the creative process that occurs between Alpha and Omega.
I speak English and Spanish and have recently completed my first screenplay 'All Roads Lead To Rome' whilst working on a couple of other comedies.
I love to cook, travel, watch movies and am addicted to handbags...If anyone out there is a member of Handbags Anonymous, I'd love the support!
I look forward to meeting and collaborating with you all and mountain climbing together.



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