Cobus Vermeulen's Lounge Discussions

Henry Wallace
I like trains

Hey everyone, new to the community here!

Like a lot of people over the various lockdowns (well, at least the 3 we've had so far in the UK), I found myself wanting to seek a new project.

Now, I should explain myself a bit. I'm a UK based train driver, who has a bit of a passion for engineering and mus...

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Cobus Vermeulen

Hi there, I've got a few questions that you should look at, helping you along the way - these could be totally wrong and you might have all of this down;

Did you use a Script Writing Program to write y...

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Henry Wallace

Hey Cobus!

I use Studio Binder, though one thing I must say is that I find it rather irritating not having clearly defined pages but hey ho.

I must have read over about 10 or so now, including works t...

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Cobus Vermeulen

Tat sounds brilliant,

Like any writing as is Life,

It's a process.

Still, very good!

The Log-Line is as you say,

It tries to capture the Interest of the reader and Convey as much as possible of the Story a...

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Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Henry Wallace! Congrats on your screenwriting successes (humble brag totally merited)!

I’m sure you’ve already discovered the Screenwriting Lounge (,...

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Cobus Vermeulen
Okkie - Dokkie or maybe Beedee-Beedee OhOh...!

Hi there,

I've only now used this Feature. My name is Cobus Vermeulen from South Africa and here I am - introducing myself on your Network. I thought it prudent to have something of my Written Works on here so Anyone and Everyone could have a Look-See.

I've been telling stories since I was between 6 -...

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Chaun Lee

Hi Cobus! Welcome. It's great to have you with us.

Cobus Vermeulen

THX so much!

Cobus Vermeulen

Hey Wally, thanks so much - I'm seriously working toward getting Just to that place, Helping whomever I can along the way as well!


David C. Velasco

Welcome Cobus! Best of luck in your directing dreams.

Cobus Vermeulen

Hi David, Thanks so much,

All the Best to You as well!

Jennifer James
Producer partner needed

Hi, I own my production company, Double J Productions. Our first short film has been selected a numerous festivals already - including LA international film festival. I’ve got a slate of projects ready to go and been read through by industry professionals. I am looking for a partner who is savvy wit...

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Cobus Vermeulen

Hi there, I get what you're saying and I suspect I'd be knocking at that door very soon myself. So what I think you might as well do, find the various Companies or Producers who had done something alo...

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Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Jennifer! Have you tried to pitch your projects to any Stage 32 executives? Definitely reach out to our Director of Script Services, Jason Mirch, who is excellent at matching projects with potent...

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