Steven Parker's Lounge Discussions

Laura Margosian
What pulls you into someone's cinematography reel fast?

What really pulls you into someone's cinematography reel fast?

Abdallah Fuad

How well you light the frame corresponding to the story and composition,choose a bgm that reflects the sequence plus include creative shots that actually triggers for movement of the camera.

Laura Margosian

Sorry for the delay everyone, it's been a busy week! I love everyone's responses. It's been one of the things I criticise myself over the most and there's always room for improvement. I'll have to update mine and share on here and get some really awesome constructive criticism. :)

Royce Allen Dudley

Effective coverage of a scene, period. Too many reels today are " cool shots cut to music". Unless you are shooting a music video, that tells you very little about the DP at all, it's just an editing...

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Andrew Sobkovich

Nothing draws anyone into a reel. They had one purpose; to assuage directors and producers long enough to meet face to face. To suggest reels are good for nothing is to give them credit for something....

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Ken Koh

I always demand to watch full length films. Anyone can get great shots by accident. Seeing how a DP lights, frames from scene to scene you can tell if they've got the chops.

Gigi Belle
Buying a new camera

I'm about to buy a new camera, I've got a limited budget max 2.500€ (more or less 2.800$) there are 3 option: Canon 7D Canon 5D II or Canon 5D III used. What are your impressions? What type of film do you take it with?

Gigi Belle

thank you Matt and Mark, i'll check them out

Mike Milton

Just to chime in again.... The issue with buying a lens is that it further embeds you in the manufacturers ecosystem. From this discussion, it is clear you are not yet set on a destination technically...

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Matt Lofgren

And agree with Mike again! I/we decided long ago NOT to make a camera purchase (other than the aforementioned GH2s) simply because the technology is ever changing. Gone are the days when you could buy...

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Matt Lofgren

Oh and yes, we have PL mount adapters for our GH2s. That Angie 25-250 looks pretty silly when attached to the camera body (the lens itself is probably pushing three feet in length and maybe 15-18 poun...

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Mike Milton

And, the Canon c-series DO have a PL lens variant. If you want to go Canon and have some hope of lens longevity. All of this talks against an EOS upgrade and for rental while saving for a 'proper' bod...

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