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April 2022
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About Bill

Bill Taylor is an award-winning queer filmmaker who is committed to telling stories deeply rooted in the human condition. After making a slew of independent short and feature projects, he’s currently looking for representation to take his career to the next level. He’s at home writing in Drama, Dramedy, YA and Family genres. Bill loves classic narrative structure and timeless storytelling. You won’t find an anti-hero or an unlikable protagonist in any of his work; he’s dedicated to creating complex characters that the audience will root for wholeheartedly. His screen credits include Don’t Get Killed In Alaska, Silver Road and The Young Prime Minister.

Unique traits: LGBTQ2S+




  • The Summer We Ran - Red List Top 20 and Stage 32 Double Recommend.

    The Summer We Ran - Red List Top 20 and Stage 32 Double Recommend. Budget: $1M - $5M | Drama Fearing they’ve killed one of their fellow campers in a prank-gone-wrong, two troubled 14 year-old boys run away into the wilderness where they discover the transformative power of love as they fight to survive the harsh elements and stay ahead of the adults who are searching for them.

  • Nisha's Second First Kiss

    Nisha's Second First Kiss Budget: $1M - $5M | Family Comedy Nisha, a bookish 13 year-old, sets off to summer camp determined to have her second first kiss with William, a charming private school boy worthy of being written in the pages of a Jane Austin novel and capable of erasing all memory of her disastrous first first kiss with her immature neighbor Ben. Nisha's plans for a perfect kiss derail when Ben arrives unexpectedly at camp and William expresses interest in Nisha's best friend Hannah.

  • Forward Outside Edge

    Forward Outside Edge Budget: $5M - $10M | Sports Drama 8 PART LIMITED SERIES: Kieran, an ambitious but insecure teenage gay outcast, rises from small town obscurity to the top level of the figure skating world over the course of an Olympic quadrennial. When tragedy visits him at the start of his Olympic season, Kieran unravels and embarks on a painful but life-affirming journey to reconcile his past and establish a new life outside of elite sport. 

  • The Book Of Rachel

    The Book Of Rachel Budget: $1M - $5M | Independent Drama Rachel, a conservative preacher’s wife is determined to save her crumbling marriage after she has a brief affair with a charismatic young man who saved her life following a traumatic car accident.


  • Don't Get Killed In Alaska

    Don't Get Killed In Alaska (2014)
    Film by First Love Films /Bill Taylor Writer/Director Don't get killed in Alaska follows Liney (Lee-nee) a 20 year-old tomboy as she travels back to Ontario with her new boyfriend Dan after a summer of tree planting. Having lost all their money in a questionable incident, Liney agrees to ask her family for money to get them both to Alaska where they plan to spend the winter working on a fishing boat. Liney is forced to deal with her family dynamics as she meets with her estranged mother, her judgmental older brother and her silent father. Everyone has a plan for Liney, except for Liney.

  • The Young Prime Minister

    The Young Prime Minister (2010)
    Film (short) by Broken Frame Films/Bill Taylor Writer/Director What's a small-town 1980s single mom to do when her son decides to wear pink sneakers to school?

  • Silver Road

    Silver Road (2006)
    Film (short) by Broken Frame Films/Bill Taylor Writer/Director Two childhood friends say goodbye in this ode to growing up and letting go.


  • WeScreenplay Feature Contest - Finalist

  • Creative Screenwriting Unique Voices - Quarter Finalist

  • Screencraft Family Screenplay Competition - Quarter Finalist

  • Iris Prize Shortlist

  • National Screen Institute of Canada Drama Prize


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