Universidad del Cine

Universidad del Cine

Universidad del Cine

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At least 19 Stage 32 members have attended Universidad del Cine:
Pato Romay

Pato Romay

Assistant Director from Santa Cruz De La Sierra, Bolivia
Meritxell Colell

Meritxell Colell

Director and Editor from Barcelona, Spain
Ramiro Bruzzese

Ramiro Bruzzese

Cinematographer from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Javier Fernandez Jensen

Javier Fernandez Jensen

Assistant Director, Boom Operator and Director from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tefi Gargiulo

Tefi Gargiulo

Assistant Director, Camera Operator and Director from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Diego Fernández

Diego Fernández

Filmmaker, Director and Editor from London, England
Agustin Lastra

Agustin Lastra

Cinematographer, Director and Editor from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Santiago Borensztejn

Santiago Borensztejn

Director and Producer from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Juan Pablo Solano Vergara

Juan Pablo Solano Vergara

Producer and Theatrical Producer from Bogotá, Colombia
Celeste Dubini

Celeste Dubini

Cinematographer, Director and Distributor from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Fernando Balzan

Fernando Balzan

Director, Editor and Filmmaker from Los Angeles, California
Laura Botero

Laura Botero

Screenwriter and Data Wrangler from Bogotá, Colombia
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