Universidad del Cine

Universidad del Cine

Universidad del Cine

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At least 19 Stage 32 members have attended Universidad del Cine:
Martin Mendez

Martin Mendez

Animator, Director and Filmmaker from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Daniel Velasco Cajias

Daniel Velasco Cajias

Screenwriter and Voice Actor from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Leonel Martín Larregain

Leonel Martín Larregain

Producer, Production Manager and Screenwriter from Mexico City, Mexico
Natalia Espinosa

Natalia Espinosa

Director and Assistant Director from Cali, Colombia
Pedro Lenehr

Pedro Lenehr

Cinematographer, Director and Filmmaker from Brasília, Brazil
Faustina Van Thienen

Faustina Van Thienen

Art Director, Assistant Director and Graphic Designer from Brooklyn, New York
Gabriela Cárcova Krichmar

Gabriela Cárcova Krichmar

Producer, Director and Screenwriter from Buenos Aires, Argentina
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