University of Southern California School of Cinema Television

University of Southern California School of Cinema Television

University of Southern California School of Cinema Television

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At least 89 Stage 32 members have attended University of Southern California School of Cinema Television:
James Muthuuri

James Muthuuri

Filmmaker from Palmdale, California
Jeff Chiang

Jeff Chiang

Producer, Director and Screenwriter from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Jonathan Ealey

Jonathan Ealey

Producer and Line Producer from Los Angeles, California
David Tarleton

David Tarleton

Producer, Director and Editor from Chicago, Illinois
James P Gleason

James P Gleason

Director and Screenwriter from Los Angeles, California
John Lawrence Shea III

John Lawrence Shea III

Screenwriter from Frisco, Texas
Chris Sobolewski

Chris Sobolewski

Screenwriter and Other from Brea, California
Wesam Nassar

Wesam Nassar

Screenwriter from Los Angeles, California
Harry Locke IV

Harry Locke IV

Colorist and Director from Los Angeles, California
Amazing Kacee

Amazing Kacee

Producer, Screenwriter and Director from Tehachapi, California
Haven Johnson

Haven Johnson

Director, Screenwriter and Filmmaker from Los Angeles, California
Ben Abergel

Ben Abergel

Screenwriter, Director and Student from Mar Vista, Los Angeles County, California
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