Howard University

Howard University

Howard University

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At least 94 Stage 32 members have attended Howard University:
Alia Shakira Chapman

Alia Shakira Chapman

Actor, Assistant Director and Assistant Production Office Coordinator from Los Angeles, California
Billy Bang

Billy Bang

Actor, Music Composer and Sound Designer from New York City, New York
Shakeerah Mcpherson

Shakeerah Mcpherson

Casting Director, Production Coordinator and Manager from Northampton, Pennsylvania
Audrea Topps-Harjo

Audrea Topps-Harjo

Director and Producer from Washington, D. C.
Alan Nettles

Alan Nettles

Director, Screenwriter and Playwright from Baltimore, Maryland
James Key

James Key

Author from Fort Riley North, Kansas
Chaela Phillips

Chaela Phillips

Actor from Manassas, Virginia
Alexander Barnes

Alexander Barnes

Screenwriter from Washington, D. C.
Aaron Dawkins

Aaron Dawkins

Director and Producer from Alexandria, Virginia
Stefan LaToure

Stefan LaToure

Editor, Producer and Post-Production Supervisor from Los Angeles, California
Tamika J. Spaulding

Tamika J. Spaulding

Comedian, Playwright and Producer from Chicago, Illinois
Kaye Jernigan

Kaye Jernigan

Crafty, Crew and Production Assistant from Atlanta, Georgia
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