University of Texas - Austin

University of Texas - Austin

University of Texas - Austin

University of Texas - Austin is a college located in Austin, Texas.

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At least 247 Stage 32 members have attended University of Texas - Austin:
Karen Melton Chisholm

Karen Melton Chisholm

Musician, Producer and Actor from Austin, Texas
David Tran

David Tran

Screenwriter and Producer from Austin, Texas
Jenni Withani

Jenni Withani

Actor, Comedian and Screenwriter from Los Angeles, California
Geraldine Mongold

Geraldine Mongold

Actor, Photographer (Still) and Director from Austin, Texas
William Stewart

William Stewart

Lighting Designer from Chicago, Illinois
Craig E. Carroll

Craig E. Carroll

Author, Researcher and Voice Artist from Manhattan, New York
Tynan Hansen

Tynan Hansen

Screenwriter from The Woodlands, Texas
Thomas Meek

Thomas Meek

Director, Director of Photography and Editor from Houston, Texas
Gary Howell

Gary Howell

Screenwriter from Houston, Texas
Kristin West

Kristin West

Actor, Line Producer and Producer from Los Angeles, California
Josh Botana

Josh Botana

Screenwriter from Los Angeles, California
Marla Dean

Marla Dean

Screenwriter from Austin, Texas
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