University of Toronto

University of Toronto

University of Toronto

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At least 92 Stage 32 members have attended University of Toronto:
Leanne Wang

Leanne Wang

Actor from Vancouver, Canada
Robert Kennedy

Robert Kennedy

Editor from Toronto, Canada
Kevin Little

Kevin Little

Screenwriter and Assistant Director from Toronto, Canada
Greg Jackson

Greg Jackson

Screenwriter from Toronto, Canada
David Robert Drew

David Robert Drew

Director and Screenwriter from Toronto, Canada
Joseph Nolan

Joseph Nolan

Screenwriter from London, Canada
Mitchell LeBlanc

Mitchell LeBlanc

Student from Toronto, Canada
Francesco Reale

Francesco Reale

Director, Editor and Screenwriter from Mississauga, Canada
Matthew Alexander

Matthew Alexander

Casting Assistant from Toronto, Canada
Kyle Parish

Kyle Parish

Actor, Assistant Director and Assistant Editor from Kingston, Canada
Steven Adams

Steven Adams

Graphic Designer from Toronto, Canada
Evan Laszlo

Evan Laszlo

Boom Operator, Field Recordist and Foley Artist from Toronto, Canada
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