The Stage 32 Videos: Narrative

Falling Through

Dying from a deadly computer virus, a virtual reality software becomes its own player and undergoes a series of near-death experiences in its last few seconds of existence. The source code which, without realising that it’s not a real person, finds itself locked up in the deadly vortex “falling through” into the abyss of total annihilation. We follow its journey down the rabbit hole, where the protagonist takes part in mysterious rituals, undergoes electrical initiations and meets the ghosts of its own instances, the signals of the rapid failure of various parts of code. When we lose the protagonist in the whirlpool of its own emotions and reflection at the end of the film, we ask ourselves - what happens to the code after it’s been deleted or made dysfunctional? Is such dysfunction seen as such by the code itself, and can it self-reflect and reimagine its own purpose?

Director Reel

Director reel that showcases different types of work within various genres.

viral trailer PG.mp4

Movie: Sex Addiction In The Viral Age - A Corona Virus Film Lead Line: A female epidemiologist working on the latest COVID outbreak is anxious about social distancing due to her peaking sexual addiction. We shot it with the actress in self-quarantine with her husband on camera. I directed it via Skype Video from 800 miles away, also in self-quarantine. Shot Monday, released the same Saturday. that was a push in post-production! Take a look at the trailer and contact me if you would like to see a full screener Full review at

Narrative Showreel

Gonçalo Ribeiro Showreel (Writer / Director / Producer) Music: Max LL - Serenata (

Trailer Mamma Dorme Short Film (Mommy's sleeping)

***Coming soon*** Mamma Dorme (Mommy's sleeping) Short Film Italy/Germany Length 12 Minutes Freely inspired by "La memoria nel corpo" by Antonella Sica Credits: Written and Directed by Daniela Lucato Photography Jacopo Pantaleoni Sound Editing/Mixing Federico Milanesi Boomer Lorenzo Bonarini, Francesco Cremonesi Musica Sergio Marchesini, Francesco Ganassin Graphic Designer Marco Piuri Cast Maria Grazia Mandruzzato Matilde Cremonese Emanuele Piovene Lucia Viola Zampieri

"The Letter" - short film / "Писмото" -…

A young man is about to write a letter to the woman he loves and even in unfavorable circumstances he manages to be creative and romantic. Written, shot, and edited by Tihomir Lazarov. So is the music. -------------------------------- Млад мъж възнамерява да напише писмо до жената, която обича. Превъзмогвайки неблагоприятни обстоятелствата, успява да напише романтично писмо. Сценарий, заснемане и монтаж: Тихомир Лазаров. Музиката също.

Creative Storytelling Reel

Creative Storytelling. Narrative features and short films I've written, directed, produced, shot, edited, or acted in. I usually do at least two of these jobs on anything I've worked on.

Peter Carellini Director's Reel

New Director's Reel! Hope you enjoy!
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