The Stage 32 Videos: Short

Seeing your vision trough music

I help filmmakers like you to elevate their vision through music. Contact me today for a consultation on my website,

Botching. Teaser Trailer.

Hacking a robot for fun or malicious intent is dangerous, illegal, and banned globally. Coming 2024.


The Strait (تنگه) - 2023 - IRN - 30Min


Experimental short film, video- performance, video-dance Directed by Sarah Avi Zalman ( Sara Georgieva ) Music by Tomasz C. Edwards Performer: Sarah Avi Zalman ,( Sara Georgieva ) Cast: Sarah Avi Zalman ( Sara Georgieva ) Cinematography by Sarah Avi Zalman ( Sara Georgieva ) Art director: Sarah Avi Zalman ( Sara Georgieva ) #videodance #experimentalfilm #shortfilm

This Side Up (Official Trailer)

A man takes on the care of his estranged younger sister after the death of their mother.


Raw Poet Film: watching how the limelight affects different people. Under the lights can be quite a tightrope walking experience. A remix reimagined.

A couple struggles to accept the inevitable deterioration of…

A beautiful mini-movie about the grave potential realities of climate change. Starring: Wayne Stephens & Darlene Tejeiro

THE END OF JUNE | Post Apocalyptic Award Winning Short Film |…

In a world without a future, sometimes the greatest act of courage is to let go and find peace in the end. Starring and produced by Wayne Stephens, Kathleen Dobbs, Directed by Steve Benisty

Botching. Teaser Trailer.

Hacking a robot for fun or malicious intent is dangerous, illegal, and banned globally. Coming 2024.

PARKED (Short Film)

Two friends waiting for their other friend in a parked car for a game.

LOCKDOWN (Short Film)

Three Students in a School Lockdown from a Stranger
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