The Stage 32 Videos: Writing

Sydney Lift-Off Officially Selected Screenwriter Pitches

Suborn Rose Pitch - 4:37 mark

London Lift-Off Film Festival 2023 Official Selection…

Bookshop Bootleg Pitch at 00:15 mark

Recording in Progress 2023 Highlights!

In December 2022 I began my first screenplay. Since then, it's been a year of writing, rewriting, submitting to contests, pitching, and sharing my work. I'm grateful for all of the progress I've made this year. Here's to reaching a larger audience in 2024! #screenwriting #unproducedscript #screenwriter #darkcomedy #horror #thriller

Location Description In Screenwriting - Craig D Griffiths

In this week's episode, we look at how to describe a location and we look at some professional work, including The Dark Knight, Hell or High Water and Parasite. To get 20% off your WriterDuet use CRAIG20 when checking out.

The 7 "Why" in screenwriting

Screenwriting T-SHIRT Books on writing (including free books) can be found here: There are a number of articles as well as more on the topic of this video at: If you want to reach out you can comment on this video or make contact via the contact form at griffiths creative.

New Recording - 11/20/2023, 12:13:14 PM

LA NEO NOIR FILM FESTIVAL INTERVIEW WITH PHILLIP E. HARDY & HOST CAREY WESTBROOK My Noir Screenplay, A Dangerous World of Possibilities, won a screenplay award from The LA Neo Noir (Film Freeway Top 100) Film Festival. On October 21, I did a short interview discussing the script and the film noir genre.

Gatekeepers in Screenwriting - Craig D Griffiths

Why are there gatekeepers. Well it is our fault, here is why.

The Killer breakdown.mp4

Phillip E. Hardy from Screenwriters Talking Shop breaks down David Fincher's new film, The Killer, from a screenwriter's perspective.

A.I. Ben Shapiro debates Blossom from the Powerpuff Girls On…

A.I. Ben Shapiro debates Blossom from the Powerpuff Girls On Taxes (Eleven Labs). As A.I. Ben Shapiro now works for the IRS, Ben Shapiro explains Capitalism to A.I. Blossom of the Powerpuff Girls after they receive a seemingly generous donation from Elon Musk for saving him from... well, you'll see.

Situation Vs Story in Screenwriting | Craig D Griffiths

Hi All, In this episode, we look at one of the first things we must address. Is our idea just a situation or a real story.

Fresh Approach to Screenwriting - Craig D Griffiths

In this video, we look at ways you can take a fresh take on a story or genre. Screenwriting T-SHIRT Books on writing (including free books) can be found here: There are a number of articles as well as more on the topic of this video at: If you want to reach out you can comment on this video or make contact via the contact form at griffiths creative.

From Idea to Movie (screenplay) Craig D Griffiths

In this episode we start with a simple idea and build it out to a film.
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