Hi Fellow Actors,
I am looking to help a couple actors on here and willing to build a few actor websites for free to get some new web design examples in my portfolio. If interested, shoot me a text or email me to discuss a possible partnership! Thanks!
Actor Web Design Examples:
(201) 380-1019
Michael Karpienski
5 people like this
Flagging this for my network.
3 people like this
Great, Sam. Would love to see if I can help anyone in your network! It's just me though, so I can only take a few volunteers at this time.
5 people like this
I have designed countless actor websites. From one designer to another - your stuff looks great!
3 people like this
Michael. you can experiment (building your website) with me. let me know how I can help and we can work together
3 people like this
Michael these look fantastic! I definitely need a website myself so I’m adding you to my network
3 people like this
These look really amazing! Wonderful job Michael, will flag for my network :)
2 people like this
Thanks everyone! If you are needing help, shoot me a message and I can see about helping you! I work with my partner (wife), by the way. She went to Parsons and I went to the New School, where we met here in NYC. We work on all websites together. She does front end, I do back end. Excited to connect with some of you!