Read a Good Book Lately?

Read a good book about your craft? Or just a good book in general? Share it here.

Sydney Summers
What’s on Your Fall Reading List?

Hi, creative community and book lovers! Hope everyone’s having a wonderful week! What’s on your fall reading list? I’d love to hear your recommendations!

Nancy Golden

If you enjoy fantasy - I hear the Dynamis series by Nancy Golden are a lot of fun ;) Alien Neighbors got a recommended review as well :)

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Ashley Renee Smith

My husband and I listened to that audiobook on a road trip last year, Suzanne Bronson! It made us laugh a lot. We really enjoyed it!

Annie Marie Burdeos

Last book I read was The Book of Elsewhere a one off by China Mieville who played in the sandbox of Keanu Reeves' imagination. The novel crosses multiple genres among them science fiction, military th...

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Ashley Renee Smith

That sounds awesome, Annie Marie Burdeos! I've never read China Mieville's work before. I'll have to check it out!

Sydney Summers

Will be adding as well Annie :) I'm intrigued!

Lark Anderson

I started reading Eragon because my son was reading it and he wanted to discuss it with me. I really did not want to read it on account that I have so many other books to get through, but I'm finding it really well done, and I actually like the author's writing style more than I like most other fant...

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Ashley Renee Smith

I never read this series, but I remember when all of my friends did and loved it. I'll have to go back and read it someday!

Ashley Renee Smith
From Blood & Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

I just finished Jennifer L. Armentrout's From Blood and Ash, then started the sequel A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire. This series has been recommended to me a lot over the last few years and I know that its popularity led to a spin-off prequel book series that is concluding with a final book this fall,...

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Lark Anderson

I haven't read this but I love the cover art.

Ashley Renee Smith

All of the covers in this series are gorgeous, Lark Anderson! This is the cover for the sequel that I'm reading now-

Lark Anderson

Ashley Renee Smith gorgeous! I am a pro at Photoshop but I don’t have the vision and I’d never think to make this.

Amanda Toney
Need some new book recommendations!

What's everyone reading?

Sydney Summers

I am reading "Hotel Laguna"! It's a historical fiction novel set primarily in post-World War II California. The story follows Hazel Francis, who moves from Kansas to California to contribute to the wa...

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John January Noble

I read Cyberstorm and I'm going to read The Noonday Demon

Suzanne Bronson

Lindbergh E Hollingsworth I love Education of a Wandering Man! Sydney Summers Hotel Laguna sounds very interesting. I am putting that on my list. Currently, I am reading Agency by William gibson....

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Lark Anderson

I just got done reading The Rise of the Dragon, GRRM's accompanying 'encyclopedia' to his world: A Song of Ice and Fire.

Ashley Renee Smith

I highly recommend Babel by RF Kuang. It was one of my favorite reads of the last year!

Debbie Croysdale

Picked book cos missed the lecture on it at university. Meaty prose opposed to minimum expletives of shorter sentences in recent modern fiction. Follows inner workings of protagonist’s mind in a bonkas sadistic dystopian society & smacks of sinister warnings for the future. Author highlights things...

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Brandy Camille

I saw this on stage when I lived in New York. Definitely a pessimistic but also realistic view of what the future could be.

Malcolm Johnstone

I recently read Down and Out in Paris and London, which I definitely recommend. All about Orwell struggling to get by in those cities during the Depression. For all that, we see a quite funny side of Orwell and his writing.

Simon © Simon

Debbie Croysdale On that Note- If you look for similarities you can see this one is a current event.

Animal Farm G.Orwell is the Pen Name

Manor Farm is like any other English farm, expect for a drunken...

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Debbie Croysdale

@Simon Thanks for info on Animal Farm. @Malcolm Thanks for info on Down and Out in Paris and London. I've got those two titles on my must read list!

Sarah Jane Mc Carthy

Great review, Debbie, I really enjoyed it. Nineteen Eighty-Four and Animal Farm were life-perspective changing books for me. Those, along with Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451...

Sydney Summers
What books are you planning to read this summer?

Hello my fellow book lovers! I am looking to see what books you guys have on your summer reading list or have read (and would recommend). I am looking for some summer day reads!

Sydney Summers

Hi, Jaye! Thanks for sharing these! I am going to check them both out :)

Mike Rembis

I just read Wild Conviction: Sixteen is Power by Mary Dezember. This book is incredible. Set in pre-civil war America, it focuses a keen eye on slavery from the perspective of a young white woman who...

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Sydney Summers

Thank you so much for sharing Mike! I will check this out as well. I hope you're having a nice day!

Ashley Renee Smith

I’m currently reading A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson, which is the first of a trilogy so I plan to read the other two this summer. I’m also reading Holly Black’s Elfhame series and the next book on my nightstand is Caraval by Stephanie Garber.

Suzanne Bronson

Just finished Chase Darkness With Me by Billy Jensen. About how a True Crime Journalist started solving cold cases using crowd sourcing. Now, I'm reading Agency by William Gibson.

Ashley Renee Smith
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black

Hey All,

I just finished The Cruel Prince by Holly Black. This series had been recommended to me a number of times over the years and I finally dove in. I’m not going to lie, it took me a bit longer than I expected to get hooked. I don’t think that was the fault of the book itself, I think it was mo...

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Lark Anderson

I love the cover! Simple, yet striking. I haven't read her work, but I might in time.

Sydney Summers

Very cool cover, will add to my list! Thanks Ashley!

Jaye Viner

I enjoyed this book but it was not my favorite, but I haven't gotten around to finishing the series yet. Sometimes things get so hyped they can't possibly live up to expectations.

Ashley Renee Smith

I agree, Jaye Viner. It's not my favorite book that I've read this year or even in the past month. But it set things up well for a stronger sequel and I'm actually looking forward to reading the third...

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Ashley Renee Smith

Agreed, Lark Anderson! I actually think all the covers in this series are really striking.

Brandy Camille
"Children of Blood and Bone" by Tomi Adeyemi

I'm reading this for the second time. The imagery is quite profound, almost cinematic. I was not surprised to recently learn that has been greenlit as a feature film. It's the first book of a trilogy, the third book due to be released tomorrow (I'm so excited to continue reading this series!) This i...

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Ashley Renee Smith
Fantasy Fangirls Podcast Recommendation!

If you're a fantasy and romantasy reader who enjoys series like Rebecca Yarros's Fourth Wing or SJM's ACOTAR and TOG, then you should definitely check out the Fantasy Fangirls Podcast! I honestly can't recommend it enough to fans of those series and the genre as a whole. It's super entertaining and...

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Fantasy Fangirls
Fantasy Fangirls
Two sisters, Nicole and Lexi, dive deep into your favorite fantasy books - talking about lore, characters, insights, and theories of beloved stories on the top chart podcast, Fantasy Fangirls. Current…
Jaye Viner

I do like those things. How have I not heard about this podcast? Are you a SJM super fan?

Ashley Renee Smith

I’m definitely a fan, but I don’t know if I can rightfully call myself a “super-fan”. There are some people who truly live and breathe all things SJM and I’m not versed enough to claim that status. Bu...

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Jaye Viner

I am not a super fan. But I did enjoy the Crescent City series. I know what you're saying about not being versed enough to claim status. It's amazing what people know, or have interpreted from the boo...

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Ashley Renee Smith

I completely agree, Jaye Viner!

Lark Anderson
House of Leaves - Comes Today!

I've heard good things about House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielwski, including that people Scooby Doo the crap out of it as they read, with notebooks to gather evidence and link connections. I am READY! I enjoy most of David Lynch's work, and I'm hoping the tone is similar. I'll post a spoiler free review when I'm done.

Ashley Renee Smith

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts, Lark Anderson!

Sam Rivera

Let us know what you think Lark Anderson

Jaye Viner

Did you ever post your thoughts about this somewhere? I'm hard into experimental fiction and this book was really something.


I read a book called The Autobiography of Santa Claus. I think it would be a good movie.

Travis Seppala

I have a LOTR-style Sant Claus origin screenplay titled CLAUS that was recently in the Top 25 of the Emerging Screenwriters Sci-fi&Fantasy contest.

Sydney Summers

I will have to check out this book!

Sydney Summers
A good recent local Los Angeles history read about the Chateau Marmot


I am currently reading The Castle on Sunset: Life, Death, Love, Art, and Scandal at Hollywood's Chateau Marmont!

It is been really good so far, and quite interesting. I'm about 1/4th of the way through. I personally love books with history and I live in Los Angeles myself so I always lean towards...

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Suzanne Bronson

That sounds like one I need to add to my list Sydney Summers too!

Suzanne Bronson

Currently I am reading, The Mirror Crack'd by Agatha Christie and The Natty Professor by Tim Gunn. Listening to Levaithan Falls by S.A. Corey the last book in The Expanse Series.

Ashley Renee Smith

How is the Expanse series, Suzanne Bronson? I loved the television series, but I haven't read the books.

Suzanne Bronson

If you loved the television series @ashley you will enjoy the books. I watched the series then got into the books. They are 500 pages a piece!

Pat Alexander

Yoooo this book rocks!! Such amazing LA/Celeb porn at times, it's an exciting read

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