Filmmaking / Directing

The place to discuss, share content and offer advice and tips on all things filmmaking and the craft of directing. From pre-production to on set practices to navigating the industry and beyond, this is your forum

Maurice Vaughan
TOMORROW – AMA (“Leveling Up Your Marketing Skills To Promote You & Your Projects”)

Deborah Gilels, Award-Winning Publicist & Marketing Consultant, President of LA Media Consultants, will be hosting a FREE Ask Me Anything in the Distribution Lounge on Oct. 30th!

Question Examples: How do I determine the best PR and Marketing plan for my project? When is digital marketing the better...

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Rolling Stone's Top 101 Horror Movies Of All Time

Happy Halloween week everyone! I really enjoyed Rolling Stone Magazine's list of their top 101 horror movies of all time. Jaws made their list so it has to be my #1 on it but also love the original Halloween and Get Out. What's your favorite horror movie on this list?

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101 Best Horror Movies of All Time
101 Best Horror Movies of All Time
From Universal monsters to modern serial killers, supernatural thrillers to slasher flicks - the definitive list of the scary movies that keep us forever screaming in the dark.
Maurice Vaughan

My favorite Horror movie on the list is The Thing, Sam Sokolow.

Billy Kwack

Hi Sam, Steven Kings the mist, I also like flatliners

Maurice Vaughan
WEDNESDAY – AMA with Deborah Gilels

Deborah Gilels, Award-Winning Publicist & Marketing Consultant, President of LA Media Consultants, will be hosting a FREE Ask Me Anything in the Distribution Lounge on Oct. 30th! She’ll be answering questions about “Leveling Up Your Marketing Skills To Promote You & Your Projects."

Question Examples:...

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Clint's new movie - Juror #2 - gets a nice review

Clint is such a terrific filmmaker. I'm excited to see JURUR #2. I love a great courtroom drama. My favorite ever is THE JAGGED EDGE. What's your favorite courtroom drama?

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'Juror No. 2' Review: Clint Eastwood's Modest Moral Drama Gets Us Thinking Outside the (Jury) Box
'Juror No. 2' Review: Clint Eastwood's Modest Moral Drama Gets Us Thinking Outside the (Jury) Box
Nicholas Hoult plays a man tapped to judge someone else for his own mistake in angry-man Clint Eastwood's unlikely yet intriguing courtroom drama.
Maurice Vaughan

My favorite Courtroom Drama is The Rainmaker, Sam Sokolow.

Maurice Vaughan
How To Set An Intention & Achieve Your Entertainment Goals

The filmmaking journey requires an immense effort with an endless to-do list, but it’s possible to succeed if you really slow down and compartmentalize your tasks.” — Derek Johnson

Any creative can use Derek’s advice. Filmmakers, screenwriters, actors, composers, makeup artists, and more.


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Sam Sokolow

Excellent blog - inspiring and motivating. I highly recommend everyone read this. Thanks for sharing, Maurice!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Sam Sokolow.

Geoff Hall
Geoff at Tribeca-Lisbon

It was only last weekend that I was at Tribeca-Lisbon. There was so much energy there, that I think I had elevated levels of dopamine!

It was my first Tribeca experience and the first time I’d been to a film festival representing a film. Sandra and I met so many wonderful people and I think there is...

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Eon C. Rambally

Awesome interview Geoff Hall. Great seeing you at Tribeca, with all the atmosphere and good vibes to go with it!

Geoff Hall

Eon C. Rambally thanks Eon. It was an amazing experience and so encouraging for the future of new storytellers.

Geoff Hall

Maurice Vaughan agreed, Maurice. With Stage32, we have the opportunity to learn about the industry in a deep and meaningful way. Onwards and upwards!

Stephen Folker

Looks like a fun time Geoff Hall. And cool photo. Which film were you there representing?

Geoff Hall

Hi Stephen Folker I was there representing Seeing Rachel. Yes, it was a fun time. Thanks.

Maurice Vaughan
Coffee & Content: Hollywood's Obsession with Ambition!

Stage 32’s founder and CEO, Richard “RB” Botto, shares two videos in today’s blog.

In the first video, Thomas Flight analyzes Hollywood’s obsession with the theme of ambition, by taking a closer look at praised projects that are centered around this theme like The Bear, and contrasting it with its...

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Maurice Vaughan
Scaring Up Funds: How to Acquire Investors For Your Horror Film

Brian Herskowitz and Tony Timpone share advice and insight in today’s blog that could help you get investors for your Horror film.

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Trey Alessio
The Connection - my new film

I just want to take a minute to thank my family, friends, girlfriend, screenwriting/filmmaking/Stage32 community and everyone who helped make The Connection happen. This microbudget, indie film was years in the making, and it wouldn’t have been possible without my amazing support system. I’m gratefu...

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Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations, Trey Alessio! I added The Connection to my watch list. Looking forward to seeing it.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Trey Alessio.

Maurice Vaughan
My Move To Los Angeles: Leading A Life To The Ocean From A Pond

If you’re thinking about moving to Los Angeles, I recommend checking out Stephanie Moore’s blog. She talks about her experience moving to LA and shares tips for what to do once you’re there.

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Oracle Laura

I'll check it out. I'm moving to LA.

Sydney S

Best of luck with your move Oracle!

Jed Power

Dan, too late for me, but if I were under 40 again, I would be out there yesterday.

Xochi Blymyer

Maurice Vaughan I agree. we are slow to get more incentives but interestingly some of the studios are building more stages. so they must be planning for more production on those lots. right? fingers c...

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Maurice Vaughan

Hopefully the studios are planning for more production on the lots, Xochi Blymyer. Why build the stages if they're not gonna use them? I doubt they're building the lots just to be building them. Do yo...

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Maurice Vaughan
5 Steps You Need Now to Protect Your Focus and Creativity

Maria Baltazzi shares five strategies in today’s blog to help you maintain creative focus and build emotional resilience during these uncertain times.

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Sydney S

Wonderful tips for this Friday morning, thanks for sharing!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Sydney S. I do steps 1, 3, and 5 a lot.

Trey Alessio
Don't Let Them Put You In a Box

What's up, Stage32 fam? It's been a minute since I've been on here. I've been in a deep creative zone for the past year and a half. During that time, I conceptualized a wild, unique, fun idea that's been bouncing around in my head for quite a while. I took my time, gathered my resources, assembled a...

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Trey Alessio

Pat Alexander it's a unique take on influencer culture and the negative effects of social media!

Debbie Croysdale

@Trey Congratulations! I’m really looking forward to this. Hope to see on festival circuit soon. Social media truly is a double edged sword. Who is really who? Too many now think a “friend” is a “blue tick” or “red heart.”

Trey Alessio

Debbie Croysdale 100%! Can't wait for you to see it!

Ashley Renee Smith

That sounds really interesting, Trey Alessio!

Trey Alessio

My film, The Connection, is finally here! Thanks for all your support!

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