Hey guys. I'm a screenwriter, but aiming to begin dabbling on the filmmaking end of things. I want to start off light using my phone. Are you aware of any apps that will be good to start with? I'm aware Filmic is a popular one, but I'd prefer one that I won't have to buy since I'm now testing the waters. Thanks much.
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If you use an android you don't need an app. The camera apk for Android 8.0 and up has all the manual controls built in already.
M L. That sounds sweet...unfortunately I use an iPhone :/
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Hey mate, just grab the FilmicPro app and go for it. I've included a link to the FilmicPro users group on Facebook. Once the page loads there's a small search window on the left to help you search for things. Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1493105134058361/
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Cadrage is a cool directors viewfinder that works with i phone. It has built in galleries for different types of camera/lens. For wider angle there are “clip on phone adaptors”.
Thanks a lot guys! Appreciate the help. I've been checking out FilmicPro and seems pretty good. I just might have to invest and purchase it. Debbie, I'll check out Cadrage as well, haven't come across that one as yet.
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Dang Dan MaxXx You would never guess that was shot from a phone. It's beautiful. Kind of fired me up to get into it!
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The image quality is pretty darn good on the newer phones but I find that the lack of lens control to be a serious limitation to visionary creativity,
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A good gimbal, adapter lens and some decent storage and yes, it's very doable.
Check out this article:
Ohhh! Good stuff, Eoin! Thanks for sharing, man!
Might be some truth there, Doug. Guess they can't be as optimal as the real deal, but for a beginner like myself, might not be so bad starting off small, and work my way up.
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YouTube has a number of videos looking at apps for film making Imo.
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True, it's always about craft but it's also true that some equipment, by its very nature, tends to shackel creative cinematic vision. Selective focus comes to mind. Some matters may be compensated for in post - some cannot. All in all, beginning with a phone is better than not beginning at all.
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Karen Stark I've been YouTube'n my ass off lol Found and bookmarked some interesting vids.
Dan MaxXx damn! To think that was the result of a phone. It's crazy that's even possible. Man I hope to be able to accomplish that in time.
Doug Nelson That's my thought process. Got to improvise at the moment, as I dip my toes in, then upgrade when I get better.
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I feel it depends on the type of phone you have. Some apps work better with some phones other app work better with other phones. What phone do you have and what kind of app are you looking for? Video editing apps, camera apps, recording apps...?
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I just want to recommend one site in particular for you - https://nofilmschool.com/ It has a wealth of resources from equipment to shooting tips. The guy that started it is stand-up and he has a heart for struggling artists.
Kehinde Adebimpe Team iPhone :) Filmmaking app? I'm settling in more and more on FilmicPro. Even some professionals speak highly of it when it comes to phone apps
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Jean Buschmann Thanks for sharing this! I've been trying to remember this site. Someone told me about it once, but I forgot the site and couldn't find the comment with it. I'm going to dive into the site and see how much I can soak up.
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First off, guy: don't be cheap. Filmic pro is only fifteen bucks. That's how I made my first feature. iPhone X; filmic Pro. It's fast and easy to work.
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Derek that's really cool to have accomplished that! Kudos bro. I get it may seem like chump change from another's eyes, but anything I purchase in US, is multiplied by approximately 7 when converting to my currency...so yea. While I'm investing in my interests, I need to also be mindful of my budget. I do need to eat, pay my rent, internet, school loan...etc :/ But...I'll soon invest in the app (^_^)
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In the UK it converts from dollar to pound almost equally but the exchange rate is relatively the same. Minimum hourly wage in the UK is roughly half the cost of the app. In TTB it works out around 100 TTD for the app as the exchange rate isn't even. The standard wage seems to start at 750 TTD per month so it looks like the app when sold costs a seventh of a monthly income. I don't know if this is the case Imo but if it is it's sad that phone app companies don't take into consideration a countries exchange rate and standard cost of living. It makes these things all the more difficult to access and that can only be a bad thing for creativity.
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Karen Stark That's the world we live in, in some instances. It's not bad here, but, the conversion rate does suck at times. Naturally, I would be able to invest in it without too much worry, but my obligations and other writing shenanigans soak up funds as well. Poetry and music are still something I pursue as a writer. All these things I dedicate funds to, and in most cases anything needed online for these avenues, would be in US, so the juggle continues :) But, with some money management and prioritizing, and sacrifices here and there, I'm making it work :) I stay positive. Hoping to soon abandon ship at my current place of employment, to another lol Once that happens, then you guys out there will be getting a lot more of my money lol as I'd be able to better invest in things faster. Your concern is appreciated. I'd have to visit one day and laugh about all this over wine, after we collect our big paychecks from screenwriting :D
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I didn't mean to be insensitive, Imo. I understand. I didn't immediately get by your name that you're probably not in the US. Well, there's always asking someone to help you out. That's what I do sometimes. Just a thought. You can do it, bud.