Hey everyone, I am a die hard filmmaker with all the right equipment and my main actors lined up looking to put a crew together to shoot the 1st part, K for Keepsake, of KARMA, a supernatural anthology based on karma. I own multiple cinema cameras, lenses, lights, grip gear, etc... Here is a link to our last short film, The Store (A Covid-19 Comedy) shot on a BMPCC4K with Sirui anamorphic primes, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4ABFjm9NP4
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Hi Chad, great to have you in the community! I'm Molly, the Screenwriting Contest Coordinator at Stage 32. We're always excited to see and hear about what you're working on. Glad we're now connected!
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Great to meet you, Chad Newsome. I enjoyed the film! It was funny and entertaining. Great cast of characters. The film was shot well (very clear).
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Hi, Chad welcome to the community. Your story, sounds, like it will entertain local audiences, I like the fact that you already have the camera selected etc. I think you won’t have any issue finding help, with this project SAG ? Indie film.
There an enormous amount of talented people in Los Angeles, local pool that you can draw from.
My only piece of advice, to write the story with the end in mind, and think of who will watch your story? Who is the audience or person, that would love to see this. And write for those people.
Best of luck to you.
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Hi Chad, welcome to the community, I like your visuals with sense of humor! You will definitely make it!
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Ashley's speech about being their smartest and most productive selves was very inspiring. And she nailed it when she cited the need for projectiles. Was a little disappointed that we didn't get to hear Tony's plan.
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Thank you everyone for the compliments and feedback, you guys are great!!! Let's connect!!!
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You're welcome, Chad Newsome. I saw you're working on an anthology series. I recently wrote an anthology feature script.
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Best of luck with your project, Chad!
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I couldn't help myself - I just had to watch it one more time. I crack up every time when Ashley says "projectiles".
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Me too, Richard Buzzell.
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My question for Chad is - when are we going to see the next episode?
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Seriously, there's potential here. This crew deserves another episode.