Hi everyone! I’m a producer in Los Angeles. Since the pandemic has made it difficult to meet writers, I’m excited to be on Stage32. I look forward to learning from and getting to know you.
Hi everyone! I’m a producer in Los Angeles. Since the pandemic has made it difficult to meet writers, I’m excited to be on Stage32. I look forward to learning from and getting to know you.
Hi, Amit. Great to meet you on here. Congrats on selling the two TV series.
Nice to meet you, Amit
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Nice to meet you Laurie and Maurice!
Hi Amit, nice to meet you
What are you currently working on, Amit?
Hi Amit...nice to meet you...let's chat sometime..
Hello Amit, welcome to Stage32. What kind of stories/scripts are you looking for?
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Great to 'meet' you, Amit. There are a lot of different ways to connect with writers! Consider emailing director of Script Services, Jason Mirch to learn more j.mirch@stage32.com
Hi Amit! Great to see you!
What type of writers are you looking for
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Thanks everyone for the welcome and advice!
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Please bear with me as I learn how to navigate this app/website! As for what I’m working on, I have too many film and tv projects to describe here. As for the what kind of scripts/stories I’m looking for, I’m genre agnostic. A good story is a good story. As for what kind of writers I’m looking for, I’m looking for creative and flexible writers that know how to both tell a great story and take notes.
Hi Amit, Welcome to Stage 32!
Thanks Sherry!
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Hey Amit! Welcome. You'll find an endless supply of writers here. Good luck navigating the app (there's a lot to do on here!) and hope you find some great projects to get involved with.
Thanks Dan. Hope springs eternal!
Hi Amit, nice meeting you!
Hi Paul!
Welcome to the site Amit.
Hey, Amit, welcome. You're in the right place to meet some outstanding, dedicated, and creative writers
Thank you David!
I look forward to it Izzibella!
Hello from Scotland
Welcome. Always nice to meet new creative friends here. :)
what happens now?
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Hullo William! Thank you for the kind words Miroslav.
Hello Amit, I hope that this pandemic has afforded writers to utilize any extra time to get a move on their personal goals! I hope you find someone to collaborate with :)
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Miroslav Trcak? are you Russian? I have script called Nikolaev it is written in English and Ukrainian. I have to do a rewrite for the Ukrainian market. maybe you would take a look at it?
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sorry Miroslav I have just discovered what the little red crosses are for. You are a Serbia sorry.
Thanks Noel!
William John Brown Yeah, you're right. I'm from Serbia. But always willing for a help and collaboration in the future :)
Amit Samuel Hey man! I'm an writer / actor and.. This one time at a bar in Santa Monica, I pitched an epic Sci-fi adventure movie and the result was ALMOST incredible. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cok92o_VOpU The video is worth it. Happy to connect!
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Wonderful to have you in our Stage 32 family. Something tells me the pandemic is spawning some very creative works in the making.