Introduce Yourself : Whatcha Working On? by Maurice Vaughan

Maurice Vaughan

Whatcha Working On?

Hey, everyone. My name’s Maurice. I’m a screenwriter, ghostwriter, commercial writer, pitch deck designer, Stage 32 Lounge Moderator, movie fan, sports fan, etc. I mainly write micro-budget short scripts and low-budget feature scripts. What are you working on right now?

Jody Parker

Just finishing up my draft of my pilot episode. It’s almost done. I’m thinking of the pacing already and considering cutting some bits out and reworking a couple things. Hoping I can get a couple people to read it and get some feedback to see if something resonates for the direction I want to go.

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on almost finishing the draft, Jody Parker! What genre is your show?

Leonardo Ramirez

Hey Maurice Vaughan - I've actually been researching and learning all I can about producing. One of our S32 execs even has a complete producing teaching program that I'm considering taking. Had to add my name to a wait list so we shall see how it works out.

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Leonardo Ramirez. That's great! I tried to produce two movies way back, and I had to learn as I went. If I had Stage 32's producing programs back then, it would've been a lot easier. You'll probably save yourself a lot of time, money, and headaches by taking that program if you decide to.

Maurice Vaughan

Cool, Jody Parker. I like watching Dark Comedies.

Are you a Stage 32 Writers' Room member? Anna Henry is having an AMA today about writing a one-hour Drama TV pilot. She's also answering general questions about creating TV series and techniques for writing for the small screen. Here's the link:

If you’re not a Writers’ Room member yet, you can sign up for your first month of membership here**:

Geoff Hall

Maurice Vaughan I'm working on my tax return today, plus all week I've been setting up a new production company, in preparation for Tribeca-Lisbon.

Maurice Vaughan

Glad to hear it, Geoff Hall! Are you almost done setting up your production company?

Jody Parker

Ooh thanks Maurice Vaughan. I’ll check out the free month.

Jody Parker

Maurice Vaughan the link to the AMA says it was removed?

Maurice Vaughan

Mini-courses sound cool, Leonardo Ramirez. Like filmmaking appetizers.

Amber Greenlee

Comic books. I have a web series with Keenspot, a weekly improv jam comic on Saturdays I stream out, a book coming out later this year, and maintaining my Patreon and socials, to make sure they update every day.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Jody Parker. Ok, great. There's a lot of perks in the Writers' Room:

You can submit your scripts to Open Writing Assignments (OWAs). This explains the OWAs:

The Coverage Reports are every Monday. WR members read a member's script and write feedback on the script before the Coverage Report, then everyone gives their feedback during the Coverage Report.

There's an Executive Hour webcast every week where an executive comes in and talks about the industry, gives advice, etc.

Pitch Practice is every Thursday. You can sit in and listen to members practice their projects and give them feedback. You can pitch your project too, but you have to sit in and listen one or two times I think. And you have to sign up to pitch. It's been a while since I've been to the Pitch Practices, so things might've changed.

There's a Pitch Tank in the Writers' Room, but I haven't been to them yet, and I'm not sure if the Pitch Tank is weekly or not.

There's also a Writers' Cafe different times throughout the week. The Writers' Cafe is like a writing accountability group/encouragement group.

The Writer's Toolkit. The toolkit has documents to help you on your screenwriting journey. Documents like scripts you can read, pitch decks, a query letter template, etc.

And there are other WR perks (I'm copying and pasting from the "Frequently Asked Questions" section on the Writers' Room portal page):

10% off Stage 32 Coverage, Consultations, Contest entries

10% off Stage 32 Next Level Education Labs and Classes

Annual members receive 1 (one) free contest entry per year

Surprise Perks including Free webinars, discounted Pitch Sessions, and more! The savings that you’ll get on the services pays for the Writers’ Room membership! The more you utilize the Stage 32 services, the more valuable the membership becomes!

Maurice Vaughan

I'm not sure why you got that message, Jody Parker. I just tried the link, and it works for me. Can you try it again and let me know if it works?

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations, Amber Greenlee! You're busy! You're the cat in the picture I posted. :D Do you have a link to your web series?

Jody Parker

Thanks for the great info Maurice Vaughan, it might be because I’m on my mobile phone not sure. I’ll try as well after signing up for the trial.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Jody Parker. Oh yeah, you won't be able to see the post until you sign up for the trial.

Geoff Hall

Maurice Vaughan hi Maurice, yes it is now legally registered and I’m just awaiting to hear from the bank about my application for an account. Exciting times.

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations, Geoff Hall!

Billy Kwack

Hi Maurice, a fantasy called the lonely. Going to start writing it after comic con

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Billy Kwack. Cool! Keep me posted on Lonely. Have fun at Comic Con!

Billy Kwack

Thanks Maurice, I will

Matthew Kelcourse

Hi Maurice Vaughan - this week was about tightening 4 "polished" scripts and a pilot (I never stop, it seems). Next week I'll tackle a complete revision of a mythical fantasy/adventure by removing the sci-fi and keeping it grounded :-) Wahoo!

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Matthew Kelcourse. Four scripts and a pilot. Impressive! Congratulations on the progress! Happy rewriting next week!

Maurice Vaughan

Step your game up, Mike Childress. Just kidding haha

Ashley Renee Smith

Maurice Vaughan, I dont know what this community would be without your compassion and constant support. We're so lucky to have you here!

Currently, I'm working on a fantasy book. Or at least I'm working on extensive world-building and outlining so that I can someday write a fantasy book. LOL!

Maurice Vaughan

Thank you, Ashley Renee Smith. I appreciate it. You're a huge part of Stage 32! Thank you for everything you do! Congratulations on the progress you made on your world-building and outlining! Looking forward to reading your book!

Charles V Abela

Maurice Vaughan Please reply to a genuine Ignoramus on this subject. I am curious on a low-budget script in terms of dollars, budget and the limited locations (e.g. one city, maximum four different locations? or whatever the number may be.)

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Charles V Abela. I don't know a lot about budgeting. I just use budget ranges like micro-budget and low-budget. It's usually cheaper to film at one location or a few locations than a lot of locations. You might get better answers in the Filmmaking/Directing Lounge (

Mike Childress

Ashley Renee Smith I call Maurice "Morpheus"! Pretty excited about my fantasy novel as well. Do you write in Word?

Arthur Charpentier

I'm writing a story for a book or comic book in the cyberpunk genre. This is a 7-part story, each with its own subgenre. The plot begins with a detective investigation, similar to the first season of the series Altered Carbon, and then expands to the scale of the series The Expanse with space battles and large-scale destruction in the Solar system.

Maurice Vaughan

That's pretty cool, Arthur Charpentier! I don't think I've read a cyberpunk book or comic. Yours sounds exciting! Looking forward to reading it!

Arthur Charpentier

Maurice Vaughan, Thank you very much!

Matthew Kelcourse

LOL Mike Childress - everything comes in waves, ay?

Mike Childress

Matthew Kelcourse Are you up for surgery?!

Matthew Kelcourse

Not this morning, Mike Childress. When lightning strikes, wake up and write :-)

Mike Childress

Matthew Kelcourse I am a Creature of the Night (well early AM really)! I was writing too, and also trying to figure out how to keep this script at 100 pgs... I am not quite sure Maurice Vaughan sleeps either...

António Monfort

Yeah Maurice you are multitalented

Mariluz Guerra

I’m working on attracting funds to my third movie “Body Stories: Marta & Fidel.” A story about the power of music to heal and connect

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, António Monfort. What are you working on?

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Mariluz Guerra. I remember you telling me about Body Stories: Marta & Fidel. That's a catchy title! I hope you get the funding!

Maurice Vaughan

I sleep, Mike Childress. Sometimes I can't sleep (like this morning), so I jump on Stage 32 or do something else.

Sherri ZImmerman

working on draft of SUCCESS AFTER INSANITY... film for the near future generations to remember though LIFE can be very very dark... there is ALWAYS a great film to help bring you back to center besides a FEW GOOD FRIENDS, YOUR PERSONAL SPIRIT GUIDES and the next sunrise RISING before you!!

"IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE" IS one of those films that helped that TIME PERIOD so MANY WOULD NOT LOSE HOPE, in what we call most horrible conditions in daily life!

REMEMBER, (seen in this film) what it would be like if YOU did not exist!

THANK YOU FOR STAYING ON THE EARTH WITH US... to offer your life passion, driven mission from the soul to help enlighten THIS world of form... (done preaching! LOL)...

Maurice Vaughan

You're right, Sherri ZImmerman. Life can be very very dark. I like to watch Comedy movies and shows during the rough times. Sometimes other genres too.

Sherri ZImmerman

I remember you saying that Maurice.. we ALL have to find what works for US... its imperative!

Maurice Vaughan

Exactly, Sherri ZImmerman. Like with writing scripts, making movies, etc. Everyone has their own way of doing things that works best for them. I mainly outline my scripts, but the next writer might jump right into a script without outlining, and both ways are fine.

Mike Childress

Maurice Vaughan As another chapter in the perpetual paradigm of procrastination I Saw the TV Glow popped up on Max so watching that now instead of writing. Getting Stranger Things vibes initially. Also re: outlines I think I write sans them now because I was forced to use them in school! I just start writing.

Maurice Vaughan

I Saw the TV Glow is wild, Mike Childress. I didn't know much about the movie when I watched it, but that's how I like it when I see a new movie. It does have Stranger Things vibes. It also reminds me of shows from the 90s like Power Rangers and The Adventures of Pete & Pete. Which sans font do you use?

Mike Childress

Maurice Vaughan Digging it thus far, my script is not hahaha. Sorry I meant to italicize sans meaning "without" from de French. I plan in every other facet of my life ( a lie...), but with writing Sacre Bleu methinks not! I believe it's exponentially easier to roll without outlines now given we are using formatting software even though I have not even touched on the capabilities of FD or Scrivener at this point.

Maureen Mahon

Maurice Vaughan wow, what a lively discussion you've started here! Glad to see so many inspired people. And I second what Ashley Renee Smith said about your being such a wonderful and supportive member of the Stage32 community.

This weekend I'm finishing a script that has taken me much longer to write than I'd anticipated. I'm feeling my way through the denouement. Then I have to go through and cut a bunch of scenes because it's currently 173 pages and I haven't finished the ending yet! Hahahaha! This is my first script based on a memoir. I was hired by the person who wrote the book - so there's an added level of pressure, making sure I'm representing her voice while still telling the story efficiently. I took advice from some people here and added voiceover - it's really helped.

Maurice Vaughan

Haha Mike Childress Your script is saying, "Get back to work!" But hey, sometimes watching movies is writing.

Mike Childress

Maureen Mahon Me upon seeing "...currently 173 pages and I haven't finished the ending yet...": nods in Robert Redford "Jeremiah Johnson" GIF I honestly don't know how you book adapters do it...

Mike Childress

Also Maurice Vaughan I watched episode one, season one of The Penguin... 1) Farrell is getting some awards, 2) This series is going to be GOOD.

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Maureen Mahon. Thanks for the compliment! You're a wonderful and supportive member of the community as well, and it's always nice speaking with you.

Congratulations on the progress with your script! I know what it's like for a script to take much longer than anticipated, but sometimes it's better that way. I remember I rushed a script back when I was new at screenwriting so I could enter a contest. The script was horrible, but I still entered it. Lesson learned!

Maurice Vaughan

The Penguin is on my watch list, Mike Childress. I didn't know Colin Farrell was Penguin until after I saw The Batman.

Mariluz Guerra

Thanks Maurice Vaughan :) I’m wishing you all the best in your pursuits!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Mariluz Guerra. Thanks!

Haley Mary

Currently, I'm working on my stand-up comedy material. I'm always going back and revising the jokes to try to improve them. I also wrote a short script about reincarnation. I was struggling with the ending for years, but I finally finished a draft this summer.

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Haley Mary. Congratulations on finishing the draft! I love watching stand-up comedy! When is your next performance?

Amanda Toney

Maurice, I know so much about you but I don't know much about your sports interests - do you watch NFL? Who is your team?

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Amanda Toney. Yeah, I watch the NFL, but I'm more into college football. I have five college teams (Alabama, Oregon, Army, Navy, and Air Force) and three NFL teams (Eagles, Steelers, and Panthers). There's a reason(s) behind having each team. When two of my teams play each other, I root for the team I like more. Do you watch the NFL? And who's your team?

Sherri ZImmerman

Amanda Toney... please check Stage32 email just sent... very important.

Ashley Renee Smith

Hahaha, thats a great nickname, Mike Childress! I mostly write on Google Docs so that I can easily pull it up on any device from anywhere when inspiration strikes.

Ashley Renee Smith

Your project sounds awesome, Arthur Charpentier! That's right up my alley!

Mike Childress

Ashley Renee Smith A LOT of novelists seem to like Google Docs or Word. I think once I figure out Scrivener it will be the bee's knees.

Travis Seppala

Right now:

1) 1st draft of horror feature script WENDIGO

2) rewrites of graphic novel adaptation of my award-winning historical horror feature script EDISON'S GHOSTBOX

3) outlining a horror found footage project for a producer friend of mine (sadly, on spec, but we'll see what happens if he digs what I come up with)

4) rewrites on sci-fi/fantasy feature script PIRATES VS ALIENS

Mary Helen Norris

Hey Maurice!!!

Right now, I just finished up a short script for a web series (hoping to talking more on that once things get announced). I'm waiting for notes on the first draft.

In addition, I'm developing some spec ideas for a couple of shows.

And I'm working on my next book.

Maurice Vaughan

Busy man, Travis Seppala! Hope your producer friend digs your Horror Found Footage project!

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Mary Helen Norris. Congratulations on finishing the script for your web series! Hope you get great feedback on the draft! What genre(s) is your book?

Mary Helen Norris

Maurice Vaughan it's a murder mystery

Maurice Vaughan

I like watching Murder Mystery movies, Mary Helen Norris! I haven't read a Murder Mystery book before. Looking forward to reading yours!

Mary Helen Norris

Thank you, Maurice Vaughan!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Mary Helen Norris. Keep us posted on your book and your other projects.

Arthur Charpentier

Ashley Renee Smith

Thank you very much! I like science fiction and I decided to write what I like the most. Usually, cyberpunk is a criticism of capitalism. However, thinking about the nature of communism, I came to the conclusion that it is a corporate monopoly. Therefore, I want to add to my plot an atmosphere of hopelessness and the dictate of power over people that existed in the USSR.

Leah Tibbets

Still working on my screenplay "Echo Chamber" I worked hard all night and am about to get some coffee before my 40hr/wk job. Going to try to get one more scene written before the day starts, not sure if I'll get the editing done until tonight though.

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on the progress with your script, Leah Tibbets! Writing an extra scene here and there adds up!

Leah Tibbets

Thank you so much Maurice, you're right. It's amazing what you can get accomplished in a night, now to just keep chugging along. Have a great day / night Maurice! You're a great person to have here on Stage 32. Thank you for all your kindness towards me since I've been here.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Leah Tibbets. Thanks for the compliment. Hope you have a great day and week! Happy writing!

Leah Tibbets

Of course, and you too Maurice!

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Leah Tibbets.

Travis Seppala

@leahtibbets i just finished writing a script called ECHO CHAMBER a couple weeks so!!

Sam Sokolow

This is such a great thread, Maurice Vaughan! I'm focused on running the Stage 32 Certification program to help people all over the world get the skills they need to work in the industry. It's super rewarding work. There's nothing like the feeling of making a difference in people's lives and Stage 32 gives me that chance. Creatively, since football came up, I got the film rights to a recent book by Gary Myers called ONCE A GIANT, about the 1986 New York Giants Super Bowl winning team who, now in their 60's, are still a team that takes care of each other daily. Its a deeply emotional story of life after being a chapmion. I flipped it to my brother, Alec (Academy Award-nominated writer and Stage 32 educator) and he is working on the creative vision for a documentary film. It was our favorite team when we were kids so I wanted to give him the gift of trying to tell this story on screen :)

Leah Tibbets

Travis Seppala oh wow! Great minds think alike, but hopefully not too alike ;) Jokes, jokes. I bet you have a completely awesome screenplay! Mine is a psychological thriller but I'm definitely not done, I'm still working on everything and plan to work on it more when I get off work.

Mike Childress

Travis Seppala When I first saw the title of hers I was like, "Oooooooh" hahahaha. Lips. sealed.

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Sam Sokolow. Yeah, this thread really took off! Hopefully producers, directors, etc. read about the projects in the comments and request scripts!

Stage 32 Certification program is a game charger! Congratulations on getting the film rights to Once a Giant! Catchy title! Can't wait to see the movie!

Travis Seppala

Leah Tibbets I DM'd you 'cause I wanna know! ;) Mine, though, is a sci-fi/horror - single-location in a basement-sized time machine.

Travis Seppala

Mike Childress Right? I saw it and was like "Whaaaaaaat?!" lol

Mike Childress

Travis Seppala When you posted yours I was like, "Hell yeah, cool name!" I feel like this doesn't warrant a Highlander situation though, i.e. "There can be only ONE!"

Leah Tibbets

Haha we were joking back and forth. I love his idea for his! It's cool seeing the different screenplay ideas under the same name. He had such a unique take on things Mike! I know he'll do great.

Mike Childress

New logline by Mike Childress: Echo Chamber - "A reclusive surveillance expert, and amateur screenwriter, must stop destructive echoes in time caused by a hot tub time machine located in a mad scientist's Buffalo Bill-esque basement."

Leah Tibbets

Haha. You are so funny, you got me on that one I like it. I love how you can come up with a logline on the spot! That shows how talented you are. I hope you have a great morning Mike, you sure have made mine!

Haley Mary

Maurice Vaughan I perform a five minute stand-up comedy set every Monday night at a restaurant/bar in my city. I write sets that are a mixture of situational and political comedy. I have enough material to be able to do an hour set, but there's a five minute time limit at the open mics.

Maurice Vaughan

How much do you practice your sets before going on set, Haley Mary?

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