Producing : Producing a no budget to super low budget indie film in our current Covid state by Johnny K. Wu

Johnny K. Wu

Producing a no budget to super low budget indie film in our current Covid state

Hi all, I am going to start this little journey post for anyone that may be interested, this is my current position on filming during the 're-opening' time for a scifi indie film. I will try my best to continue updating this post so at least some of you may find it interesting, obviously probably many of you are doing bigger budgeted film so this may not apply to you. :)

Background: I've been an indie filmmaker since 1998, and my actual background is having an MBA specializing in Branding, I see things a bit different than many other filmmakers in our State. (Ohio). As I have experience the opportunity to have many of my feature films distributed, I've always learned about 2 things: 1. Most of the time (either you have a named talent or not), once you have your film in distributor's hand, it can get more than 1 year to actually see some $ in, back in the days, it was much easier to see some ROI right away but now with technology making it easier to film and everyone's filming, it was actually harder to see a return fast, which is why many are doing self-distribution now (and this is the business end of distribution). 2. You have to find a niche genre to stand up now competing against all the different films being made every year, in my city, Cleveland, Ohio, we have at least 10-20 filmmakers making feature films at the same time, and so competition among peers is fierce.

That said, many of us hope to not only have a movie distributed so you have a 'track record', but as well as to hope to see some $ back (harder with sales agent/distributors, as they have a cap or can inflate their expenses cap)... So many filmmakers would make a feature at a no-budget environment so to mean no cost to hope to minimize expenses and opportunity to see some ROI after distribution would be greater. (after all the expenses a sales agent/distributors take out)...

For me, as I own a full time small video production company, that we have fortunately done many productions for small businesses and I also produces several large events in Cleveland. So that has been a good 'basic' income that helps me with bills. Unfortunately in 2020, due to the pandemic, all my events that I was asked to produce were cancelled and I all my video work got postpones lol Luckily as a freelancer, we do get back from all the savings and the State's support.

On gears I use for filmmaking, 50% of them are paid by through my video production business, and the other 50% are actually given to me for free from companies, as I do product testing for several companies that make these gears, so I get to keep them after testing... (this is to give you an idea what I have available here so why I can do a nobudget film as not only my gears are mostly donated).

in 2019, we did a scifi action feature film shot mostly in the fall/winter time (I like this weather for many reasons: 1. not many film during that season here in town, so I get to be able to have enough support, 2. I like cold weather than hot and I don't have to deal with fleas, ticks the like.

As I wasn't a first time filmmaker, and I've been able to deliver what I plan to do, I have gained a lot of people believing in me and willing to work with me for no cost as long as I feed them well, give some gas money when they to to travel far, provide imdb, give them a copy of bluray of the movie and promote them all, I managed to get many support and help because they believe in me and my passion.

So, you have seen my video for Wu Xia 2 the Code that was distributed as Immortal Combat the Code since Sep 1 2020. Sold worldwide and domestically, yet, the report so far from distributor is more red to cover (as they have to recoup their expenses like marketing, travel, design, etc, even thought capped but still it's first money out). I do not forsee to get any $ back probably for 2-3 years or never...

So for this year, I wanted to make another feature film, Wu Lin The Society, as I mentioned at another post, we wanted to figure out how to make people feel safe and being able to come film with me, and we thought perhaps the best way, is to incorporate masks into the scene/story line. So everyone will have to wear mask (clear ones) so they will speak through that, providing another added protection to cast and of course crew will all be masked as well.

We had over 100+ auditioned for different roles and we picked 50% of them from previous cast and 50% new people that we haven't worked with, to help expand our fan base, and crew wise, we had about 50 people signed up and we went with 70% previous crew plus 30% new crew for the same reason, giving them an opportunity to actually learn feature film production in a very organized way (yes, we have been told by many that our organization skill is way better than any indie film planned in our State).

Because of Covid, we have to figure out some ways to make sure cast/crew are at ease, so we used (you can create up to 5 free or pay 50% discounted yearly (when you first isng up) to get up to 25 total forms, and I can tell you, I love it, not only Jotform is easy to create, it also have a signature feature that you can get cast/crew/producer to sign.

So, we used Jotform to create the basic forms: Required Safety Guideline read (they must read and agreed on). Cast/Crew/Producer Deal Memo, Writer's Agreement, Location's agreement, and Prop Guns Safety Protocols. We also created a daily on set survey that each person need to acknowledge before entering the set...

In addition, we used google forms to create a Dietary Meal Form, cast/crew availability form, as well as the audition form and crew submission form. We then created a spreadsheet using the cast/crew availability form to spread out the filming (we filming on weekends only from Sep - Dec), once everything is set, it seems only 13 film dates with 2 days that will be 2 units, and about 5 extra back up dates as well as plenty of other days available in case we need to move things.

As this is a sci-fi action film, we have several fight sequences that requires training, so we set up cast to train with our fight choreographer via zoom first and later in person wearing masks, we also have wire-work, stunt work, and rain machine that we are building, so we plan everytrhing as needed to make sure it is safe, enough time to practice and when there are actions involved, a medic is always available. You can immaging how crazy the schedule would look like with over 50 cast that we have to coordinate. lol (Scheduling is a PAIN for sure)

Now, everything is set, we also created 2 crowdfunding campaign, in the past, I have successfully overreach each of my crowfunding but this time, I decided to just do what I can since 80% of the items were donated (gears props, etc). so I just post once a week, you would think that having over 4000 fb friends that if each contributed $10 I would have plenty lol but that isn't the case, in the past I would post every other day but now since once a week, I merely reach my goals, but I'm ok, it was an experiment to see if I do less how that comes out. 99% of the people contributed this time were friends whom already worked with me. the 1% were people who had seen my youtube channel and liked what I did and contributed. within my 4000+ fb friends, only 10% contributed. (which happens to be that 99% of friends) lol

So, we got a schedule done that is still being modified almost daily, as the schedule is a spreadsheet that include dates, cast info, location info, time arrival info, stunt/prop info (the basic), to give as much info this way than they keep looking for info all around (based on past experience), we made a cleaner spreadsheet that pulls data from the complicated one, so the cast/crew will only read what they need by column, and that has seen to be really good for them to follow through our ordeal.

FYI, we are very honest with everyone since while this is my passion and my project, it is them whom will make it or break it. So the more information I can provide, the more they feel respected and willing to adjust accordingly.

we also uses fb messagers for group chat and doing a weekly crew meeting (usually sunday or monday evening for a zoom meeting prior to that weekend shoot, to make sure crew are on same page), Also created some basic previz for 2nd unit so they can go in and out to get what I needed.

I don't do shot list as I have been successfuly film all my features with minimum of 2 cameras and action sequences with 2-5 cameras, so shot list CAN get complicated, but having zoom meeting helps refresh their mind (knowing that 90% of them wouldnt' read the script due to time and the environment we are in).

In addition, we recommend all cast/crew to go take the Covid test if they can a week prior each filming date (simple as everyone is working on everyone's project and we had an outbreak 3 weeks ago at two filmmaker's parties - over 20+ people tested positive). So we are dong as much as we can to make sure we have a safe environment.

So, we supposed to start production this weekend (Sep 18-20), however, one of our lead's father that he saw 2 days prior was tested positive for Covid, while he didn't feel ill or such, after consulting our medic whom also working with the national Covind team, our set doctor and our set medical rep. we decided to postpone this weekend shoot and asking him to get tested asap, if he is negative then we will continue as planned for the following week, if he is positive, we either postpone again or he can decide if he want us to recast... a tough decision...

So here I am, I wish I can include plenty of pictures here so you can see the process we do lol but at here, I'm sharing you our crowdfunding video that gives you an idea what we are trying to do.


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Johnny K. Wu

Morning, following up this post, today, 9-25-2020

We are readied to film our Day one, today's scene involved a stunt double getting hit by patrol car, not hurt, and continue the dialogue, finding a street that isn't much traffic and a bit of alley was limited to my resource but found a friend's parking lot/building that can make it work so we are happy.

Earlier yesterday we went and check out a 200yo barn for a fight sequence with wirework and have to figure out a way to secure the wires without damaging the barn as the structure and foundation isn't as safe, our team came up with a X-cross wiring system that secure with the four beans so not one is holding a lot of weight and so we can have an actor flying back.

So, tonight, we enlisted a friend's business to help with the patrol car that will hit the stunt double, and another friend to make the decals for it, and now we are readied. We plan to film with 2 cameras and the hit part first then all the dialogues so the stunt double can go home right after.

Tomorrow, another film day, about 12 pages of dialogue with emotions we will be filming at friend's house and street. This ought to be fun.

Johnny K. Wu

Dan MaxXx thanks :)

Karen "Kay" Ross

Love the GIANT sign for safety guidelines! #SafetyFirst

Johnny K. Wu

Karen "Kay" Ross thank you, we also did some sandwitch boards with the caution that we are filming and prop guns may be used, etc.

Johnny K. Wu

Last night 9/25 was a breeze Day 1, we did manage to miss calculated the sun set and so we have to adjust the script to make it so, originally all happened at night but now we are making it as all happened in 2 nights to connect the dots.

Some issues with filming outdoor at night with bmpcc4k due to limited lightning but we pulled it off, we also run into an issue using the two cameras and realizing the color size was off, it turns out (today checking it) that it was due to that both were using different luts lol

Today we are filming in 2 units, Unit 1 will have about 12 pages of dialogue and then 2 outdoor scenes, so we will start at 2:30pm with windows blocked out for indoor scenes then dinner and shoot the outdoor scenes. Unit 2 will do the same, they have more cast (7) with 6 crew, where as we have 5 cast and 5 crew. So Unit 1 is having Chinese while Unit 2 will be have home meal cooked by my partner :)

Here's a screen grab from last night.

Johnny K. Wu

another frame grab from last night (Friday, 9-25-2020)

Johnny K. Wu

9-29-2020 Update, so we finished then weekend with actors wearing mask and do their lines, it's not bad, the potential need for adr may be minimal but we will see when put it all together. Actors were much at ease, one of them is very much worrying about the virus and we paid close attention what we can do and what we need to do, we disinfect our hands before and after working with her, and making sure we do not touch her belongings.

We also contacted our police districts where we are filming to let them know, and they are all fine even one district was glad that we are filming and drove by to say hi.

We have a few stunt on Sunday as well, and did it all without any issue, our medic was at hand but didn't do anything. Not to mention, while Saturday went long and didn't get all what we needed. Sunday we got done ahead of schedule. We did notice the need to do two reshoot as we got some minor issues, so this Sunday, reshoot of one scene and following will be Day 4 (Oct 10).

Here's one screen grab.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Rock on, Johnny K. Wu! Glad to hear production is moving apace! Although I feel for your one actor - I hate it when my glasses fog up because of my mask! :-P

Johnny K. Wu

Karen "Kay" Ross thank you and yea, it does fog out in the center of the mouth... but the up side: it keeps droplets in your mask lol Reshoot this Sunday for one car scene that didn't come out good, so we are re-shooting that.

Johnny K. Wu

Past Sunday we did a quick reshoot of a car scene. It was raining so we originally opted for Gh5 with a weather sealed lens. But it stopped during the time of setup and so we changed it to anamorphic lens and got the shot with needed. Here is the frame grab.

Johnny K. Wu

This weekend (Oct 10, 2020) we will be breaking into two units, unit 1 will film different dialogues and scenes within one location while Unit 2 is filming two fight sequences which include some acrobatic as well as appearing/dissapearing while fighting (what we called it porting). I'll post some screen grabs afterward :) After this weekend, we have 7 more filming days and we are done. :)

Johnny K. Wu

Here is the setup for the car scene screen grab I posted earlier. We used one of the flex led from FalconEyes

Karen "Kay" Ross

Yeah, buddy! LOVE that lighting set up!

Johnny K. Wu

Tomorrow we start a long day filming for the feature, we will be breaking into two groups one to deal with 4 scenes of dialogues (11 pages) and the other team to film with 4 cameras of a 2 section fight sequences. This would be a very crazy day, we hope however to have it all done by 6pm I'll share some pictures afterward.

Wardaan T

I feel so enthusiastic after reading your posst. You are superb Johnny, you find out a way over covid, hats off to you!!!

Johnny K. Wu

Thank you. We are trying our best. I have anxiety so I need to make sure everyone on set is safe.

Johnny K. Wu

Dan MaxXx thank you, we should be done by Dec 20 (as we film only on weekends when people are available, we have another 8 more days to go.

Johnny K. Wu

Yesterday, we started at 9:30am and finished at 6pm (on schedule) for both unit, unit 1 had 11 pages and 4 locations, while unit 2 has two fight sequences. I am reviewing the footage now and they are good, here's one frame grab. A medic was on set to make sure no one during the fight sequence was hurt. We started late but got it done fairly fast. 2nd unit didn't start until 2pm but they got it through.

Tonight we got a small reshoot to make sure

Johnny K. Wu

Hi everyone, tonight we will be filming a 9 pages scene then tomorrow full day at a barn for a fight sequence with wirework. This will be a bit crazy but we will make it through.

here's our first teaser, you can find it on my video. :) or here

Johnny K. Wu

We did it, Friday night filming was great, no hiccups, and then Saturday fight sequence with some wirework, all came as planned and we finished 1.5hrs ahead of schedule.

Here's a bts pic

Karen "Kay" Ross

Wow... ahead of schedule?! That's amazing!

Johnny K. Wu

Karen "Kay" Ross yea, we thought the wire-work part may take a bit longer but it didn't and the talent knows their fight routines so it made it easier.

Johnny K. Wu

This Saturday is Day 7, we have about 5 more days left, Saturday is fairly simple with not much of dialogues but it is spread from afternoon to night as we have scenes that only night times... while it is long day, it should go smoothly.

We are also learning a lot on the cameras, using the bmpcc4k as main and GH5 as backup/fight sequences, it can be hard during post production, but we should be able to match the color tones, etc.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Johnny K. Wu How big is your crew? Is this a labor of love or are your talent/crew being paid? I'm asking only because it's broken up over several weekends.

Johnny K. Wu

Karen "Kay" Ross we have about 34 crew and 60 cast, and yes, it is a labor of love and so we decided to film it only on weekends, we have some people stating that the mask (from other groups) looks ridiculous but I think we are doing a bit more to protect everyone (since our state's covid cases doubled), and also it's part of the story, I am sure they are just not used of seeing people wearing masks in front of the camera all the time. While our distributor is enjoying it.

You can check out our teaser at

Or join our facebook page at which include behind the scenes pictures and actual screen grabs.

This past Saturday we filmed for 8hours with 5 scenes completed with police vehicles and such. It was smooth and no issue. We are taking a break this coming weekend and on Nov 7th we will be filming a snow storm scene with artificial snow (as there's no snow yet), it will be a night shot.

Here's a pic of afternoon cast/crew group picture from this past Saturday's filming.

Johnny K. Wu

a screen grab from 10-10 2nd unit.

Johnny K. Wu

Hi all, we are today going to film two scenes, one a basic one and the next tonight will be a bit complicated, it was originally set for rain scene where we will be making our rain machine, but due to the weather (even though it is 55 degrees tonight), and so for everyone's safety, we changed it to snow storm, so we got several snow machines as well as those instant snow items. I'll share a picture later (tomorrow).

In the meantime, our previous feature film Wu Xia 2 The Code won two awards at the Warner Media's subsidiary platform at the Urban Action Showcase Expo. We won the Best Action Sequence and the Best Feature Film. :)

Johnny K. Wu

And here's one frame grab from last night, we filmed a day scene and then the rest at night.

Johnny K. Wu

there are a few actually

Johnny K. Wu


Johnny K. Wu


Johnny K. Wu

some bts 1

Johnny K. Wu

bts 2

Johnny K. Wu

pretend to be driving

Tasha Lewis

Thank you for sharing!

Johnny K. Wu

Tasha Lewis thank you. :)

Johnny K. Wu

Amer Darwich thanks for reaching out, do you have any samples? We do have a composer director so I would be happy to pass it on to him so he can review. ;)

Johnny K. Wu

Dan MaxXx thanks, it is the passion of love for everyone, we also got fortunate to have a company that provides us the police cars and ems for the movie, everyone chiming in and putting their efforts to make this reality.

Karen "Kay" Ross

That's amazing, Johnny K. Wu and like Dan MaxXx said, it speaks volumes about your leadership!

Tasha Lewis

Johnny k Wu your welcome. Step by step and how it works provide an excellent testimony for all.

Johnny K. Wu

Karen "Kay" Ross thank you, our state's covid-19 cases has been increasing and so we have to be safe when we have 20-30 people on set. everyone wearing masks, everyone get checked temp while on set and we do daily surveys for contact tracing, while we are a super low budget feature film, we are doing all we can to keep everyone safe and of course to have the story of the movie to requires people wearing masks lol

Here's the teaser for it (shared before), and we have 4 more days to go!

Johnny K. Wu

And here's the 2nd teaser for our feature film, enjoy.

No filming until Nov 21 for a fight sequence, so we are resting and relaxing this weekend :)

Johnny K. Wu

Dan MaxXx thanks, I have two sales agents that I'm already working with so they may be whom I'm going to reach out first. I don't think this will be done till next Sep so I got time (for now). especially lockdown may happen soon in our state. ;(

Johnny K. Wu

Quick update, we got 47mins of the footage edited together, it's looking promising, this weekend (Saturday) we will be filming a fight sequence as well as a small scene. so that would be fun. While our state is under curfew right now,we were told it's ok to film as we have been safe on set.

Martin Reese

Nice article, Johnny.

Johnny K. Wu

Martin Reese thank you :)

Johnny K. Wu

Quick update, this past Saturday filming was great, at both locations, we finished an hour early at each. the first location was a fight sequence and we got it down right so it was easy.

Second location was just a quick dialogue at night, that was super simple.

Now we got two more big filming dates coming up, Dec 5 and Dec 19, both will have plenty of action and dialogues... so that can be crazy...

Currently about 6TB of footage in the hard drive... And 47 mins has been edited together.

Here are some bts from Nov 21's filming.

Johnny K. Wu

We usually film with more than 2 cameras to make sure we got what we needed.

Johnny K. Wu

So Dec 5th we filmed from 8pm till 2:15am and then pack and getting home I didn't get to bed until 4am...

But we have a bunch of incredible shots, here's the set.

Filmmed with 4 BMPCC4K, Synco shotgun mic, Mixpre-6II, Zoom F6, Andycine A6plus and C7 monitors, Sirui anamorphic 35mm and 50mm lenses. FalconEye's Flex 18TDX lights, GVM led, DF DigitalFoto's Camelleon's 4FT rgb led and Luxceo 4ft P120 rgb led lights.

Thank you to Midwest Railroad Perservation Society for allowing us to film there!

#wulinthesociety #wulinthemovie #scifi #action #feature #independent

Johnny K. Wu

Here are some bts:

Johnny K. Wu


Johnny K. Wu


Johnny K. Wu

So this coming Saturday is the final day (Day 12), after that just one small shoot for a small scene and we are done... So far I have 60mins of footage edited, and I think we should actually get 70mins total which is the requirement I was asked to do.

The last scene this saturday involved some dialogue and also a fight sequence at a bar with some breakaway bottles and such. So this would be interesting. We will start at 1pm and hope to get it done by 8pm. We shall see.

Meal will be just dinner with everyone having a Chinese that they can eat in their car so they can avoid eating inside the bar with masks off to help protect everyone.

Johnny K. Wu

Hi all, Happy Holidays!

Las Saturday we finished production for our feature film, it was a bit of a long 9hours shoot but we made it, now we are in editing the whole thing, we got about 66 mins rough edited and will get the rest done probably end of January with sound completed. 3 distributors already approached us to wanting to see the movie for consideration, that's exciting.

For now, enjoy one of the bts photo

Martin Reese

NIce work, Johnny!

Karen "Kay" Ross

Great to hear, Johnny K. Wu! So inspiring to see how you've paced production to make it happen! Can't wait to hear about January's update!

Johnny K. Wu

And here’s our official poster.

Johnny K. Wu

Hello everyone, so we got all the footage edited now, just have to start cleaning/fixing audio, then add sound effects as well as getting an official trailer out :) We already got three distributors interested to see the movie when it is completed, so we are heading to the right direction :)

Johnny K. Wu

We are pleased to present to you the Official Trailer for our feature scifi film Wu Lin The Society. #wulinthemovie #wulinthesociety #scifi #action #feature #indie #lowbudget

Shot with mostly 35mm Sirui Anamorphic lens and some with 50mm with BMPCC4K #wulinthemovie #wulinthesociety #scifi #action #feature #indie #lowbudget #sirui35mm #sirui50mm #bmpcc4k #synco #anycine #pilotcine

Johnny K. Wu

Dan MaxXx thank you, I see you edited the comment since the email I received has more stuff :) No worries, the whole film was shot with anamorphic lenses so it will have bars on top and bottom. :)

Daniel E. Hall

Am a bit late to this party, but just wanted to say this is amazing. Like others have said, this post/thread is really inspiring and motivational. Thanks Johnny!

Johnny K. Wu

Daniel E. Hall thanks for stopping in and read.

Johnny K. Wu

Well, a little update since last time (3 weeks ago) lol I have been editing and finally got the visual locked, but the audio part, I've been procrastinating... I think I just wasn't too keen on adding sound effects lol or okay, I'm getting lazy... So will start doing that again soon.

We do have a premiere date set. it will be Sep 18 2021 at a theater (if pandemic isn't as bad). we will know when gets closer.

Johnny K. Wu

Hi all, it's been a month since I updated you on this, well, nothing much going on here besides the video is lock and we are working on the sound mixing/design. we will have this premiere on Sep 18, 2021 and will send the link for you all to check it out and participate with us :)

Johnny K. Wu

thank you Dan MaxXx in the meantime if you guys are interested in the previous movie that we are doing a watch party for (cheaply). this one won several awards including Best Action Sequence, Best Supporting Actor, several Best Action Feature, Best Editor, and Best Cinematography.

Johnny K. Wu

Thank you. Hope you can join us for the watch party for Wu Xia 2 on March 27. Info here

Johnny K. Wu

Join us this coming Saturday March 27 at 7pm EST. Help me make this a fun watch party. #supportindiefilm #indie #scifi #action #movie #watchparty #funnight

Johnny K. Wu

Hi everyone, just to let you all know that we are still editing the movie lol it's a bit longer time spent but I'm not rushing it but it will be readied for Sep 18 premieres. The picture is locked and sound / score is almost there. very excited.

Johnny K. Wu

Editing Wu Lin - The Society

is such a challenge: in addition to 5-6 video tracks, includes 4 dialogues tracks, 1 ambient track, 9 sound fx tracks, 2 score tracks to make this a reality. All SFX are done on another project/timeline and then bringing it into this master timeline with nested sequences. Almost done to finalize the mix. 15 mins more of sfx, 30 mins left of score. That's it! Then to mix and color adjust accordingly.

Wu Lin - The Society is our current scifi-action thriller indie feature film, premiering on Sep 18 at 7pm at Atlas Cinemas Lakeshore as well as online virtual via Beem


Can I guarantee that this look better than Mortal Kombat? no lol but I can guarantee that this has a high production indie production that can go places.

#wulinthesociety #indie #scifi #action #feature #wulithemovie #nothollywood #watchbeem #atlascinema

Johnny K. Wu

Dan MaxXx thank you will check them out.

Johnny K. Wu

@Amer Darwich, thank you for being part of it!

Johnny K. Wu

So, we had a small problem during post: Adobe Premiere decide to do an update and screwed up with my lut setting as well as braw adjustment, so had to use the 2021 version and it's working but now the lut information is not 100% accurate and have to adjust a bit.

The good news, we are still good in scheduled to premiere on September 18! So if you are interested in watching this virtually with us, please consider blocking the date.

Finally, here's a special preview of one of the scene, with music composed by Amer Darwich A Stage32 member! You are the first to check this out, it is still processing for 4k (it will be 4k by tomorrow).

Johnny K. Wu


Johnny K. Wu

Dan MaxXx yea, youtube compressed those tiny audio. :( You win some/loose some lol

Johnny K. Wu

Excited to announce that the movie has been completed on May 31 and that we also submitted to a few festival since then and already gotten as a Finalist at the Action on Films MegaFest in August, will be there to represent the movie as well as other films of mine that are showing there as well.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Fantastic news, Johnny! Keep us posted!

Johnny K. Wu

If you are in Vegas. July 27-August 1st.

Join us at AOF Action On Film International Film Festival and watch our films with me. Here are the schedule More info at (links to order the tickets are next to each movie)

Here are the schedule of my movies at Vegas AOF.

The Prize (2019), trt: 8mins, preferred date/time: 7/27 2:30PM, action short.

Innerself - the movie (2018 feature) trt 95mins, preferred dates/times: 7/27 5PM, martial arts comedy musical.

Immortal Combat The Code aka Wu Xia 2 The Code (2019), trt 80mins, preferred dates/time: 7/30 12PM, scifi action martial arts. Ticket:

Wu Lin - The Society (2021), trt:74mins, preferred date/time: 7/29 2:30PM, scifi action. You can get your ticket at

Wu Lin Society Teaser 2 trt 2 mins 7/27 7:30PM

Wu Lin Society Trailer 2. trt. 3 mins 7/27 10PM

Theater is Galaxy Blvd Theaters located at 3680 S. Maryland Pkwy, Ste 182, Las Vegas

Johnny K. Wu

Excited to announce that we will have a Hybrid Special VIP Screening on Sep 18 locally at the theater and virtually for anyone else that can't make it to the theater.

Johnny K. Wu

Lastly, we have also just got into 3 film festivals as well as signed an agreement for distribution with High Octane Pictures, as they offered the best deal that is hard to refuse. :)

Johnny K. Wu

Thank you Dan MaxXx

Cherelynn Baker

This is such a generous post with so much practical knowledge! Thank you! I bet the "cap" on distribution cost was the best decision ...ever... Keep up the great work!

Johnny K. Wu

@cherelynn baker

the deal was really sweet, there wasn't any expense cap and that I also was offered to do 5 shorts 3.31mins films, it's all about relationship building and I think I built a nice relationship with the company.

Johnny K. Wu

Excited to announce that our movie just won a Silver Award in Feature Film at the Hollywood Gold Awards. :)

Johnny K. Wu

Join us at our hybrid premiere.

If you are not in Cleveland, you can join us virtually through and participate in the Q&A along with all of us on Saturday, September 18 at 7 PM.

The movie is currently in three film festivals and winning a award at one. And currently being distributed.

Join us. #indie #scifi #crime #action #filmmaking #premiere #feature #watchbeem

Johnny K. Wu

Well. We just won another first place award from the IndieGathering.

Karen "Kay" Ross

That's fantastic news, congrats, Johnny! You and your team must be so excited!

Johnny K. Wu

Thank you, definitely would love to have you all join us on the virtual watch, please consider, (Sep 18 at 7pm EST)

Johnny K. Wu

First review for our current feature film Wu Lin The Society is out

Check it out!

#society #film

Johnny K. Wu

It's time, join us virtually :)

Hey all, just throwing this out here, my latest film shot during the pandemic last year, an action scifi movie, support indie filmmaking. You can join us virtually by clicking this link, event is Sep 18 at 7pm est.

join us virtually.

Jim Harrington

Sounds like you put a lot into this project and took all the right precautions. Best of luck Johnny.

Johnny K. Wu

Thank you, hope you can join us for the virtual watch. :)

Stephen Cheshire

Good luck, if you want to talk to me please inbox me your details and we can talk!

Johnny K. Wu

Stephen, thanks, hope you can consider joining us virtually

Johnny K. Wu

filling it up lol

Karen "Kay" Ross

YASS!!! Way to go, @Johnny! COngrats on all your laurels!

Johnny K. Wu

alrighty, doing one more push for the virtual screening part of the premiere, please support or spread it out :)

Johnny K. Wu

a surprise :)

Johnny K. Wu

Hi all, it's been a while, I wanted to give you an update on this feature film, the distributor will have it released by Jan 2022, we will let you all know when it is out.

Also, the feature film got a lot of awards still racking up about 14 or so. This is the latest from Paris Film Awards. Congrats again to cast and crew of Wu Lin - The Society at the @parisfilmawards

We won: Best Director, Best Cinematography Shawn Adams, Best Editing, honorable mention: Producers (George Ron, Scollard Reinhardt, Aryavarta Kumar, Dan Hensel, Mike Oradini, Scott E. Brosius, Nick Muhlbach, Lisa Caraballo, Keith Collins II, Honorable Mention Actress Pauline Nowakowski, Honorable Mention Original Score: Aryavarta Kumar and Amer Darwich( AviozStudio), Honorable Mention: Sound Design (Johnny K. Wu)

Finally, got a call from Al Leong, a friend actor, whose in Big Trouble in Little China, Die Heard, The Last Action Hero and such, he watched the film and really like it, it's honored and humbled to hear him telling me how much he enjoyed the movie.

Karen "Kay" Ross

That's amazing, Johnny K. Wu, congratulations! OMG, you LOVE Big Trouble in Little China - that must have been such a thrill for you! What a great phone call to get!

Johnny K. Wu

yea, it was very exciting to hear him giving me praise, not because he like me (he said that) but he sincerely love the movie.

The movie so far has won 21 awards, I think we now just have to wait for it to be release and so everyone can see it. :)

Johnny K. Wu

Hey everyone, a quick update. The movie is now available on Vudu and Verizon Fios TV

Please consider supporting it at

Verizon Fios TV -

VUDU Fandango -

Johnny K. Wu

Latest trailer is on my video section.

Karen "Kay" Ross

LOVE that you're still updating this! What an epic journey - all on one post!

Johnny K. Wu

I have been directing people to this post on fb so people can see what we did and hope to inspires them to do the same.

Johnny K. Wu

Wu Lin - The Society is now available on the following VOD:

- Amazon:

- Apple TV:

- Youtube:

- DirectTV:

- Google Play:



Verizon Fios TV -

VUDU Fandango -

Movie was filmed with BMPCC4k and a scene with GH5 using Sirui 35mm and 50mm anamorphic lenses. Movie so far has been screen at over 20+ festivals and winning more than 15+ awards.

Support indie film! Please consider renting or buying :)

Movie was filmed with BMPCC4k and a scene with GH5 using Sirui 35mm and 50mm anamorphic lenses. Movie so far has been screen at over 20+ festivals and winning more than 15+ awards.


Set in 2050, with a society still living through the after-effects of a global pollution and pandemic, detectives Mendoza and Jones follow a series of gruesome and mysterious deaths. Their investigative trail uncovers a dark secret and puts them on a collision course with a murderous ninja and an evil cult, led by a vindictive woman hell-bent on avenging her husband's death. The detectives must race against the clock to put an end to the killings once and for all.

The movie was filmed during the peak of Ohio's Pandemic and has won 21+ awards, including Best Action, Best Director, Best Cinematography, Best indie!

You can read about our producing experience on

#indie #lowbudget #feature #independentartist #scifi #amazon #microsoft #google #film #roku #appletv+ #directv ##scifi #action #thriller #indie #filmmaking

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