So, I decided to turn my animated short comedy"Spring Break: Earth" into an animated comic book, by adding speech bubbles instead of doing lip syncing.
It's about three alien college students from Intergalactic University who get stuck in Florida during Spring Break.
I'd like some feedback. Specifically, for the following two questions:
1. Do you like the comic book look, or would you suggest I try adding lip-syncing instead?
2. I am thinking of making this into a series, with Spring Break: Earth being the first episode. I'm not sure what to call the series, but I''ve come up with the following ideas.
1. Spacebook (a joke in the movie)
2. Study Abroad (because they are on a study-abroad program across the galaxy)
3. The Mighty Black Holes (their mascot)
4. The Nebula (the name of their space ship they are traveling on.)
Any other feedback is welcome, too.
Just keep in mind it is a SUPER LOW BUDGET production because I did it all myself (aside from the voice actors.) I also used some AI voices, as well. I animated it myself, but I used AI to create the art for the characters and backgrounds, because I couldn't afford to hire someone to animate it for me.)
Here is the link: (It's 24 minutes long)
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Would love to have you a part of it Stephanie :)
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I will schedule it! :)
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Here to help answer any questions, best email for myself and the education team is :)
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Excited to see everyone today for our first session! Week one will be focused on things to be mindful of in the development phase prior to approaching Directors and Talent.
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Thank you so much for your insights about attaching actors and for generously sharing a few key resources. I'm in the process of adapting a work as a limited series podcast and have the ear of two accomplished artists; your webinar is informing our next steps.