Your Stage

This is the place to shine the light on yourself by posting your reels, loglines, crowdfunding campaign, personal blog, website or anything else you'd like to solicit feedback on or promote.

Richard Kelly
Producer-Are You Interested-Please Reply

Hello to all, I have Short Films I am looking for a Producer for a Micro-Budget Feature-I plan to put on Kickstarter, You can have access-I have an example of Rewards-Attached-Promo attached too, I can send more info to an Email, Please reply thanks....

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Graphic Novel Lit Agent - Graphic novel tales
Graphic Novel Lit Agent - Graphic novel tales
© 2022 Graphic Novel Lit Agent, All Rights Reserved
Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Richard Kelly. I’m a Stage 32 Lounge Moderator. I wanted to let you know I moved your post from the Introduce Yourself Lounge to the Your Stage Lounge because it’s just promotion. You can include...

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Eugene Mandelcorn
Where did my intro go!!!

I thought I had written an Introduce Yourself entry, but I cannot find it.  Do you also have problems finding your Introduce Yourself entry.  I think if no-one responds to your entry, it either disappears or goes to the end of the list, "the last entry on page 25," to be lost in the proverbial "blac...

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Eugene Mandelcorn

I think I found the answer to my own question? By clicking on Profile and then clicking on Posts and Updates, I found my previous Introduce Yourself.

Pat Semler

Hi Eugene. These forums are pretty large so, yeah, it feels like posts get lost.

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Eugene Mandelcorn. I'm a Stage 32 Lounge Moderator. I moved your other post from the Introduce Yourself Lounge. Sorry, it's been a busy day with Introduce Yourself Weekend. I usually post a commen...

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Isaiah Deshaun Harrison
Rom Com Question

I mentioned this in another lounge. I had this concept in my head about a Rom Com in the tradition to “ Pretty Woman” .  Starring Helen Mirren and Myself . If it was made would you watch ?

Isaiah Deshaun Harrison

Synopsis: Here's a synopsis for your rom-com "Smooth Operator":

Katherine Bolton, a ruthless British ad exec in Chicago, feels she's losing her edge. Enter Carlton Jones, a charismatic homeless hustler...

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Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Isaiah Deshaun Harrison. I’m a Stage 32 Lounge Moderator. I wanted to let you know I moved your post from the Introduce Yourself Lounge. The Introduce Yourself Lounge is a place to introduce/reint...

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Isaiah Deshaun Harrison

Oh sorry. Ok

Richard Kelly
Producer-Micro- Budget Feature-Please Help

Hello to all, I have short films I am Looking for a Producer to add to a Micro-Budget Feature i am Trying to put on kickstarter-including having acces-raising Funds. I have an Example of Rewards attached, and a Promo too. I can send more info to an Email-Please re...

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Graphic Novel Lit Agent - Graphic novel tales
Graphic Novel Lit Agent - Graphic novel tales
© 2022 Graphic Novel Lit Agent, All Rights Reserved
Richard Kelly
Producer Please Contact Me-Pleaee Reply

Hello to all, I have Short Films on I am looking for a Producer to add to my Micro-Budget feature on Kickstarter-they can have access-apply for funding etc, I have an example of Rewards and Promo attached-I can send more info to an Email-please reply-Thanks....

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Graphic Novel Lit Agent - Graphic novel tales
Graphic Novel Lit Agent - Graphic novel tales
© 2022 Graphic Novel Lit Agent, All Rights Reserved
Eugene Mandelcorn
Movies That Matter

I ran an International Filmmakers Organization for 20 years and a Sales & Marketing Company that sold films around the world for 11. Now that the major studios and networks are producing less and less product and hiring less people, it is becoming more and more important for the independent film ind...

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Mariia Rudenko
My debut short film!

Hi guys! So after your amazing support and very helpful recommendations I dared to try and shoot my first short film. It's very amateurish with a lot of mistakes, inconsistencies and flaws, but I put my heart into it, and it's my first! A big deal for me. Scared to share, but here it is -- https://y...

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Brightman Majiduh

It's actually funny and inspiring ..what camera did you use ?

Mariia Rudenko

thank you a lot Brightman Majiduh ! it was a selfie camera of iPhone 14 ProMax

Mariia Rudenko

my main question is what software for video editing would you guys recommend? Google gives million variants, but what is your experience?

Mike Boas

For editing, Resolve is a favorite among many filmmakers. There’s a free version.

Another free software I’ve heard recommended is Shotcut.

I’ve used Resolve, but I prefer Premiere, part of my Adobe subscription.

Mariia Rudenko

thanks a lot for advice Mike Boas ! Will check them out!

Mike Rembis
Having a great weekend yet?

I know I am. The pitch deck for my TV show LOW BUDGET made a bit of a splash. It is a quarterfinalist in the NEXTV Writing and Pitch Competition..

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Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on LOW BUDGET being a quarterfinalist, Mike Rembis!

I’m a Stage 32 Lounge Moderator. I wanted to let you know I moved your post from the Introduce Yourself Lounge to the Your Stage Loun...

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Geoff Hall

Mike Rembis well done, Mike.

Sydney Summers

Congrats to you Mike! Best of luck to you :)

Eric Lotter
Making prgress in a developement slate!

slate development feedback!

This is why I keep editing my spec. it just takes the right reader at the right moment.

this summary includes my “Why now?”

Maurice Vaughan

That's great feedback, Eric Lotter! You're right. It just takes the right reader at the right moment. Hope you find that reader!

Kevin Hager
Disney Dreams

I really need help in getting my ideas to Disney as a gift, I have ideas for them, like using fandom as a means of research of what fans want, and ways they can help steer kids and teens away from gangs and bad influences. Plus, my ideas of Music and Magic and Once Upon a Time in Disney would be per...

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Horror feature


Genre: Horror

Logline: A store clerk working the Graveyard shift tries to communicate with a ghost of a woman who continues to haunt him throughout the night.

Patricia V Davis
Stonecutter Media Acquires LYVIA'S HOUSE

Excited to share the news that thriller feature, LYVIA'S HOUSE, my first film has been acquired for distribution by Stonecutter Media. News here:

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Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations, Patricia V Davis and LYVIA'S HOUSE team! Looking forward to watching it on Amazon Prime Video!

Eon C. Rambally

Certainly excellent news!!

Patricia V Davis

Thank you so much!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Patricia V Davis.

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