Your Stage : Screenplay Selected for the San Diego International Kids Film Festival by Kevin Jackson

Kevin Jackson

Screenplay Selected for the San Diego International Kids Film Festival

I know this is not a huge deal, but SDIKFF is a festival I have wanted to participate in for yours, so this feels good for me. My screenplay for an animated series I am working on was officially selected. Just wanted to share that with Stage32.

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations, Kevin Jackson! I really like the picture. Hope your script does great in the festival!

Kevin Jackson

Thanks you. Maurice Vaughan

Martin Reese

That is outstanding!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Kevin Jackson.

Alexa Bisrat

Congratulations!!!! much deserved and wishing you the ABSOLUTE BEST! keep shining!

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg


Emily Burrage

Congratulations Kevin, that is brilliant news.

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