Screenwriting : If anyone has two minutes... by Tony Mcgrady

Tony Mcgrady

If anyone has two minutes...

I would love it if anybody could spare a few minutes to check out my latest first act script. Thanks :) Logline: Upon escaping from a psychiatric ward, a former spy attempts to uncover the reason why his mentor was murdered and the truth behind the Inset course as he is persued by the agents tasked to bring him down.

Tony Mcgrady

Thanks For the feedback Lis, if that's all you can find fault in my script. I'm well happy.

Tony Mcgrady

That's fine darling not bad for my first go, would love to read some of your work, maybe I'll learn a thing or two. Would be grateful if you could send me something

Rosa Lafantastica

And again I make the plea, please put a logline before you ask people to visit your page! :-)

Tony Mcgrady

Sorry new to all this. How do I go about that

Tony Mcgrady

Thanks mate, I support Millwall and bods thought our DEN was bad.

Tony Mcgrady

Yes of course mate would love to hear any feed back "Seriously" haha

Tony Mcgrady

Thanks Andrew for the positive constructive criticism. You made a lot of valued points " seriously " this is what I hoped posting my work on here would achieve.

Rosa Lafantastica

What I actually meant was to put a brief description of the material HERE, in your opening request. "Please read this story about x, y, z...." If you say "zombie biker gang fights off alien vampires", I'm not going to read it, and I don't want to waste my time going to your page. Think of it as an elevator speech. You don't want to just say to somebody, "will you read this?" People who are pressed for time or lazy are not going to go to your page to see what it's about.

Tony Mcgrady

Thanks, Ardua. I'll try to remember that. I'm a newbie to this wonderful site. :)

Pierre Langenegger

I posted some notes for you, Tony. I hope they help.

Tony Mcgrady

Feed back Thank you. Gone back in and looked at the issues you pointed out, it appears I've got to address a lot more than what you pointed out, and I'm a long way off from where I thought I was, but without your feed back I'd been non the wiser. I won't lie my heart sunk , with a kick up the bollocks as well, just for good measure. But thank you for taking time out to read it and point me in the right direction

Tony Mcgrady

Thanks mate I need a bit of loving at the moment. Lol xxxx

Manley Irish

Story sounds cool. I'd be interested in reading when complete. Although I agree with the notes you've been given, I feel finishing the story should be your first priority. It's a first draft, make all kinds of mistakes, but get it written. Rewrites are for fixing whats been done. By the time your get it finished you may want to go back and change the whole beginning. Get it done, worry later.

Tony Mcgrady

@Damien thanks mate, that's what feed back should be, not slagging you for a mistake like "seriously". But thanks for your kind words. @manley thank you, I'm 10 pages into the final act I've got the ending in my head very clear, struggling a bit try to get there tbh. But coming in spurts, haha not the dirty kind. But truly thanks both of you, just what I need to help raise my sprits.

Pierre Langenegger

I'm glad you took the notes the way they were intended, as constructive advice and not as an "in your face" put-down. The fact that you can recognise your issues and want to improve on them means you will go far. Well done, Tony.

Tony Mcgrady

No thank you, for taking the time to write some good feed back, like I said if you hadn't bothered I'd still be thinking I'm the nuts. Lol

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