A question for my fellow writers: I am almost done with my latest feature film treatment. Would you guys say it's not smart to start crafting and posting the logline before even a draft of the script is completed? I keep going back to the fact that having a logline already crafted is at least helpful in keeping the narrative thread of the story clear and well defined while I'm writing... what are your thoughts?
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I write the logline when I outline a script, Nelson Isava. Then I use the logline as a guide as I write and rewrite the script. Sometimes I rewrite the logline after I'm done rewriting the script.
I usually wait until I have a final script to post the logline on Stage 32 and other sites. That way, a producer, director, etc. can download the script right away if they're intrigued by the logline.
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I dont know how a two sentence logline is gonna help you execute 90-120 pages of story-craft.
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Dan...give it a try and see what happens. I use to think the same as you. Not any more.
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I wrote mine before touching the script. But, to each his or her own method, as long as you know the story in and out, and it has a semblance of a structure at the beginning.
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I just recently pitched my logline and Synopsis without a script. I knew when I came up with the concept that I would hire a screenwriter, however the logline and Synopsis reflects that fact. You can read it for yourself on my profile page. It's called "RAT'S" . Hope this helps you.
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Please let me know your thoughts.
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I think it's a good idea to keep that.
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Have the logline first I mean
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WME Story Editor recommends writing them before you write your script, and I can see why, it gives you a good blue print to go back to when you're lost. But I do tend to write a loose one when I'm coming up with an idea and then finessing it (so it's very different) after I finish
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If I know “The story” I can write it first. But often the true nature of the story is revealed in the writing.
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My log lines tend to fall into place as I am writing the story.
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before. always before. it can be refined after, but written before, proves out the concept and serves as the foundation and roadmap of your structure.
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If you have an idea of how to sum up your movie in a longline it’s good to write it down. You can always edit it later as the script develops.
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Nelson, I'm like Laurie in that I like to start with the logline before I even start the script. (I can always change the logline after I've reached the script's "FADE OUT" page.)