Screenwriting : Screenwriting and quarantine. by Andy Celis

Andy Celis

Screenwriting and quarantine.

Hello everyone!

What are you currently working on?

I don´t know about you, but networking has been tricky for me lately. I have always been an introvert and kept my work to myself. But ever since I started getting into the craft, I learned the importance of networking. So I started working on it. But then COVID came around and messed up my plans. Or postponed them, at least.

I would love to hear about your current projects and get to know you guys! I´m constantly seeing people here asking for feedback or simply for someone to share their ideas with. This is my way of saying, I´m your gal! Hit me up!

Michael A Cantu

My current screenplay, BLUE MYST ROAD just won at Horror Underground in Quebec. What screenplay have you been working on and have you gotten past the first act?

Jeff Zampino

Hi Andrea - Just completed my second screenplay (Plume Raiders - an adventure comedy) and am currently doing a two-fer. Been leapfrogging between a semi-steampunky sci-fi comedy and a fish-out-of-water comedy that takes place in Vegas and Iceland.

Sarah Gabrielle Baron

Just made a low-grade pitch deck for a reality-like show based on dating apps. Graphic designer I'm not. Need to get back to the violent pirate romance novel (it's kinda cool to give scrrenplay writing a break and give myself the freedom to just write and write and write and fuck 'white space' can deep dive all you want with a novel cuz that's kind of the point.) Thanks, Andrea. Good prompt!

Kiril Maksimoski

I've put all my planned feature projects on hold...recently wrote 10 page short from the wacky idea just popped on my mind and as can be noticed ( :) ) mostly networking for now...also applied for a local script workshop....see if I can develop something more of the things I've wrote so far...

Jim Boston

Andrea, I've just completed two outlines/scene lists for a couple of feature-length screenplays I want to get kicking on by the end of this month. Still got yet to flesh out the main characters for each of these two scripts.(And I've come up with loglines for five more screenplays I want to work on.)

Wishing you all the VERY BEST, Andrea! Glad you're here on Stage 32!

Thom Reese

I have four screenplays in process, all of which are at least two drafts in.

Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique

Just finished a new sports comedy and rewriting two older screenplays.

Stephen Thompson

Hey Andrea, I am rewriting an episode of Zero Gravity that I have already sent in as a pilot episode to a contest. I never felt good about the script but I needed some feedback. Now I think that I am on the right track. I just didn't know that my protagonist was going to be a cold-blooded killer!

Erick Freitas

I'm working on a feature coming of age dark comedy called "MAD SAD" about a goth teen in the late 90s who has to cross his bad neighborhood on Mischief Night to see his girlfriend.

Donny Broussard

I'm polishing up a feature horror-comedy script. Spending a lot of time picking through it and working hard to make it the best it can be.

William Schumpert

Have to short story horror anthologies done. Have them proofread and edited. Working on a chapter synopsis for my next novella. Should be out by the end of this year.

Craig Prickett

Currently working on a supernatural thriller with strong musical elements.

Andy Celis

Michael A Cantu You go, friend! Congratulations! What´s your next step from here? I´m working on a drama! And I´m just getting to the end of Act One. Thank you for asking!

Andy Celis

Jeff Zampino Congratulations on finishing your screenplay, that´s huge! They both sound great! The first one´s got me terribly intrigued tho!

Andy Celis

Sarah Gabrielle Baron Oh wow, that sounds interesting! I´m glad to hear you´re giving yourself a break and letting your spirit flow through your novel. Wishing you the best of luck and success!

Andy Celis

Kiril Maksimoski That´s wonderful! Writing shorts is particularly tricky for me so kudos to you! And best of luck in that workshop!

Andy Celis

Jim Boston There´s nothing better than having fresh ideas, blank pages, and new horizons. So happy for you! -- RESPECT! Writing loglines is so tricky. You rock!

Thank you Jim and right back at you!

Andy Celis

Thom Reese So impressive! Congratulations, Thom!

Andy Celis

Nick Assunto - Stage32 Script Services Congratulations on those notes! And on your determination! You got this, friend!

Andy Celis

Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique Nice! -- It´s always tough revisiting old stories. Wishing you the best of luck! Hope the creativity keeps flowing!

Christopher Binder

Currently just started writing the second feature for a two part adaptation of Paradise Lost.

Andy Celis

Stephen Thompson Congratulations on the breakthrough, Steven! Glad to hear you´re on the right path! It´s amazing when your characters finally present themselves to you, huh? Sounds like a cool story! Best of luck to you!

Michael A Cantu

Andrea Celis, I will be pitching it tomorrow, to a producer. Also entering into other competitions. Let me know if you need feedback on your screenplay.

Bryan Saunders

Hi! I’m currently working on two scripts for some contests. Would love to network I’m also looking for people to bounce ideas off of and get feedback on scripts

David P Perlmutter

Hi Andrea, I love the marketing side and use my social media platforms to do just that. I'm an author of true stories and crime fiction, plus social media books. One of my true stories is a book to movie project and I am hoping my crime fiction series will one day become a TV series. Many readers have suggested that, so I have designed a pitch deck and has been sent to my agent. I am wondering whether or not to post the deck on here. It's my first, so it would be good to get some feedback. Also, I feature books, movies and singers on my blog, I am open for creative folk to DM and I will feature their work on my blog!

Daniel E. Hall

Hello Andrea. I certainly get what you mean about being an introvert. I guess with being a writer, that invariably comes with the territory! Since all this (Covid) business started, I've been trying to coagulate some of my nebulous ideas and half finished screenplays into creations with a bit more substance. To this end, I have written about half a dozen proof of concept short scripts (10 -15 pages or so) with minimal cast and locations, that can hopefully be shot for not very much (financial) expenditure down the line. Anyway, great post/thread you started. Fabulous to see such all the responses. Stay safe and well.

Daniel E. Hall

Also, always happy to read and feedback other peoples work. Am actually looking for a screenwriting accountability partner who shares similar writing interests (i.e horror) as it can be hard to stay focused and motivated when going it alone.

Steven Michael

Hi Andrea. I just finished a contained psychological thriller called Empath. I uploaded the logline and synopsis here today. Working on a buddy comedy now. Thanks for the post!

Kiril Maksimoski

Turning heretical...I've decided to workaround some of my unsuccessful scripts into short stories. Just ended writing my first one, spend an hour, not even noticed it got dark...and I have dinner to make :)....I've been avoiding prose for some good 10 years now....but I guess could be I've been on a wrong track all along....kidding, I'll still hold tight to screenwriting, just experimenting along the way.

Andy Celis

Erick Freitas That sounds like a fantastic story. Hope to see it on the big screen someday! (If that´s what you intend to do, of course),

Andy Celis

Donny Broussard Horror-Comedy? You can be sure I´ll be the first person at the movie theatre when the film is released! Wonderful! Wishing you the best of luck!

Andy Celis

Bjorn Black Oh, my! An original horror story idea, you got me hooked! Wishing you so much luck for that contest!

Andy Celis

William Schumpert That sounds wonderful! Wishing you all the success in the world!

Andy Celis

Craig Prickett Ooh! That certainly sounds like my cup of tea! Would love to know more about it.

Andy Celis

Christopher Binder Beginnings are always the most exciting! Best of luck to you!

Andy Celis

Michael A Cantu Oh, that´s wonderful! Wishing you the best of luck! I would actually love to take you up on that, if you have the time, of course.

PJ Edwards

I'm working on psychological horror. Its been a journey.

Andy Celis

Bryan Saunders Rgar´s wonderful! Best of luck to you and your scripts! I would love that, message me whenever!

Andy Celis

Bryan Saunders That´s wonderful! Best of luck to you and your scripts! I would love that, message me whenever!

Martin O'Toole

Andrea! Networking's something I used to do a lot of in my old life, but haven't for some time. So I need to dust off my boots...

I've just finished my first feature; it's a possession horror with (I hope) a difference. It's called The Kitsune.

Andy Celis

David P Perlmutter Impressive! Wishing you all the success for your movie and series! Looking forward to seeing them on the screen! Regarding that deck, if there´s more to win than to lose, do it! At least that´s how I make each one of my decisions.

David P Perlmutter

Hey Andy Celis thanks! I may place the deck on here, it might not be perfect but, it has some interest. Today, I’ll be speaking with two BBC drama screenwriters who in fact wrote the first three drafts for the book to movie, Wrong Place Wrong Time! I’m also chatting on a world wide radio station at 11am UK, with my producers about the movie. Plus, I’m chuffed that readers of my crime fiction series have suggested actors to play my fictional characters! I will leave this world knowing I’ve giving it my full to make dreams come true!

WL Wright

Sophia is a detective in a big city and is forced by an Angel to figure out why people in her city are being brought to hell while they're still alive. Gerald has the perfect crime through a deal he made with demons and it's making him and Butch very rich while it brings earth and Heaven towards becoming hell.

Jeff Rohrick

Andrea - totally understand where you're coming from! Am finishing up one of several projects, and am trying to get more comfortable and competent networking. It's hard under normal circumstances, but now it's difficult to manage finding new ways to connect. Let me know how you progress! I've been a reader at several agencies and production companies and enjoy giving feedback on scripts, if you're looking for some mutual support!

Tristan Hutchinson


I'm working on writing a novel, so far 10 chapters are done and finding a literary agent.

Eric Sollars

Andrea, I write with my brothers and sons and we usually write about our childhood adventures. Mostly family oriented stuff. Not in big demand at present. Did three scripts this summer and starting another one about video gamers. I know nothing of video games, but what the heck. The kids and grandkids play them all the time. Must be something there to explore.

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