Hey folks! This is the official Lounge post for our FREE webcast today at 11am(PT)/2pm(ET) with writers and producers from "THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY," "THE HANDMAID'S TALE," and "INSECURE" and "SEND HELP".
If you have not yet registered, what are you waiting for?! Click here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85835047770
This will be an interactive webcast and you will have the ability to have your questions answered LIVE by the panelists. So start posting them below now and throughout the webcast!
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Is this webinar happening today? It's ten minutes after and it hasn't started.
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It dropped me and now I can't get back in. Technical trouble? Or too many people?
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I was wondering the same thing. I thought it might be a bad internet connection, so I dialed in to the phone number, but it keeps saying "the webinar will begin shortly."
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Same for me - says it can't process the request/lost connection
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No connection here also
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Is it working for anyone? I can't get in.
Same here.
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And it just disconnected my call too. Seems like a technical issue.
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Nope, can't get it. I was waiting at the beginning and it kicked me out. Haven't been able to get back in since.
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Is anyone actually in the webinar? Is it actually happening?
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I think we are "breaking the internet" -- sure hope if it is actually going it will be available on replay for all of us later!
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E. Amato, I was logged in and saw a message that the meeting was cancelled, just before it closed me out.
@Cara really!? Mine said I had internet issues. That's obviously not an issue. haha
can't get in either
Me too ,I got disconnected ..
Cara Rogers, I received error messages that seemed not accurate. Said I needed to contact "international help services". Guess we have to wait
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I just received an email changing the meeting to zoom
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Everyone check your email :) it will begin soon switching to Zoom webinar..
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Amanda just emailed a new link -- they had giant problems, but it just started, I'm in. Check your email!
Ok thanks Fahd and Eduardo!
I´m in now
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We've switched over to Zoom! Join here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85835047770 - Jump in now!
Good afternoon from Peoria, Illinois!
Hey everyone!
All of the NOs lead to the big YES.
Good evening from overseas
It's up and running now; they moved it so zoom.
Hi, I'm based in NM
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Folks - feel free to type your questions here! We will ask them live!
Thanks for getting us in this space :)
Love Handmaiden’s Tale- always relevant!
Hello from Long Beach, California
Good morning ALL, I am the author of "The Birth of a Movement." Just wrote my first pilot and working on a feature and short film scripts. Nice to meet yall...
Jason can you ask this for me: I have my eye on an actor, Cole Sprouse from Riverdale, to play the lead for my series, but I don't have an agent or live in LA. Is there a way to get a meeting with his team especially since after this season of Riverdale Cole will be free of his contract?
Hi everyone. I´m from Copacabana Beach, Rio de Janeiro, First time at Stage32
Hi everyone, I'm from London, UK. Glad to be here. First time at Stage32. I'm an author, hoping to get my book, Symona's Still Single to screen, because us Brits have great love stories too x
What an amazing panel of talent. Each one of these writers bring so much to the table and so genuine.
I love that everyone kind of stumbled into where they are now.
Omg I missed it. Will there be another?
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Monique, it's still going, hop in!
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Hi everyone. I'm Bella. Greetings from Greece, where I currently am.
It's so great that as the shows progress, the writing shifts to a collaboration between the writers, actors, and directors. So exciting. Does it ever become challenging when you have to continuously change directors or does it even interfere the writers at all?
Absolutely enjoyed all of the enthusiasm and advice
Thank you to everyone for their time. We have a solid community.
Thank you all! This was so great. Jason and Jamie are always fun, can't wait to hangout with John and Nina whenever they come to the Writer's Room. This was so informational, I'm excited to let my random deepest weird out! haha
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Fantastic webinar full of real world insights and all of the panel were inspiring. Thank you Jason! Good night all.
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Hey everyone this is Matthew from Brooklyn, NY.
It was nice to know that two talented and successful writers like Nina and John were once cut from the jump off because I had experienced something similar with my pilot script. Not in a "misery loves company" sort of way but in more of a reminder that "this is the business, this is the work." You just have to keep pushing through.
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If you missed part 1 of this, check out the Writer's Room archives! It's in the vault!