Success Stories: MAY'13 Hired to Make Pitch Decks (Success Story)

Maurice Vaughan

Hired to Make Pitch Decks (Success Story)

I wanted to share this success story with everyone.

Around the start of May, I sent a friend request to Andy Carpenter on Stage 32. At the time, he was looking for someone to make a pitch deck for his feature script “Keeper.” I sent him two pitch decks as samples, and he hired me to make his pitch deck. He was so pleased with the pitch deck that he hired me to make a pitch deck for his feature script “TOW.”

Two things I want people to see from this post:

1. This success story shows that you can find success on Stage 32.

2. People want to see what you can do before hiring you, so keep samples on hand.

You can check out Andy’s work at and

Strong Land
Strong Land
Strong Land is the website of writer and creator Andy Carpenter. A love for place, and the people that give the places a voice, drive him.
Billy Kwack

Awesome Maurice

Cherelynn Baker

YASS! YAY! GO! GO! GO! Over the moon happy for you! Keep up the work and thanks for sharing your success!

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Billy Kwack. Thanks, Cherelynn Baker. I appreciate it.

Abdur Mohammed

Hey...this is awesome!

Carina S. Burns

WHOOHOO, Maurice! Doing a happy dance

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Abdur Mohammed. Thank you, Carina S. Burns. Happy dance. :)

Brian Lajeunesse

Where can you find someone to work up a pitch deck?

Maurice Vaughan

Are you looking to have a pitch deck made, Brian Lajeunesse?

Colette "ByFilms" Byfield

Great news Maurice Vaughan!

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Colette.

Brian Lajeunesse

Maurice I have inquired at a few places. Trying to see what something like that would cost.

Iustina Ciobanu

Congratulations, Maurice Vaughan!

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Iustina. I appreciate it.

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