Screenwriting : Phillip's Monday quote from a really successful writer. by Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Phillip's Monday quote from a really successful writer.

"Good writers borrow from other writers. Great writers steal from them outright." ~Aaron Sorkin Who has influenced you the most and why?

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

For me, it's William Goldman. Not only is his dialogue always superb, his ability to concieve and craft visually stunning narrative stories like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, The Ghost in the Darkness, The Great Waldo Pepper and A Bridge too Far is second to none. The script for The Great Waldo Pepper is utterly amazing.

Jody Ellis

Wes Anderson remains an all-time favorite of mine.

Landon J. Morrell

Lawrence Kasdan, William Goldman, and Shane black for me.

Stephen Barber

Gimme the loot! Brian Helgeland

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

@JJ: Sorkin's done his job well then because top google searches all say it's his quote. So I had to search around; but I found Stravinky's quote, which is "“Lesser artists borrow, great artists steal.” – Igor Stravinsky Definitely quite similar.

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

@JJ: Sorkin must be an environmentalist because he's obviously into recycling.

LindaAnn Loschiavo

"Recycling" --- tee-hee. Good comeback, Philip.

Jack Bybee

Nature recycles - constantly. This (human) life ends... on we go - in spirit, Next. It's all a cycle, 're' is an afterthought. Refer to any (or most) books on the near-death experience.

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Linda: Thanks!

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