Hello, Stage 32-ers. I have a question for you all: I have what I consider to be a great idea for a screenplay. Having written a few already, I know(and so do you)what a great undertaking this is. It's months of time and hard work, blood sweat and tears. The issue with my idea is this: it's politically INCORRECT. Without giving too much away, it's a comedy about a gay person who falls in love with someone of the opposite sex, quite accidentally and in total surprise to himself. It's somewhat farcical, but it's got a lot of heart, and deals with the issue of love. Knowing that the whole idea of a gay person falling for someone of the opposite sex is politically incorrect and total taboo in Hollywood, should I bother even writing the darn thing? Your honest comments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance and God bless!
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A story of self-discovery, or an in-depth look at the psychology of love? There's a way to write it without being offensive, I think, and that would probably be the biggest challenge of the spec... but that's why we write. :) Edit; I think they're concerned about this film being perceived as anti-gay. That would be my big concern, certainly.
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Umm, I think I'm missing something. Where's the politically incorrect aspect? Somebody falls in love with a gender they weren't previously attracted to, so what? I'm pretty sure it's been done before.
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I don't think it's politically incorrect. There are movies about straight people pretending to be gay, I don't see why this would offend anyone. If it does, who cares. Someone is always offended by something nowadays. I've also seen several shows on TV where gay people had hetero trysts. I think you're fine. Write your story. Good luck.
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Not sure what's politically incorrect about this. And you shouldn't censor yourself.
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a pansexual romance. why not?
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@Heidi is exactly right. Don't censor yourself. Not unless you've got a paid gig with the Disney Channel. Write freely!
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Write your story, man. Politics has nothing to do with love...unless you make it so.
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Why do you think the idea of a gay person falling in love with someone of the opposite sex is totally taboo in Hollywood?
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Thanks for your answers. Why is it politically incorrect? Well, to put it frankly, there is a large segment of the gay population which feels that people are born gay, so a film about a gay person "switching" is sure to be controversial and turned down by Hollywood. I MYSELF don't think the subject is politically incorrect at ALL, however, I think we all realize the world we are aiming to enter(HOLLYWOOD) would find this to be anathema. LOL. I will leave it at that. Thanks again for your suggestions, my friends!
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Huh? Politically incorrect? Totally taboo? Anathema? That's a bit much, no? Jaime, you're making big assumptions and perhaps overgeneralizing "Hollywood." Just write your story — about a person who falls for someone unexpected. :) Best to you!
Sure it could be partially or totally politically incorrect - if you make your story and its world/climate, or attitude, or characters politically incorrect or offensive. You're the writer, and you're creating the world - rightly or wrongly, truthfully or inaccurately. Human sexuality is not static. People may switch orientations never/rarely/sometimes/frequently. The topic of one person switching orientations is not politically incorrect or offensive in and of itself (unless if you lived in societies that consider that offensive, or even illegal.) But the way the writer deals with the topic - and the characters, and the attitude/world/tone/theme - will determine how politically incorrect (and even offensive) it may end up being.
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“I think we all realize the world we are aiming to enter would find this to be anathema”. I don’t agree with your assumption at all and please don’t include me in your “we all realize” generalization, Jaime.
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And I just hate that term "politically correct". It's a euphemism for "since I can't tell my real opinion and potentially offend a segment of the audience...I'll lie in a way so that nobody gets offended!" George Carlin, Richard Pryor, Amy Poehler, and Sarah Silverman, among many other great artists, would never stoop to such turd-like grounds. Artists having to be politically correct? That's facism, man. "Oh - Hitler's here tonight...can't tell any short people with bad mustache and inferiority complex jokes!"
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It's all in how you tell the story.
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Write it without apology. Political Correctness demands mediocrity.
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Nothing wrong with being Bi-sexual. Write it.
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It already has a realistic ring, and that will make it appealing. Write it. Take life and make it into art.
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Bill you are wrong. Political correctness is here to protect the vulnerable from aholes who have had free reign for too long to hurt whoever they like. I'm not sure George Carling was ever politically incorrect. He cared about people and that's what political correctness is here for.
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No matter what you write about - write it well told, entertaining and touching and everybody will love your script/film. All the best for you!
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If you want to write about something that isn't politically correct go for it, but don't do it just to do it. Being offensive should always have a purpose of some kind. However just remember that people will do anything to stop those they disagree with.
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Willaim Dipietra do you even know what PC is? It's not about swearing or talking straight. Did George Carlin ever grab a woman's arse on stage and call her sweet cheeks? Did George ever ever mimic a "retard's" motion like Trump did in mockery? Did he ever kick a dog? Did he ever call a homosexual man a faggot? The joke is on you.
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thanks, Beth!
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Cherie - I don't know what your definition of "political correctness" is, but I think it's pretty well understood that the definition relates to not using language or behavior that could offend a group or subgroup of people. George Carlin was probably the master of political incorrectness. Just looking at one of his books here...he makes fun of/offends/observes bad drivers...idiots...young people...people with low self-esteem....causes that have ribbons...parents...sitcoms...grief-stricken women....tree huggers....single dads...and that's just the first twelve pages. It's no wonder why so many comedians - from Chris Rock to Jerry Seinfeld - refuse to do stand-up on college campuses that are smothered in self-serving politically correct micro-aggressive climates.
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Aristotle knew all of the basic elements of storytelling over two thousand years ago. It hasn't stopped writers from concocting new twists in them. It's about motivation, character development, conflict, and contrast. Just write the story.
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Write it! ;-)
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Agreed. Reach!
I think provocation is good, but if your point comes across (audiences understand the "political incorrect" argument) than you have to accept the bad feedback from those opposed to it. I am honestly more interested in something that is political incorrect as long as there is some thruth in it. :D
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What would those on the side of Political Correctness call a "Cigar Store Indian" aka a "Wooden Indian"? They've been part of Americana for centuries. Are they now "Cigar Store Native Americans" or "Wooden Indigenous American People"? I used one in my latest screenplay. I also use a sign that read: SALE OF LIQUOR TO INDIANS IS PROHIBITED. Both props went to the conflict between a Native American Medicine man and his irreverent son who owned a trading post in the North Woods. I guess my question is, "Do we misrepresent what took place in the past in order to promote political correctness"?
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Good point, Patrick. We shouldn't misrepresent, ignore or alter history just because we think it might offend people but when we bring up a sensitive element, it needs to be done with tact, diplomacy and respect.
You mean life isn't a bowl of cherries anymore... It's a bowl of oatmeal.
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Proceed sir!
I love politically incorrect. Another way of saying that is I hate politically correct nonsense. It's raises weak people. Don't let Hollywood fool you, do you really think the power players do not want to make money. A true tested fact. If it's good someone will by it.
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I think it could perhaps rub some people the wrong way especially the way people treat gay men, saying they have a choice BUT it doesn't have to read that way. For example some people think they are gay to realise they are actually bi the same way straight people realise they are bisexual so if that's your angle I think it would be good since bisexual men aren't well represented in media. But I am not part of the LGBT community so if you do know any gay people I'd talk with them and get some more views. As long as you don't support the idea that a gay person can be "turned" straight I think it should be okay. And while Hollywood executives may not out rightly reject the idea, understand the LGBT community is very vocal about misrepresentation of themselves, and rightly so, I mean just look at the flop that was Stonewall . . .
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Political correctness is language control, and language control is thought control. I say resist. Yes, we need filters to be civilized. No excuse for being a jerk. But we should not let ourselves be coerced into filters that make us dishonest. I like what Paul says, speak the truth in love. Best of both worlds.
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Please write this so I can someday watch it!
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This sounds like it could be all about identity and understanding of ones self, since the main character might discover they're Bi-sexual you could have them meet a Trans-person. As long as you cover the topic with an understanding and don't go for stereotypes people will always respond to it. Except for the people who be offended at anything, there's nothing you can do for them.
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Political correctness kills movie making and storytelling. If your character is a bigot. A hater of blacks, gays whites-that is your character. In storytelling we care about THE TRUTH. Joe Bell doesn't know what he's talking about. We need no filters.
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If you really want to write it, do it! :)