Screenwriting : Short Film Structure by Aamir Anjum

Aamir Anjum

Short Film Structure

Hi fellow writers, I have written two shorts and have failed at getting the structure right. Can some one help me out with the structure for a short film script ?

Shawn Speake

Hey, Aamir! Do you know structure for a Feature?

Philip Sedgwick

No matter how long the script, a beginning, middle and end. I've seen many shorts submitted to festivals that are pretty much a single scene. Get it started, flesh it out, pay it off, leave the readers (and ultimately the viewers) more than satisfied. As Shawn points out, it's the same structure as a feature. Just shorter.

John Forrest

Same as a feature. Difference might be that in a short you should have a much smaller and tighter time line for your story to take place. Less scenes, less settings, a lot of times there are less characters. Other than that, the structure should remain the same.

Philip Sedgwick

PS... and leave them wanting more!

Aamir Anjum
Shawn , Philip, John - Yes, I am aware of a feature's structure. For my short I tried to write the third and fourth draft as per " Save the cat " - Beat sheet. The film ended up more as a collage of different shots rather than a coherent narrative. I think that the beat sheet is not meant for this format of storytelling. As every one above mentions a reference to the feature script, I after failing at two films primarily because of poor structuring, think that using a feature structure for a 10 minute short is not a practical solution. Currently I have written a 12 page short, suggest the page numbers as per you the acts should finish. Inciting incident is on page one .
Philip Sedgwick

It really is the same formula, cut to fit the shorter format. Inciting incident in a short on page one is more than fine.

Stephen Scheboth

I would agree with what everyone else is saying. Most stories, not just scripts, follow a similar formula and it can be applied at any length. Have you let any other writers look at it for you while following along with the beat sheet? Maybe a new set of eyes can help bring coherence you feel you're missing.

Tracy Blake

I will look at it and help you if you need help.

Erik Grossman

Shorts are tough because you don't get the leeway to let things "simmer". The key, I believe, is to keep whatever you're trying to do SIMPLE. A simple character has a simple want, and a simple obstacle in their way. And by simple, I mean easy to digest and understand for the viewer.

Craig D Griffiths

Shorts get a single concept across normally. There is no real structure. I've done some 10 page, 2 page etc. Just get to the end, with as much conflict and challenge as possible.

Regina Lee

Agree with the helpful folks above who have said that short film structure varies and has no standard. Some short films have a condensed 3-act structure (beginning, middle, end), while other equally valid shorts could be a single scene. You could shoot a horror-comedy short about a zombie dancing across the street. Maybe that's a one-shot short. You could shoot a different version of the zombie deciding to walk across the street (beginning), walking (middle), and then getting hit by a party bus (end). There's no standard when it comes to shorts.

Tony Cella

I'd be happy to take a look at them and offer some critique if you'll do the same in kind. My email address is

Aamir Anjum

I partially agree with Erik on the angle of " Keeping it Simple" . This was the problem of my first script. Thanks all for your valuable inputs .

Danny Manus

have a beginning, middle and end. thats aboit all the structure you need in a short. just tell a story.

M L.

The biggest challenge with short films is how to end it. Some bad short films have no ending. They just stop. And it's all too obvious that it's a scene from something larger. A really good short film has a really good ending. Usually a twist of some kind. Also, keep it really short. Festivals don't like anything over 7 minutes typically.

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